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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default What should I make NOW?

    I'm working on the assumption that some shards will be harder to make after the change than they are now, or will be removed. (For instance, I don't see Construct Fortification, Blood, or Blood Rage on the list.

    If I want any items with these abilities, I'd better make them now.

    Can anyone tell us which shards will be effectively higher level, and or use rarer collectibles, after the change? And which shards will no longer be possible?
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  2. #2
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Thanks! Here's a partial summary of their recommendations:

    BTA Melee Alacrity Trinket w/Masterful (ML1)
    BTA Heavy Fort w/Masterful (ML7)
    BTA Screaming of Bleed weapons w/Masterful (ML1)
    BTA Holy of Bleed w/Masterful (ML3 I think)
    +4 and +6 Int MC BTA rings
    BTA Ring/Bracers/Boots lvls 1-3 many combos of MA, FF, Mod Fort
    BTA Wounding of Puncturing Rapier/Hvy Repeater
    BTA Improved Shattermantle QStaff/Hvy Repeater
    BTA Improved Shattermantle Khopesh of Crippling
    BTA Ghost Touch of Greater Incoporeal Bane
    ML2 (possibly ML3, can't quite remember) Screaming of Bleeding for you, all your alts and all your guildies. The gift that keeps on giving. ML1 w/Masterful
    Silver Ghost Touch of Pure Good
    Holy Silver of Pure Good
    Adamantine Screaming Maul of Construct Bane
    Invulnerability armor
    Got complaints about the in-game hirelings?
    That's nothing compared to what they say about YOU

    The Sister Contract: A DDO Hirelings tale on YouTube

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