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  1. #81
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jortann View Post
    SWF - 30% Attack speed bonus, 6 Melee power, and 1.5 x ability modifier damage scaling
    THF - 140% strikethrough, 6 Melee power, and 1.6 x ability modifier damage scaling
    The "+0.1x" damage modifier is inherent to hand-and-a-half weapons; so is the base 20% Strikethrough which will apply while SWF. ["You are also considered to be two-handed fighting while wielding a Bastard Sword or Dwarven axe in your main hand and a Shield, Orb, Rune Arm, or Nothing in your off-hand."] In both cases, the PTHF feat should work. So it boils down to +30% attack speed vs +120% Strikethrough; everything else should be the same. Better single-target DPS vs hitting 1.2 more mobs per swing.

    You should be able to run a GSWF Battle Engineer in FotW and benefit from Unbridled Fury's temporary GTHF, thus reaping the benefits of both chains - for 30 seconds, anyway. That's the only workaround to SWF and THF feats being mutually exclusive, AFAIK.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  2. #82
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Default Took about a year long break...I am back now

    I took about a year long break for GOOD real life reasons.

    Anyway, I am hoping to finish up a current Bard life where i go around yelling at things.

    This was my favorite build as a WF melee Artificer.

    I will be running this again and optimizing it, because I think I will keep using DDO points for "remember XXX race" that I earn from VIP or favor each life.

    With the new strike through, I am curious if bastard sword or Dwarven axe vs Warhammer with Knight Training.

    I generally put some points in Warforged Tree, and grab some Battle Engineer for the higher PRR and AC, and I got T5 Battle Engineer for DPS.

    Any updates? What has been your experience with this stuff/build?

    Assume I have best docents and warhammers/bastard swords and Dwarven axes from level 1-30.

    Any cool Artificer or Warforged specific items I should aim for?

    Thanks in advance!

    Also, going to poke around on the Wizard part of the forums.

    Maybe Eldritch Knight would be fun to play as a Warforged.
    Last edited by Bacab; 08-03-2020 at 06:30 AM.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  3. #83
    Community Member Nikoru-chan's Avatar
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    Default Getting back in after several year break...

    This looks like a lot of fun and I will be giving this a shot! Do you have any alternate race suggestions? Or is Warforged really just the best?

  4. #84
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nikoru-chan View Post
    Do you have any alternate race suggestions?
    Dwarf: Drop Adamantine Body and the Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Use Dwarven Axes with Master's Touch instead. Pick up Construct Essence (Level 8) and Improved Construct Essence (Level 12). (Yes, you will need to move some of the other feats around.)

    Human: Drop Adamantine Body and pick up Construct Essence (lvl 8) and Improved Construct Essence (lvl 12). 8 AP into Human for a Human Versatility: Whatever, Human Adaptability: Intelligence, Improved Recovery and Greater Weapon Aptitude. Pop the points you save from Warforged, and the +1 INT from Harper back into Renegade Mastermaker for more max dex (dodge) bonus, INT, and Embed Component.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  5. #85
    Community Member Nikoru-chan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    Dwarf: Drop Adamantine Body and the Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Use Dwarven Axes with Master's Touch instead. Pick up Construct Essence (Level 8) and Improved Construct Essence (Level 12). (Yes, you will need to move some of the other feats around.)

    Human: Drop Adamantine Body and pick up Construct Essence (lvl 8) and Improved Construct Essence (lvl 12). 8 AP into Human for a Human Versatility: Whatever, Human Adaptability: Intelligence, Improved Recovery and Greater Weapon Aptitude. Pop the points you save from Warforged, and the +1 INT from Harper back into Renegade Mastermaker for more max dex (dodge) bonus, INT, and Embed Component.
    Neat, thanks for this! Any thoughts on Dragonborn for this build? I see they get some interesting stuff

