Thus far, upon posting my opinion that Reaper should be reward in its-self for those seeking the added challenge originally asked for, I have been called - wrongly in an attempt to dismiss my opinion - someone who wont ever play it, then a hater. This by a poster who was not even addressed in giving my initial opinion.
I've also been accused - rightly this time at least

- as putting forward my personal agenda - as if anyone on here doesn't! LOL! What a tactic!
Reaper has to stand on its own feet - lasting challenge and grouping - loot is not the answer to its success IMO. Again that's a personal opinion (BOOO! eh?

Please Sev, again, I appeal: don't risk disenfranchising those not interested in Reaper by proxy, folks who never asked for or wanted it, by giving in to the loot based approach being lobbied for here.
Given some of the pretty shoddy, IMO, tactics employed on here to dismiss the counter opinion, please also consider that giving them what they want would not only be wrong for the game, it would also be pretty dismal outcome in terms of demonstrating reward for the behaviour that some believe passes for lobbying on here, reinforcing that behaviour.
Again that's only my, supposedly inferior, personal opinion. It, nevertheless, stands.
Make Reaper for the challenge, and to encourage grouping (maybe some small incremental added XP for that too?). Nothing more.