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    Default Gingerspyce's Week in Videos: Update 32 Slave Lords walkthrough and review

    Hey e1, I just posted the final video of a 3-part series where I do a walkthrough and review of update 32 Slave Lords parts 1-3!

    Slave Pits of the Undercity

    In part 1, I take Voodu into the troglodyte infested caverns and orc strewn sewers of the undercity. Here I go over all areas of the quests, locations of secret passages and locations of all optionals and chests, as well as offer my thoughts about the quest as an avid DDO fan. When editing the video I noticed how the slave pits area near the end appeared conspicuously like Goro's Lair from the old Mortal Kombat games. Check out LE Slave Lords pt. 1 walkthrough and review on Voodu Warlock.

    Secret of the Slavers' Stockade

    In part 2, to mix it up I took Gingerspyce to battle the armies of hobgoblins and kobolds that protect the stockades. Again I go over the entire quest and offer my perspective views of DDO's newest classic module. I originally did all 3 parts on Voodu, but when I edited the videos I realized how tired sounding I was, so I decided to scrap the original parts 2 and 3 and redo them, lol. See Ginger take on the stockades at LE Slave Lords pt. 2 walkthrough and review on Gingerspyce.

    Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords

    Part 3 was my favorite part of the chain. It begins with a cave dive that leads you through an underground gnoll complex, then continues through the streets of Sudderham and finally through the sewers to the secret lair of the slave masters. Watch below for the storied conclusion where I discuss what I like and what I would've liked to have seen added to part 3, as well as a discussion on strategies for the end fight.

    And finally, in case you missed it, my guild and I do EE VON5-6 every week as an XP raid, but we've long discussed how few of people could we complete the raid with. We finally give it a go with just 3 of us! See how we do!

    3-man EE VON 5 (Vault of Night)

    3-man EE VON 6 (Plane of Night)

    I have a couple videos in the pipeline that I've been meaning to do for a while, including how to craft a Legendary Green Steel item, which has been one of my most requested videos, so watch for that next! Thanks for watching and for all the great comments and support

    Much love,
    Gingerspyce of Sarlona

    Older updates:
    9/26/16 Gingerspyce's Week in Videos: Slave Lords Crafting, Legendary Radiance and +5 tomes
    9/14/16 Gingerspyce's Week in Videos: Update 32 first look and 400th video
    7/30/16 Gingerspyce's Week in Videos: Selected videos over a busy summer!
    5/27/16 Gingerspyce's Week in Videos: Nearly Finished set upgrading and Deep Gnome Druid Project debut!
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 10-11-2016 at 07:50 PM.

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