  6. #86
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nikoru-chan View Post
    Neat, thanks for this! Any thoughts on Dragonborn for this build? I see they get some interesting stuff
    Not really. I've been playing the dwarf version because I needed the past life feats and wanted to play with my Dwarven Axe collection for a bit. My plan for my next batch of Dragonborn lives is Paladin / Divine Crusader purely for the Trogdor references.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  7. #87
    Community Member Nikoru-chan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    Not really. I've been playing the dwarf version because I needed the past life feats and wanted to play with my Dwarven Axe collection for a bit. My plan for my next batch of Dragonborn lives is Paladin / Divine Crusader purely for the Trogdor references.
    I love it, awesome!

  8. #88
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    I am running a modified version of this build, and like it so much I ran it two lives in a row 1-30.

    I took different feats or at different times for these levels:

    8. Maximize (curative SLAs mostly) - instead of quicken (Arti Feat)
    16. Quicken (reconstruct SLA mostly) - instead of Weapon Focus: Slashing (Arti Feat)
    18. Insightful Reflexes - here instead of Maximize
    20. Empower (curative SLAs mostly) - cannot take Two Handed Fighting (Arti Feat)
    28. Perfect Two Handed Fighting (30% strikethrough + 4 additional melee power) - Rather than: Epic Destiny: Tactician for Dire Charge DC or Hellball for Burst Damage

    41 Points in Battle Engineer.
    26 Points in Renegade Mastermaker, lots of good stuff here, 50% bonus to AC from armor, +15 MRR, +6 CON, 105 HP, immunity to magic missiles, 2 curative SLAs, Reconstruct SLA, 50 repair amp, 10 healing amp, etc.
    9 Points in Harper for Int to hit and KTA
    4 Points in Warforged, 1st core, 3x healers friend

    Also for Rune Arms, I found these to be the most useful:
    ML5: Necronimicannon - the trap the soul procs surprisingly frequently on this, mostly used it through level 12
    ML14: Quarantine - hits hard, and has a nice CC feature, overcooling
    ML15: Tiras Splendor - for mobs that do not take cold damage, or need silver DR bypass, or when I want stacking healing amp

    For Bastard Swords, I mostly used these:
    low levels - keen/vorpal icy bursted
    ML10 Barovian
    ML12 Cannith Crafted Good/Slashing with two 4d6 damage augments slotted
    ML16 Cannith Crafted Good/Slashing/Ins Seeker with two 5d6 damage augments slotted
    ML21 Epic Cutting Currency with 4x shards of mechanus 2x reverberation filigrees, 6d6 damage augment slotted
    ML26 Epic Spinal Tap with 5x prowess filigrees, 7d6 damage augment slotted

  9. #89
    Community Member anticlimax's Avatar
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    I've been thinking of trying Artificer and this build seems super cool, if I go for it I'll probably respec a dorf I have mothballed at L21....

    Problem is I'm hopelessly addicted to Monk run speed and Abundant Step so need to figure out if there's some adjustments I can make for more mobility?

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticlimax View Post
    Problem is I'm hopelessly addicted to Monk run speed and Abundant Step so need to figure out if there's some adjustments I can make for more mobility?
    There is a 10% movement speed boost in Battle Engineer T5

  11. #91
    Community Member anticlimax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogsoldier View Post
    There is a 10% movement speed boost in Battle Engineer T5
    Well that's better than nowt, thanks... I'll see if I can fit in spring attack too then, hmm.

