10 druid/ 6 ranger/ 4 monk is the fastest sustained dps build in the game. Try it on lama with the same character you are testing your ranger and fighter times. It should never do a time that isn't under 30 seconds.
Right now, on lama without past lives and optimal gear I am getting sub 40 seconds on the monk wolf. It's missing a 7 insightful str item, and the insightful doublestrike necklace. The str isnt that much, but 7 doublestrike from necklace, and the 9 doublestrke from past lives are why the lama toon can't break sub 30s It's close though. Fastest time is 36 seconds so far. And the slowest I clocked is 42 seconds. That is the slowest. All of the 40s are on sloppier attempts and not the build's fault.