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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    I've seen a ~20s kill of a 500k redname kobold by a Furyshotter. That's ~25,000 burst damage. Otherwise his kill times are ~6k to ~7k dps.

    We've been seeing Tempest and Fighter clock in at ~10,000 (or 50s). These are averaged Kobold kill times over 10 reps. I wouldn't doubt that you are seeing faster unaveraged. It's why a riftmaker will give you a "faster time" even though it is less dps than an eSOS.
    10 druid/ 6 ranger/ 4 monk is the fastest sustained dps build in the game. Try it on lama with the same character you are testing your ranger and fighter times. It should never do a time that isn't under 30 seconds.

    Right now, on lama without past lives and optimal gear I am getting sub 40 seconds on the monk wolf. It's missing a 7 insightful str item, and the insightful doublestrike necklace. The str isnt that much, but 7 doublestrike from necklace, and the 9 doublestrke from past lives are why the lama toon can't break sub 30s It's close though. Fastest time is 36 seconds so far. And the slowest I clocked is 42 seconds. That is the slowest. All of the 40s are on sloppier attempts and not the build's fault.

  2. #22
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeveredSteel View Post
    10 druid/ 6 ranger/ 4 monk is the fastest sustained dps build in the game. Try it on lama with the same character you are testing your ranger and fighter times. It should never do a time that isn't under 30 seconds.

    Right now, on lama without past lives and optimal gear I am getting sub 40 seconds on the monk wolf. It's missing a 7 insightful str item, and the insightful doublestrike necklace. The str isnt that much, but 7 doublestrike from necklace, and the 9 doublestrke from past lives are why the lama toon can't break sub 30s It's close though. Fastest time is 36 seconds so far. And the slowest I clocked is 42 seconds. That is the slowest. All of the 40s are on sloppier attempts and not the build's fault.
    am pretty lazy lol, mind posting a screenie?
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    am pretty lazy lol, mind posting a screenie?
    I just tr'd into a : 10 Druid/ 6 Fighter/ 4 Ranger. Tried out tier 5 kensei for Opportunity Attack and core crit multiplier. Lowest time was 39 seconds. Highest time was 46 seconds.

    screenshots of a 40 and 42 second time.

    My tests are limited because I do not have a character with every dps past life. Or any past lives ;p. Gear wise was only insightful doublestrike and insightful strength missing.

    I will tr back into the monk version tomorrow and try again. I should be able to do under 36 on the monk. A few things with rotation on monk master ki attacks, and feats weren't optimal this time around. One of the issues was trying to see if going with an extra 2 melee power was better than OC. I think OC and master stance is better than master stance and 2 melee power. The other problem was rotation needed a 5th monk ki attack in order to never have 1 on cooldown.

    Try the wolves with your characters. See how much better they do with all the dps past lives and optimally geared. You can easily see how max lives and gear would enable these builds to break into under 30 second kill times.

  4. #24
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  5. #25
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Good points

    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    It matters in the sense that perhaps nerfing the op builds is a better answer than doing what they did in shroud and simply making enemies hit harder.

    Make a video of an assassin in shadowdancer soloing part 3 on LE easily and I will sign. Same with a pure cleric in exalted angel without sp potions. How about a melee monk in gmof or an arti in shiradi?

    At some point the devs need to start understanding what is making the quests easy and perhaps making adjustments to specific builds. Some of the power is from favorable bugs like unintended stacking and unintended multiple imbues intended for other weapons. Some of it is simply high defenses making characters virtually un-killable. By challenging those builds with higher damage you simply make the quest unworkable for other builds. LE Shroud is a good example of that.

    We all saw videos of sorcs dominating content for years getting spellpower boosts for wand and scroll mastery and that gets fixed and the # of 16+ sorcs is way down. When people showed screenshots with their sorc complaining how easy the game was they never explained they were using a major exploit.

    That is why it matters and why specific builds and characters are helpful so the devs can verify and understand why the game is easy. I assume they can copy characters somehow and test with someone's build.

    There should be no problem with people sharing with the devs their build, chraracter name and server name to show how the game is too easy after all. They can always send private message.

    I don't have a problem increasing difficulty - it wont be me that has problems with it. I do not think making it like shroud is the answer as one-shotting is fine for raids but not quests. They should do it a different way. But the real and only long-term answer is to adjust over-performing builds and that starts by knowing with builds are over-performing and why.

    And besides the people that complained about LE Shroud being too easy on a Lamannia cried a river when the devs adjusted difficulty upward. I just accepted it and was fine with it, but those rivers of cries by the same people complaining the game was too easy eventually resulted in nerfs of the LE raids. So people need to be careful what they asks for if they can't live with the change that may be different than they expect. At least from what I've seen the people that complain the loudest about quests being too easy are the most likely to be using favorable game bugs and also don't really want challenge for themselves. They will cry a river just like before if the change impacts them.
    Yes, devs can play test PC toons/builds.

  6. #26
    Community Member Ykt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobbinB View Post
    If any build is cakewalking a solo Elite first run through then the content isn't even close to tough enough....end stop.
    If 99% of players get killed in LE while 1% is cakewalking, the difficulty is fine.

    Maybe when the 1% get less time to play DDO they'll fall behind like everyone else who's playing DDO as a hobby and not a job.

  7. #27
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    Default New champ abilities

    Create new champ abilities to address difficulty.
    - 1/3 mobs immune to melee dmg
    - 1/3 mobs immune to range dmg
    - 1/3 mobs immune to spell dmg

    boss get 2 of above that rotates every 30s

  8. #28
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ykt View Post
    If 99% of players get killed in LE while 1% is cakewalking, the difficulty is fine.

    Maybe when the 1% get less time to play DDO they'll fall behind like everyone else who's playing DDO as a hobby and not a job.

    I work 40-50 hours a week,
    I play ~20 hours a week tops.

    Not exactly a job.

    I think it can be solo'd by the top 25% with relative ease. What do you think? Have ya run it?
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ykt View Post
    If 99% of players get killed in LE while 1% is cakewalking, the difficulty is fine.

    Maybe when the 1% get less time to play DDO they'll fall behind like everyone else who's playing DDO as a hobby and not a job.
    Are you actually suggesting that anything like 1% of builds/players will be cakewalking the new quests on elite, while the other 99% are failing to complete? Or just that most groups will suffer a death or 2 during a run-through of the new content (which I believe would be fair for a sight-unseen elite first run).
    Annikka (Sorc), Dannikka (F), Jannikka (Rgr)
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