I log on to Wayfinder, roll my dice, check Who List and OUCH!
21 Players INCL. Myself!
OK It's 8.50am GMT so 3.50 am EST but OUCH!
Since I just logged off there's now 20 Players!
Can we just admit The Wayfinder Experiment failed already?
I log on to Wayfinder, roll my dice, check Who List and OUCH!
21 Players INCL. Myself!
OK It's 8.50am GMT so 3.50 am EST but OUCH!
Since I just logged off there's now 20 Players!
Can we just admit The Wayfinder Experiment failed already?
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 09-22-2016 at 02:56 AM.
Community Member
I expect more than 20 people online!
Even at that time of day a Server with less than 50 people online and in the Who List {Anon doesn't count} at any one time just isn't cutting it!
Preferably I'd have said less than 100 but it's actually pretty common for the other 7 servers to dip below 100 once the West Coast go to sleep.
Ideally the Devs would halve the number of Servers but at the very least merging Wayfinder back into Ghallanda or allowing Wayfinder Players free transfers {and Guild Transfers} off that desert of a Server seems to be a no-brainer!
Midday GMT {British Summer Time actually} and Wayfinder's current population on Who List is.....
Wait for it.....
3 in one Guild
3 Not in a Guild
6 other Guilds online.
Oh and one of those 12 was me just logging in to check.
And Cannith {the next smallest Server at this time} has 87 people online on the Who List!
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 09-28-2016 at 06:16 AM.
Well just rolled and got 10k xp + a +4 Tome of Move Silently. My Character on Wayfinder is a Pure Bladeforged Paladin.
Also checked the Who List again and 22:00 here in England and 45 Players on Wayfinder's Who List!
Average that out over 30 Levels and chances of getting an at level Pug Group for any Heroic is virtually NIL! {Heck you'd be lucky to get a duo together!}
I think WB is waiting to see what happens after the D&D movie, ignoring current status
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Play more often here, You will see what's the real difference.
And it is not the population but the quality of interaction between players.
There are really good players on Wayfinder yet they are still friendly with those who are lacking of (gaming)skill/build/gear etc.
This is an MMO where player interactions can make you leave or stay.
Ghallanda? No thanks.
Last edited by kanordog; 10-01-2016 at 12:20 PM.
You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
Thank You!
Not sure how it's like on other servers but players are very helpful in the PUG I join.
Examples: waiting for a late joiner to enter before opening up chests or completing the quests. DD back to start to show someone the route if they got lost.