Annoying is all in the perspective. Maybe some people find suulo chain annoying too. Chain is cast on anyone with agro. rager charge when person with agro is relatively far away from them. rager mechanic works a bit better to reach a happy medium for range and melee toon. Need spells and attacks tailor toward toons far away from the action than blanket cast on melee and range builds.
What I don't like about the battle ragers is pretty much that you get KDed and you can't do anything. You can't run, you can't attack, you can't heal, you just lie there and then again and then again and you might as well not play at all and just log off lol. The chain at least offers you to take a part in the game and actually play even if with a little handicap.
I think raids is the best place for this. This was effectively echronoscope where a failed run at the end fight wasn't too awful because you still looted all the seal chests and shards from the end chest were the easiest to get.
Again, I only mention this for quests due to the reality of server populations.
As someone who would run a new nightmare difficulty I am all for a super difficult content, but I want the rewards to be very marginal as we don't need that kind of power creep. If they want to offer some super rare cosmetics that is fine, but nothing adding to player power except maybe mythic bonuses and slightly better random loot (maybe 2 levels).
Over-rewarding elite is why everyone wants to run only that difficulty. We can't make the same mistake with a new nightmare setting.
This is an easy change. Get rid of the knockdown and keep the charge + slow mechanic.
Maybe have like the sorjek mechanic in Tempest spine switching between bow and sword. Have the bow portion become homing missile with a slow effect for 3 second at most every 10 second.
Considering where the game is now, throwing out absurd ideas might be the way to find some balance between range/caster toon vs melee toon.
There are options..
~work in knockdown immunity . Rogue acrobat, Warlock ES, Grandmaster ED, Unyielding Sentinal Stand against the tide.
~bob and weave tactic.. aka play keep-a-way..
~shield blocking should work.. never tried on a toon without the kd immunity..few players can afford to have 1 player just stand there active shield blocking Kuldjargh's taking damage while someone else dedicates heals on them..
~sacrifice Fawil, or other pet/hireling..
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
Rys, can you get a death next time, so wizzas deathcount is properly shown on the xp sheet?
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
I completely agree; the problem is that if they make the insanely difficult elite too easy, everyone gets all the mats they need in the first week by running the quest LE on first life wizard, and the quests are burnt out in the first week when they're meant to last 3 months (Slight exaggeration on first life wizard, feel free to substitute that with any other build). If they make insanely difficult elite so insanely difficult that the only people who can complete it are trees, warlocks, throwers, wolves, and shiradi's, then everyone is pidgeon-holed into either playing those build's or trying to complete the quest on a build that can't; if you don't think some of those builds are OP, then let's just say only warlocks/shiradi's/trees can complete, since they're the very obvious offenders.
I'd love a chance of failure in LE/EE's, especially when attempting the quest without a balanced party, but until over-performing builds are brought down a bit it's very difficult to challenge those builds and normal builds with the same content.
Dazling of Cannith
The grind we have in the current end game was the result of complaints that people had everything after a week and had no reason to login.
There is this mythology that Turbine can design LE so that only the top 5% can complete it, but the reality this is a mature game with many good players. It's not like 2010 where there is this massive batch of new players when there really was a top 5%. The top end curve is probably like 33% now of the players being capable vets with many past lifes, great build and solid gear.
The best they can do is make it so that only the top few builds can complete - but I doubt that will be a very popular decision especially since so many of the top builds use features that aren't working as intended.
Many builds are roughly equal in power, lately. I think you grossly overestimate the power of a "broken build." Granted they have continued power creep in an upward direction, but their decision to balance upwards has been largely successful. Past lives are worth less relatively and the builds have been democratized.
However, with balancing upwards they haven't increased difficulty to provide for a real challenge. The best they can do is scale upwards a bit at the very top end. There will still be hard difficulties for other people and I like that we will run that difficulty most of the time. That is how it should be. EE should never have been epic easy.