Back in May of 2015, Severlin opened an Official Discussion thread about how we would like the appearance of existing items tweaked to make new or improved cosmetics/items. I've been thinking about that thread and some of the new appearances we've seen on armors, helms and shields in the past year and first off I'd like to send a big thank you to the art department that has been doing such a wonderful job. Secondly, though, I'd like to send some visual aids for my own feedback in that thread. For reference my first post on that thread was #33.

This is my take on the Desecrated Leathers. As you can see I removed the backpurse and yoga mat and replaced them with the belts and accesories from the Drow Hunter's Leather recolored black. I also recolored the swashbuckler hat to match.

I will add a few more images today and then more as I get time.