    Splashing a level of barb seems out of the question tho, looking at the BE capstone :/

  12. #92
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Posting for my own reference. Got an old level 13 dwarven Artificer in need of an LR and Chicago Chris updated my favorite builder last week, so why not give it a go.
    Kundarak Thunderfist
    Artificer 20
    True Neutral Dwarf
                   28pt     32pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     ----     --------
    Strength        11       11       +2       4: INT
    Dexterity       11       11       +2       8: INT
    Constitution    16       18       +2      12: INT
    Intelligence    18       18       +2      16: INT
    Wisdom           8        8       +2      20: INT
    Charisma         6        6       +2      24: INT
                                              28: INT
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Concent   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Repair                         1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  4  2  4  2  3  23
    Spellcr   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Disable   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Open Lo   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Search    4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Spot      4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    UMD       4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Heal         1     1     1     1     1     1  1  1  1     1     1     11
    Balance   2     1     1     1     1     1                              7
    Haggle                                                             1   1
             32  9  9  9  9  9  9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11
     1        : Insightful Reflexes
     3        : Power Attack
     4 Arti   : Single Weapon Fighting
     6        : Cleave OR Precision
     8 Arti   : Maximize Spell
     9        : Improved Single Weapon Fighting
    12        : Offhand Versatility
    12 Arti   : Improved Critical: Slashing
    15        : Greater Single Weapon Fighting
    16 Arti   : Empower Healing Spell
    18        : Spell Focus: Evocation
    20 Arti   : Quicken Spell
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Burst of Glacial Wrath
    26 Destiny: Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic   : Ruin OR Epic Damage Reduction
    28 Destiny: Hellball OR Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Arcane Warrior
    30 Epic   : Greater Ruin OR Epic Reflexes
    30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Air
    Enhancements (79 of 80 AP)
    Battle Engineer (41 AP)
    • Battle Engineer, Infused Weapons, Infused Armor, Infused Weapons II, Infused Armor II, Master Engineer
      1. Hand and a Half Training, Thaumaturgical Conduits III
      2. Hand and a Half Training, Wracking Strike I, Caustic Strike I, Extra Action Boost III, Action Boost: Power III
      3. Hand and a Half Training, Disable Construct I, Shatter Defenses I, Intelligence
      4. Hand and a Half Training, Haste Boost, Agility Engine III
      5. Reconstructed Edges, Thunder-Shock: Melee, Unlock Potential, Tactical Mobility
    Renegade Mastermaker (23 AP)
    • Renegade Defender, Alchemical Shield, Cure Serious Admixture, Constructive Conduit
      1. Cure Light Admixture III, Easily Fixed
      2. Kinetic Discharge III, Mighty Slam III
      3. Battlefist, Reinforced Armor III, Shielding Construct, Intelligence
      4. Kinetic Charge, Warding Construct
    Harper Agent (8 AP)
    • Agent of Good I
      1. Harper Enchantment, Strategic Combat
      2. Know the Angles III
    Dwarf (7 AP)
    • Dwarven Toughness, Dwarven Constitution
      1. Axe Training
      2. Axe Training
    Leveling Guide
    1. Hrp0 Agent of Good I; Hrp1 Strategic Combat; RM0 Renegade Defender
    2. RM1 Cure Light Admixture I, II, III; RM1 Easily Fixed
    3. RM0 Alchemical Shield; RM2 Kinetic Discharge I; RM2 Mighty Slam I; RM2 Kinetic Discharge II
    4. RM2 Mighty Slam II; RM3 Battlefist; RM3 Shielding Construct; BE0 Battle Engineer
    5. BE1 Hand and a Half Training; BE1 Thaumaturgical Conduits I, II
    6. BE1 Thaumaturgical Conduits III; BE0 Infused Weapons; RM0 Cure Serious Admixture; BE2 Action Boost: Power I
    7. BE2 Action Boost: Power II, III; BE0 Infused Armor; BE2 Wracking Strike I
    8. BE2 Caustic Strike I; BE2 Hand and a Half Training
    9. BE3 Hand and a Half Training; BE3 Shatter Defenses I; BE2 Extra Action Boost I
    10. BE4 Agility Engine I, II, III
    11. BE4 Hand and a Half Training; BE4 Haste Boost; BE3 Intelligence
    12. BE3 Disable Construct I; BE0 Infused Weapons II; BE5 Reconstructed Edges
    13. BE5 Tactical Mobility; BE5 Unlock Potential; BE5 Thunder-Shock: Melee; RM2 Kinetic Discharge III
    14. RM2 Mighty Slam III; RM3 Reinforced Armor I, II, III
    15. RM3 Intelligence; RM0 Constructive Conduit; RM4 Kinetic Charge
    16. RM4 Warding Construct; Dwf0 Dwarven Toughness; Dwf1 Axe Training
    17. Dwf0 Dwarven Constitution; Dwf2 Axe Training
    18. BE0 Infused Armor II; Hrp1 Harper Enchantment; Hrp2 Know the Angles I
    19. Hrp2 Know the Angles II, III; BE2 Extra Action Boost II
    20. BE2 Extra Action Boost III; BE0 Master Engineer
    Built for dwarven axes because I've got a bunch banked away and the Strikethrough bonuses from Dwarven Axe training and BE's Hand and a Half Training stack.

