I have been away from the game for nearly 1.5 years and my home server was Thelanis, however when I came back most of my guild had moved on. So I decided to start out somewhat fresh on a new server, I did bring my level 26 pally Evilex over, and am currently working on levelling a 16 warlock "ferociti" and a 16bard/1 ftr "nakiir. I would like to meet a group of helpful players that are happy to take some time to teach an old dog new tricks. What if be looking for in a guild is a good general sense of humour and are active in raiding / guild runs. I am in Canada and generally play after 8pm Est week days and can be seen on and off on weekends. If you are currently recruiting or are just interested in an extra for a group feel free to send me a message or mail in game (I don't check on here very often)