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  1. #1

    Default Order of the Silver Dragon presents: Chronicle

    A new adventure awaits. A saga will be chronicled and you will have front row seats! Watch and read as the story develops.

    Six brave souls will face dangers and mysteries in an unknown world. Strategizing, fighting, and working their way to answers which they hope will solve their most dire problem.

    Who are these brave souls? Why do they have such problems? The video below will begin to answer these questions. Follow this thread for weekly or bi-weekly updates!

    videos added (in chronological order)
    chapter 1: - added 10/28/16
    chapter 2: ----- added 12/7/16

    We hope you enjoy this Chronicle and that you share it with everyone you know!

    Click this link to take you to the thread: Chronicle: The Forgotten Realms

    And here is what it's all about!
    This week we are launching a very fun and interesting long term adventure. We will be calling it a Chronicle.

    Chronicles, in general, will be a creative outlet for our members and an advertising tool used to bring people to our site and show them some of the cool things we have going on. While this is the first Chronicle of its type, the ones that follow may not be structured the same as this, but the general idea will remain.

    Six members of the Order of the Silver Dragon guild from our Dungeons & Dragons Online guild will meet weekly to create our first official Chronicle. This particular Chronicle will be distinctive in a few ways. Firstly, weekly or bi-weekly, we will write a short synopsis of our gaming session, as a story, and we will also have an ongoing overarching short narrative to advance the story of our characters. Secondly, we will be sharing the updates of this Chronicle over our social media outlets so we can give friends a chance to read and watch a very fun saga unfold and to show people one of the things that makes OSD so great.

    This week we will be updating the thread daily with character backstories. Then resume the usual weekly/biweekly updates. I will try to keep this thread updated with links any subsequent posts, but the easiest way to follow this story is to just subscribe/follow the thread in our forums as linked above.

    Cheers, and enjoy!
    Last edited by Yndrofian; 01-06-2017 at 10:29 AM.
    Officer of the
    Order of the Silver Dragon

  2. #2


    Heya folks,

    All the backstories have been posted!

    Definitely have some interesting characters in this party. It'll be fun to see how they get along... or don't

    Check out this thread for all the juicyness:

    Don't forget to follow the thread for weekly/bi-weekly updates!

    We will also be posting it on our Facebook and Twitter feeds so you can keep in touch that way too! (yeah, we need 100 followers to get a custom url in youtube! lol)
    Officer of the
    Order of the Silver Dragon

  3. #3


    Happy weekend everyone!

    We've posted a new video to this story. If you've been following along it'll be reinforcement and if you haven't been to the site within the last week it'll be new. so bonus for you!

    The whole story, and video links, are on the public side of our forums, so no registration is required to read.

    Here is a link to the on going story in our forums and the YouTube link...

    And for those who can't bear to go to unknown sites (and everyone else), I'll give you a sample here.

    Chapter One: The Incident

    As he slowly woke, he realized he was prone. Much as he would like, moving anything at this point, even his eyelids, was impossible. It seemed he couldn't connect his brain with his body. So much disorientation. Why?

    His face was cold and wet. No, it was hot and dry. By the gods,! he thought. And the harder he thought the more he hurt. Mostly it was his head that throbbed, but his extremities were also sending mixed signals. One second they tingled and the next they were numb followed very quickly by an intermittent sharp stabbing or a dull pounding. Although what confused him most was the cold hot.

    Finally, he managed to open his eyes. Too late he realized his mistake as the morning sun blasted him in the eyes forcing him to shut them again. His headache intensified at that, but what he saw confused him even more. A beach.

    He was lying on his side on a beach, waves pushing past his cheek on one side and the sun baking the other. Taking a moment to relax and stop trying so hard, he let his thoughts slide around until they settled into an understandable notion. The surroundings began to form in his mind and with that he realized he was able to hear. Had he been deaf or just ignoring the sounds? A thought for later, he decided. His legs and arms began to reply to his will, though reluctantly and with much painful protest.

    He pushed himself to his hands and knees and opened his eyes. Yes, a beach. The surf was chilly and the morning sun promised a warm afternoon. He planted himself in a sitting position with the sun at his back and began considering his circumstance when he saw someone coming toward him. Looking around he noticed the beach was strewn with washed up flotsam and when he looked closer he noticed bodies among the debris. As the figure approached another figure stepped out from behind him. Both now coming toward him.

    Too tired and weak to bother doing anything else other than watch them, he noticed as the first figure got closer that he wore full plate armor while the one who flanked him was more outfitted for a grand ceremony except that he looked like he had been drug through a field and a desert behind a rampaging horse then left out in the rain all night. Both looked more worried and confused than threatening.

    “Well met, friend,” said the armored man. “Are you injured?”

    “Besides feeling like I spent the last month as a plaything in an ogre nursery, I think I’m unhurt,” he replied.

