I'm really surprised no one else responded here - I'll toss some ideas out, maybe that will spark something. (If not, you can post in one of the 2 main "custom build request" threads.)
One ironic thing is that, if you want S&B, one of the best ways to get there is via Bard Levels for Swashbuckler Enhancement tree! But that also gets you your self-Healing. (Think of the rest of Bard special abilities as gravy - buffs, songs, other spells, extra skill points, etc. are all secondary to the melee-focused build. Use or ignore, not central to build, NOT a caster build.)
Here's one idea - would have to be tweaked to fit (as written non-Human, some caster padding, etc.), but it seems mostly in the right direction:
o 10 Fighter \ 8 Bard \ 2 Rogue PDK
It's an Int build that uses the Harper tree - if you don't have that, it'll still work (if not quite as well) - grab Human healing/damage enhancements and other low-hanging fruit, etc. It has both Vanguard and SD, Tier 5 WarChanter (for Freezing, which could be swapped w/ Swashbuckler?), and some racial (which could be padded out if no Harper).
(Look at this S&B bard to see what Int-based Bard Levels have to offer, and how to take best advantage of the Swashbuckler tree:
https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...sed-WarChanter )
Swashbuckler DPS (via Bard) is solid, but does not rely on using a bastard sword/etc. - so it may(?) not be what you're looking for at all. If not, and if no one else offers anything, then try in one of the custom threads, and GL!