    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  13. #93
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    Default Unbongwah Dwarven Artificer Strength/Power Attack requirement?

    Hello Unbongwah (and Others),

    Playing my first hardcore season/server (Season 4). Decided wanted to try an artificer trapper for the first time.

    Created Unbongwah's Dwarven Artificer and currently promoting to level 3.

    The level 3 feat is listed as Power Attack.

    However, Power Attack has base strength requirement of 13? and Cleave is level 6 feat which needs Power Attack?

    I am relatively new to DDO ... so I might be missing something?

    Please advise, thanks.

  14. #94
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    Nov 2020

    Default Nevermind ... see you required +2 strength and +2 dex tomes

    Nevermind ... see you required +2 strength and +2 dex tomes

    Thanks again, Hope all of you and your families are having a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Week-end.

  15. #95
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robeari View Post
    I am relatively new to DDO ... so I might be missing something?
    First, welcome to the game!

    Not every build is "new player friendly", and not every build is doable as a "first life" - and those are 2 different things, and unrelated (even if that's a bit counter-intuitive - some vets do start new alts on occasion). When looking at a build suggestion, it's important to make that distinction. (Also whether it's a "just to 20" or "good to 30" build - some are not the latter.) It'd be nice if posters made all that clear, but... well, have you met the internet?

    Some 1st life builds (especially ranged, with the Dex requirement for Feats) rely on the free +2 Tome at 1,750 Total Favor, which is fairly easy to earn before Level 15 (and I think can actually be ground out by level...7? ...or close enough).

    With this build, you could take 1 point off Intelligence (for 3 build points), and bump Strength by 2 and Dex by 1, and then grab the extra Dex at Level 4 from the Level-ups. You lose 2 pts of Int, but that's not a dealbreaker.

  16. #96
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    I'm trying a version of this now but with the following adjustments during leveling. Currently level 4 only so theorycrafting now.

    I am a dwarf and I will splash paladin at some point for heavy armor, martial weapon proficiency (resulting in dwarven axe proficiency).

    Levels 1-15 I will be essentially a caster. Took augment summon at level 1 (switch at 12 for construct essense), quicken at 3, maximize at 4, empower at 6. Why? Everything dies to repeater with 0 investment in feats for repeaters until the moment you hit level 6, you get turret and can switch all enhancements from harper to get blast rod SLA. I will take both construct essense and improved construct essense at 12, until then your curative admixtures suffice. Single weapon fighting is an artificer bonus feat but the 'improved' and 'greater' aren't. Splashing two levels of paladin will grant me two feats, give me dwarven axes as a favoured weapon from the dwarven tree and 20% strikethrough for only 4 points from knight of chalice. That delays improved critical for 16 but you can be using a keen weapon until then to cover for it. So single weapon fighting style at 8, the next one at 9, last one at 15, offhand versatility at 12?

    The moment you hit sharn/mines of thethymar is when your arcano SLAs really drop off and you want to switch to melee/tanky version.