    “That is good. My name is Kinsyn. This is my… business partner, Xiin,” he replied.

    “I’m Yndrofiun. Well met,” Yndrofiun said. Then, after a pause and hoping for some answers to his own reason for being on the beach, he added, “All apologies for my poor manners, but you seem as disheveled as I. What happened to you?”

    Kinsyn looked concernedly at Xiin. “Go on. I’ll get this,” Xiin said. Yndrofiun turned to watch Kinsyn walk past and down the beach. He was headed directly to the first of the other bodies. As Yndrofiun turned back, Xiin started to explain, “Kinsyn found me like he found you, and he found himself the same way.”

    Indicating all the debris with an outstretched arm, Yndrofiun asked, “Did your ship wreck? Is that what all this is?”

    “We don’t know. The last thing we remember is the desert--”

    “Yes! A desert! I remember that too,” Yndrofiun blurted. “And… I was… I was… we were going somewhere. I remember the desert and a red-pink light…. Oh, again, I’m so sorry for my poor manners. Excuse my interruption, please. I am very perplexed by all of this.”

    “As are we. Would you care to join me as I catch up to Kinsyn and help him look for survivors?” Xiin asked.

    “Yes, I would love to help. Maybe it will help my memory. At the very least, it will keep me productive rather than sitting here cold and wet,” Yndrofiun said. He stood up, with a little help from Xiin, and they both hurried after Kinsyn as fast as Yndrofiun’s aching gnome legs would take them.

    During this conversation, Kinsyn had found someone else. At first, he thought it was an extra-large burlap sack of grain lying on the beach, then it turned over and opened its eyes. Kinsyn was surprised to see it was in fact a half-orc. Not that they are particularly rare, but seeing one washed up on a beach implied they were at sea and that is a bit unusual. The half-orc sat up and stretched, moaning and groaning as if he just woke up from a very fulfilling night's sleep, “Ahh. Mmm. Hnnnng,” The noises seemed to go on for minutes and Kinsyn was almost mesmerized by the display.

    Like a fawn stretching out its legs for the first time and trying to walk or a bird testing out its wings and trying to determine their function, the half-orc continued to stretch and vocalize, “Hm. Urgh. Ahhmuumm,” until he finally opened his eyes. Aside from the clear surprise of his surroundings, the presence of a fully armored human standing beside him startled him, “Ah! Fibblekicker bonstobish! Apinna hornslap! What!? Who??!” He fumbled for his great axe, which was lying right beside him.

    “Easy friend. Be at peace. I mean you no harm,” Perhaps it was the absurd and inexplicable scenario or the sincerity behind the man’s words, but whichever cause it was, the effect was marked. Corin planted his axe head in the ground and used the haft to pull himself up.

    “You surprised me. I could have killed you. You should be more careful,” The half-orc said.

    “Yes, I was careless. Please accept my apologies. My name is Kinsyn.” The half-orc answered with a hmph and a nod of his head. Kinsyn continued, “Are you injured? Do you know how you came about lying on this beach?”

    “I’m Corin. I’m not injured and I was sleeping then I woke up here. Where is here? I can’t remember anything, but I know that this is not where I want to be. It’s not where I was going. Where is here?” The half-orc asked.

    A female voice then spoke up, “Good morning. I had a feeling I would see you again.” Both men turned to see a drow walking toward them with a halfling not far behind. If this morning had not been as bizarre as it was, both Kinsyn and Corin would probably have armed themselves in defense at the appearance of the drow, but instead they looked at the drow and then the halfling, then at each other and almost shrugged.

    “Heya,” greeted the halfling, “I’m Prettymad.”

    “I would be too, if I was that small,” said Corin.

    “What did you say?” Prettymad retorted angrily. She quickened her pace and her hands went to rest on the pommels of her weapons.

    Seeing this, Corin up-righted his great axe and answered, “I said I would be pretty mad too if I was that small.”

    “Hold, please, friends,” Seldae interjected. “I believe we have a misunderstanding.”

    “Indeed,” said Kinsyn supporting Seldae and trying to avoid unnecessary conflict.

    Seldae explained, “Prettymad is this halfling’s name.” Corin’s face contorted as he processed that idea. “It’s her nickname.” His face, still contorted tilted to the side. “What is your name?”

    That one was easy, “Corin,” he answered.

    “Great! Corin, may I introduce you to a halfling who is called Prettymad Squirrel?” she said.

    “Your name is Prettymad Squirrel?” Corin asked.

    “No. Weren’t you listening?” Prettymad bristled, “It’s not my real name, it’s just what people call me.”

    “Why would you let people call you a pretty mad squirrel?” Corin genuinely asked.

    “Why-- I-- You-- I oughtta--” Prettymad started, but was interrupted by Seldae.

