Back when I started DDO six years ago with the old enhancement system, I chose races based on enhancements which would pair well with enhancements of the classes I chose. This can still be done in the new system, but seems a bit less common. Looking over some of the Drow racial enhancements, I've noticed a couple which seem to cost way more AP than they're worth; so I thought I'd start a thread to help list overpriced racial enhancements. This might help newer players avoid inefficient AP usage, or perhaps identify enhancements for developers to consider adjusting.
Ambidexterity - Looks great for TWF Drow builds. However, 2AP per rank is too expensive for what it is. 6AP for +1 attack, +1% dodge, and +1 damage isn't all that worth it. Would it be more tempting if it was 1AP per rank, or if the 2AP per rank gave +2 bonuses?
Venomed Blades - If anyone was crazy enough to spend 15AP in the Drow enhancement tree, 1AP here for a d4 (average of 2.5) poison damage on weapons is nice. Additional points into this have diminishing returns - adding 1AP more for a d6 (average of 3.5) and 1AP more for a d8 (average of 4.5). The initial 2.5 average damage with 1AP is a decent deal, but adding another 2AP doesn't even double the output of the first rank. Having the progression of ranks as d4, d8, and d12 might be tempting.
Do some of the other races have a few inefficient enhancements? Am I nitpicking too much?
The Tier Four enhancements require a heavy investment in racial enhancements - APs which most builds can't afford. Do any of the races have Tier Four enhancements which are worth the investment?
I almost wish characters had bonus APs specifically to be put into racial enhancements.