    What I am not sure is if two levels of paladin are better or three for possible stance? Maybe as much as 5 to get all the knight of the chalice DPR goodies so artie 15/paly 5? Although more likely 16/4. With 4 levels you can get knight's training (switch to axe of adaxus for single boss fights?), with 5 the avenging cleave and ascendancy which for certain raids can make a huge difference although I feel defense stance and tier 5 in renegade can make you extremely tanky
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  17. #97
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by kmoustakas View Post
    I am a dwarf and I will splash paladin at some point for heavy armor, martial weapon proficiency (resulting in dwarven axe proficiency).
    You're an Artificer: just cast Master's Touch. Problem solved.

    Also your crit multiplier bonus is in the Battle Engineer capstone: "You gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Multiplier with Crossbows, Bastard Swords, Dwarven Axes, Light Hammers, Warhammers, and Morningstars." So (A) are you going into epic levels and (B) are you gaining anything from splashing that's worth giving up the BE capstone? If your answers are (A) yes and (B) probably not, stick with pure Artificer.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  18. #98
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    You're an Artificer: just cast Master's Touch. Problem solved.

    Also your crit multiplier bonus is in the Battle Engineer capstone: "You gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Multiplier with Crossbows, Bastard Swords, Dwarven Axes, Light Hammers, Warhammers, and Morningstars." So (A) are you going into epic levels and (B) are you gaining anything from splashing that's worth giving up the BE capstone? If your answers are (A) yes and (B) probably not, stick with pure Artificer.
    I was looking for a lots and lots of extra tankiness. You make a good point about the damage though, that extra +1 will be huge if you want to do damage.
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  19. #99
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    Jul 2014


    I'm trying this build now and wondering why you picked Offhand Versatility on a melee Arti build. It looks like the 25% extra damage doesn't apply when you have a Rune Arm. Instead you get the guarantee spell critical on a vorpal hit. If you aren't casting, why would you need that? Does that apply to Rune Arm shots too?

