Looks like I picked a very odd time to come back into DDO after a long hiatus, especially since I came in thinking "OK, I'm going to go ahead and level my crafter to make some fun and quirky mid- to high-heroic gear." Sooooo, yeah, the crafting pass is coming, and those plans are in danger! I have leveled my crafter nearly to where I need them, but...
This brings me to soul gems. I have not yet leveled an arcane to where they can farm soul gems, nor do I have a good melee toon with any soul stealing weps (this is because I have played trapper/evasion types in each life). I have looked into leveling a warlock or PM as a soul stealer, but my play time is in small chunks of family downtime, so that prospect looks grim
Does anybody have any soul gems they could spare, that I could return in multiples after leveling a Warlock or PM?
If I am lucky enough that there's such a generous soul with that inventory, I'm mainly looking for:
Soul Gem: Strong Undead
Soul Gem: Strong Ooze (I did say quirky, right? :P )
In game, my main is Protonym, and my crafter is Arcanymedes. For what it's worth, I always have tried to be helpful and cooperative in-game, as some might have hazy memories to confirm.
Please try to refrain from flaming this post, maybe just a tasteful PM saying I should not have posted it.
Thanks for reading this!