Cetus: Completionist Bladeforged 18 Fighter/2 Monk
This is an updated version of the old build found here: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...forged-Fighter
Notes before we begin:
1. This build is designed for advanced players who are comfortable with Legendary Elite content. This is not to say that others cannot derive value from this thread.
2. I am not claiming to have invented or have been the first to play this character split. I am merely showcasing the product of my build decisions. Critiques are always welcome, as this is a constant work in progress.
3. This is not a finished product. I am considering the idea of working in TWF as well, but that will be edited into the build once I have played the build for a bit
Class Progression: Remember, since this is a Bladeforged, it will require a Lesser Heart of Wood to remove the required paladin level. Monk levels 1 and 2 each offer a class feat, I acquired those two levels first to obtain THF and PA.
Starting Stats: Strength: 18, Dexterity: 6, Constitution: 18, Intelligence: 16, Wisdom: 6, Charisma: 8
18 Fighter = 10 Feats | 2 Monk = 2 Feats | Level 30 Character = 7 Heroic Feats + 4 Epic feats =
10 + 2 + 11 = 23 Feat Decisions
Add 3 Destiny feats and 1 Legendary Feat = 27 total feat decisions.
1. Two Handed Fighting (Level 1 Monk)
2. Power Attack (Level 2 Monk)
3. Adept of forms
4. Improved Two Handed Fighting
5. Greater Two Handed Fighting
6. Weapon Focus: Slashing
7. Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
8. Superior Weapon Focus: Slashing
9. Stunning Blow
10. Cleave
11. Great Cleave
12. Completionist
13. Master of forms
14. Weapon Specialization: Slashing
15. Improved Critical: Slashing
16. Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing
17. Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning (+2 Melee Power)
18. Overwhelming Critical
19. Tactical Master (+6)
20. Tactical Supremacy (+8)
21. Greater Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning (+2 Melee Power)
22. Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning (+2 Melee Power)
23. Epic Feat #1: Perfect Two handed fighting
24. Epic Feat #2: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting - 5% doublestrike for main hand weapon
25. Epic Feat #3: Dire Charge
26. Insightful Reflexes
27. Legendary Feat: Scion of Arborea
Skills: All levelup skills into UMD, Repair, Search, Balance. Take perform out of N/A for the occasional skill check.
This assumes near-maximum fate points and all twist slots:
Sense Weakness
Grim Precision
Hail of Blows
Dance of flowers
Primal Scream
Main Destiny Points:
This is for the falchion version. For the greataxe version, acquire headman's chop and anvil of thunder. That will be displayed later.
Few metagame tricks:
1. Upon zoning into quest, wear Verik's necklace, then swap to the Legendary Pendant of Warrior's Focus.
2. Make sure you use Earth Stance
3. Primal Scream will work when you are not in defender stance
4. Gear swap to Legendary Construct's Mantle between reconstructs for the extra repair amplification.
5. Use Power Surge first prior to using KTA, as you gain extra intelligence there.
6. Make sure to use opportunity attack before your special attacks.
Tactics DC's:
To Be Completed
Saves and Buffed Stats:
To Be Completed
Kobold DPS test:
LE Shroud Portal DPS with U32 Gear:
Falchion DPS Demonstration in solo Legendary Elite Tempest Spine Loot Run:
Greataxe DPS Demonstration in Two man Legendary Elite Tempest Spine Loot Run: