I expect next things with monk revamp, but we don't it=)

Unharmed damage:
X[yDz] - damage. Wraps don't affect on crit range and crit multiplier.
X - we get from wraps, and other sources.
yDz - determine with monk level. Some enhances, stances and feat affect on this. Check monk progression for 3.5: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/monk.htm .

I really want see next things:
Improved Natural Attack - increase yDz. Yes, in 3.5 monk unharmed strike consider natural and manufactured weapon.
Beast Strike - way to add claw damage to unharmed strike. Yeah, we currently don't have the claw in game, but I think that a great feat...
About claw it can be acquire with:
  • Items (Gauntlets of the talon (Magic Item Compendium [3.5][mic][wotc]), Bearskin Armor/Tigerskin Armor (Magic Item Compendium [3.5][mic][wotc]), ...),
  • Special feat (Deformity (Book of Vile Darkness), Draconic Claw (Complete Arcane pg 77.), Eldritch Claws, ...
  • Spells, ecnhancement or some racial feature (yeah, dragonborn=))...

Inhuman Reach (Lords of Madness) - increase reach.
Some feat that affect on crit stat (example martial art feat from Spycraft Espionage (d20 Modern). Feat for 6/12/18 that increase yDz and improve crit range 19-20/18-20/17-20. This feat have a lot of prerequisites).