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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Is mithral body worth it ?

    I'm a bladeforged pure rogue and I would like your advice concerning the feat "mithral body".

    This is what I understood from the wiki :

    Pros :
    higher mrr cap (100 instead of 50)
    bonus prr equal to my bab

    Cons :
    max dexterity bonus of 5
    I will have to trade "weapon finesse" for it

    So, is it correct and is it worth it ?



  2. #2
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    For a pure rogue I would say no it is not, you get access to improved evasion so 50 more mrr is not going to be that big a deal. And capping yourself to 5 dodge seems silly to me as rogues can get their dodge up easy.
    G-land, Balistas Magicas, Bashukar Bloodaxe, Kobur Curse of Dragon, Necromatix

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by RD2play View Post
    For a pure rogue I would say no it is not, you get access to improved evasion so 50 more mrr is not going to be that big a deal. And capping yourself to 5 dodge seems silly to me as rogues can get their dodge up easy.
    Without "mithral body" I have 29 max dodge, will I really be capped at 5 with it ?

    Won't "lithe", "light armor mastery", "tumbler" and "kip up" work with this feat and give me 21 max dodge ?

  4. #4
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draegnar View Post
    Without "mithral body" I have 29 max dodge, will I really be capped at 5 with it ?

    Won't "lithe", "light armor mastery", "tumbler" and "kip up" work with this feat and give me 21 max dodge ?
    Stuff that increases the max dex bonus to armor might work, not sure tho. but since your dodge will be capped by your max dex any effects that increase the dodge cap will have no effect.
    G-land, Balistas Magicas, Bashukar Bloodaxe, Kobur Curse of Dragon, Necromatix

  5. #5
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    So I decided to test it.

    Mithral body give a bonus to prr equal to bab, increase mrr cap from 50 to 100 and cap max dex to 5.

    There several options to boost max dex :
    - light armor mastery (+6)
    - lithe (+6)
    - tumbler (+2)
    - kip up (+2)
    - shadow dodge (+3)
    - guild buff (+2)
    - max dex blue augment (+2)

    I was able to get 22 max dexterity bonus without any big sacrifice on my assassin build.

    I had 32 max dodge on my build, 42 with the "measure the foe buff" (at least 2 more point can be obtained).

    In conclusion : this feat doesn't increase potential survivability but exchange a random damage mitigation for a deterministic one (interesting but not great)

    My opinion is that either it shouldn't cost a feat or it should be reworked to follow the max dex bonus of other light armor.


  6. #6
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draegnar View Post
    So I decided to test it.

    Mithral body give a bonus to prr equal to bab, increase mrr cap from 50 to 100 and cap max dex to 5.

    There several options to boost max dex :
    - light armor mastery (+6)
    - lithe (+6)
    - tumbler (+2)
    - kip up (+2)
    - shadow dodge (+3)
    - guild buff (+2)
    - max dex blue augment (+2)

    I was able to get 22 max dexterity bonus without any big sacrifice on my assassin build.

    I had 32 max dodge on my build, 42 with the "measure the foe buff" (at least 2 more point can be obtained).

    In conclusion : this feat doesn't increase potential survivability but exchange a random damage mitigation for a deterministic one (interesting but not great)

    My opinion is that either it shouldn't cost a feat or it should be reworked to follow the max dex bonus of other light armor.

    Did you test this? because Kip up, and Tumbler for instance increase your maximum dodge, which allows you to have more than the 25% dodge cap. They however don't increase max dex bonus to armor. That would mean you would max your dex in armor to only 5+6(lam)+6(lithe)+3(sd)+2(aug)+2(guild)= 24, which should actually be 2 higher than you reached.... well I guess one of these then actually doesn't stack, probably the augment.

    I agree with you it should follow the max dex of other light armor to make it a viable choice and worth a feat.
    G-land, Balistas Magicas, Bashukar Bloodaxe, Kobur Curse of Dragon, Necromatix

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by RD2play View Post
    Did you test this? because Kip up, and Tumbler for instance increase your maximum dodge, which allows you to have more than the 25% dodge cap. They however don't increase max dex bonus to armor. That would mean you would max your dex in armor to only 5+6(lam)+6(lithe)+3(sd)+2(aug)+2(guild)= 24, which should actually be 2 higher than you reached.... well I guess one of these then actually doesn't stack, probably the augment.

    I agree with you it should follow the max dex of other light armor to make it a viable choice and worth a feat.

    Kip up and Tumbler both increase maximum dodge and maximum dexterity by 2 as stated in their description in game, the description in the wiki is probably outdated. I only have light armor mastery level 1 and no augment so 28 max dexterity should be easily accessible.
    Last edited by Draegnar; 10-17-2016 at 02:34 PM.

  8. #8
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draegnar View Post
    I'm a bladeforged pure rogue and I would like your advice concerning the feat "mithral body".

    This is what I understood from the wiki :

    Pros :
    higher mrr cap (100 instead of 50)
    bonus prr equal to my bab

    Cons :
    max dexterity bonus of 5
    I will have to trade "weapon finesse" for it

    So, is it correct and is it worth it ?


    Nope, they screwed the Mithral body type way back when they changed PRR It will cap your dodge at +5 and give you less than optimal defences for PRR considering Mithral body should have been treated as Medium armor, but is instead treated as light armor..

    There wasmention from Cordovan back in early 2015.. and that's where Dev responses died...
    03-24-2015, 11:11 AM

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We understand that there are folks that would like us to give some attention to mithril (and adamantine, and random-gen armor in general.) So far our schedule has not permitted it, but hopefully this is something we can carve out time for when the time is right.
    Last edited by JOTMON; 10-17-2016 at 02:39 PM.
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