    “Let’s not worry about that right now, ok? I think we have bigger problems on our hands, like where are we and how did we get here?”

    From a short distance away Xiin’s voice came back and said, “A fair question.” Yndrofiun and Xiin walked toward them curious about the brandished great axe and a clearly on-edge halfling, but more so about the answer to the stated question.

    “Does anyone remember anything?” asked Prettymad, finally settling down some.

    Yndrofiun answered, “Xiin and I remember a desert and pinkish red lights.” After this statement it went silent. It seemed everyone agreed on this point, but no one had anything further to add. No one could remember anything more.

    Then Xiin said, “But when was that? It’s clearly morning now, so does that mean it was last night we saw the lights? It seems so long ago and I don’t remember anything else, not even what I was wearing… but you all do look familiar, as if we’ve met... years ago.”

    “I can’t say much about time, but now that you mention it, you all do look familiar, the ugly half-orc especially,” Prettymad said slyly.

    The others tensed, waiting for the inevitable, but Corin surprised them all by calmly saying, “I may be ugly but I can drop a tree as thick as you are with one swing of my axe. Just think what I can do to you.”

    “You’d have to catch me first,” Prettymad replied.

    “Do you all think you could speak civilly to each other for a while? I’m going to go over there,” she pointed at some sand dunes in the distance, “and pray. Perhaps Elistraee will shed light on these questions,” Seldae said.

    “I also will pray and meditate,” said Kinsyn. “Perhaps Oghma will reveal this knowledge to me.” Both of them went off in separate directions while the others found seating.

    “I’m hungry,” stated Corin. No one had thought about food up until now, but now that it was mentioned stomachs started churning and gurgling. They all patted themselves, feeling for full pockets and searching purses and bags. There was not much between them, but they shared the rations, saving some for the two absent people. Then they scrounged through the wreckage but found nothing of use.

    They did speak civilly to each other until the sun distinctly rose higher in the sky. They tried to piece together what was going on, but it was all futile. They could remember random places but could not attach them to any concrete memory. The faces of their family and friends were not forgotten, but any specifics were faded. Ideas and concepts were rooted firmly in their minds as were any skills or beliefs, but the precise facts of it all were gone. It was not that they were erased as much as it was like the memories were so old they could not be recalled any more.

    Kinsyn was the first one to return. He carried with him a backpack which seemed full. As he sat down with the rest of them he opened up the backpack to reveal several large fruits. “What are those?” asked Corin.

    “I’m not sure,” replied Kinsyn, “but I’ve already eaten two myself. They are not very ripe, but it’s better than nothing.”

    “Thank you, Kinsyn,” Yndrofiun said, “Your generosity is appreciated. Here is your share of some rations we collected earlier.”

    “Thanks,” Kinsyn said and immediately began to eat them while everyone else grabbed some fruit and started eating.

    Not long into that meal, Seldae returned and was given her share. “I’m surprised you all aren’t asking me if my petitions were answered.” They all looked at her with mouths full of food. Understanding, she also ate.

    When they were done, Kinsyn spoke up first, “Oghma is distant and revealed nothing to me. I feel, though, this is a path I’ve been set upon to discover, accumulate, and disseminate great knowledge for the glory of Oghma.”

    “Elistraee is also distant, though there is a peace about it. I will continue this path also until I’m led elsewhere,” Seldae said.

    Prettymad, having finished her food, was looking at the sky and something piqued her interest. “Do you guys see that?” she asked. “Look up in the sky. There are more moons than just Selûne up there.”

    They all looked and were just as surprised. “That is very interesting,” Yndrofiun said. “Are we in a different land entirely?”

    “It would explain the distance Kinsyn and Seldae feel from their gods,” said Xiin. “But if we are, there’s not much we can do about it now. Normally in this scenario, I would play us a song to lift our spirits, but alas, my instrument is nowhere to be found. So instead, I beg you listen to these lyrics as I sing and allow them to encourage you.”

    Xiin then sang, acapella, a beautiful and vocally rhythmic song about a farmer, his horse, and a massive ancient tree. After he was done, no one could recall exactly what Xiin sang about, but they all did feel a lot more hopeful about their situation.

    Then, having finished all the food, they picked up what few things they had with them and began to walk down the beach in search of some answers… and some more food.
    Officer of the
    Order of the Silver Dragon

  4. #4


    Hello again!

    Let me begin by apologizing for totally forgetting to post the release our newest video here on the ddo boards. I was in a rush to get it published so I shot it out on our guild's forums and Discord server and quickly hopped in game so I wouldn't be *too* late for my permagroup. This was by far the most fun one to make to date. Hope you all enjoy!

    chapter 2: ----- added 12/7/16

    ive edited op to list all videos. subscribing to our youtube channel is the easiest way to stat apprised of any new videos (in case i fumble again )

    be well,
    Officer of the
    Order of the Silver Dragon

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