    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Posting for my own reference. Got an old level 13 dwarven Artificer in need of an LR and Chicago Chris updated my favorite builder last week, so why not give it a go.
    Kundarak Thunderfist
    Artificer 20
    True Neutral Dwarf
                   28pt     32pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     ----     --------
    Strength        11       11       +2       4: INT
    Dexterity       11       11       +2       8: INT
    Constitution    16       18       +2      12: INT
    Intelligence    18       18       +2      16: INT
    Wisdom           8        8       +2      20: INT
    Charisma         6        6       +2      24: INT
                                              28: INT
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Concent   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Repair                         1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  4  2  4  2  3  23
    Spellcr   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Disable   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Open Lo   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Search    4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Spot      4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    UMD       4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Heal         1     1     1     1     1     1  1  1  1     1     1     11
    Balance   2     1     1     1     1     1                              7
    Haggle                                                             1   1
             32  9  9  9  9  9  9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11
     1        : Insightful Reflexes
     3        : Power Attack
     4 Arti   : Single Weapon Fighting
     6        : Cleave OR Precision
     8 Arti   : Maximize Spell
     9        : Improved Single Weapon Fighting
    12        : Offhand Versatility
    12 Arti   : Improved Critical: Slashing
    15        : Greater Single Weapon Fighting
    16 Arti   : Empower Healing Spell
    18        : Spell Focus: Evocation
    20 Arti   : Quicken Spell
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Burst of Glacial Wrath
    26 Destiny: Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic   : Ruin OR Epic Damage Reduction
    28 Destiny: Hellball OR Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Arcane Warrior
    30 Epic   : Greater Ruin OR Epic Reflexes
    30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Air
    Enhancements (79 of 80 AP)
    Battle Engineer (41 AP)
    • Battle Engineer, Infused Weapons, Infused Armor, Infused Weapons II, Infused Armor II, Master Engineer
      1. Hand and a Half Training, Thaumaturgical Conduits III
      2. Hand and a Half Training, Wracking Strike I, Caustic Strike I, Extra Action Boost III, Action Boost: Power III
      3. Hand and a Half Training, Disable Construct I, Shatter Defenses I, Intelligence
      4. Hand and a Half Training, Haste Boost, Agility Engine III
      5. Reconstructed Edges, Thunder-Shock: Melee, Unlock Potential, Tactical Mobility
    Renegade Mastermaker (23 AP)
    • Renegade Defender, Alchemical Shield, Cure Serious Admixture, Constructive Conduit
      1. Cure Light Admixture III, Easily Fixed
      2. Kinetic Discharge III, Mighty Slam III
      3. Battlefist, Reinforced Armor III, Shielding Construct, Intelligence
      4. Kinetic Charge, Warding Construct
    Harper Agent (8 AP)
    • Agent of Good I
      1. Harper Enchantment, Strategic Combat
      2. Know the Angles III
    Dwarf (7 AP)
    • Dwarven Toughness, Dwarven Constitution
      1. Axe Training
      2. Axe Training
    Leveling Guide
    1. Hrp0 Agent of Good I; Hrp1 Strategic Combat; RM0 Renegade Defender
    2. RM1 Cure Light Admixture I, II, III; RM1 Easily Fixed
    3. RM0 Alchemical Shield; RM2 Kinetic Discharge I; RM2 Mighty Slam I; RM2 Kinetic Discharge II
    4. RM2 Mighty Slam II; RM3 Battlefist; RM3 Shielding Construct; BE0 Battle Engineer
    5. BE1 Hand and a Half Training; BE1 Thaumaturgical Conduits I, II
    6. BE1 Thaumaturgical Conduits III; BE0 Infused Weapons; RM0 Cure Serious Admixture; BE2 Action Boost: Power I
    7. BE2 Action Boost: Power II, III; BE0 Infused Armor; BE2 Wracking Strike I
    8. BE2 Caustic Strike I; BE2 Hand and a Half Training
    9. BE3 Hand and a Half Training; BE3 Shatter Defenses I; BE2 Extra Action Boost I
    10. BE4 Agility Engine I, II, III
    11. BE4 Hand and a Half Training; BE4 Haste Boost; BE3 Intelligence
    12. BE3 Disable Construct I; BE0 Infused Weapons II; BE5 Reconstructed Edges
    13. BE5 Tactical Mobility; BE5 Unlock Potential; BE5 Thunder-Shock: Melee; RM2 Kinetic Discharge III
    14. RM2 Mighty Slam III; RM3 Reinforced Armor I, II, III
    15. RM3 Intelligence; RM0 Constructive Conduit; RM4 Kinetic Charge
    16. RM4 Warding Construct; Dwf0 Dwarven Toughness; Dwf1 Axe Training
    17. Dwf0 Dwarven Constitution; Dwf2 Axe Training
    18. BE0 Infused Armor II; Hrp1 Harper Enchantment; Hrp2 Know the Angles I
    19. Hrp2 Know the Angles II, III; BE2 Extra Action Boost II
    20. BE2 Extra Action Boost III; BE0 Master Engineer
    Built for dwarven axes because I've got a bunch banked away and the Strikethrough bonuses from Dwarven Axe training and BE's Hand and a Half Training stack.

  20. #100
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by shweppy View Post
    I'm trying this build now and wondering why you picked Offhand Versatility on a melee Arti build. It looks like the 25% extra damage doesn't apply when you have a Rune Arm. Instead you get the guarantee spell critical on a vorpal hit. If you aren't casting, why would you need that? Does that apply to Rune Arm shots too?
    Where does it say you don't cast spells? It's no Arcanotechnician but it's still an INT-based pure Artificer with Blade Barrier, Tactical Detonation, etc. If Offhand Versatility gives a free caster buff every time Versatile Empowerment procs, why not use it?
    Last edited by unbongwah; 05-17-2022 at 05:39 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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