Isn't the whole kobold thing getting just a bit old? We've had them for u29 in creepin death and LS ,u30 of course with the anniversary ,they're in the new quests ,now it seems they will be the theme of the next anniversary. kinda borin tbh
Isn't the whole kobold thing getting just a bit old? We've had them for u29 in creepin death and LS ,u30 of course with the anniversary ,they're in the new quests ,now it seems they will be the theme of the next anniversary. kinda borin tbh
Arlinsae of Sarlona
Along with Kobolds as PCs we should finally get Goblins as Enemies for them to fight.
Simple Lore and Roleplay Based reason being Goblins taking over the sewers of Stormreach and Goldscuttle becoming the Leader of the Kobold Resistance with the aid of Edlin {The Sorc Trainer in the Harbour} & The Exile {The FavSoul Trainer in the Marketplace}.
The Devs could then retool Butcher's Path, Garrison's Pack, Durk's Secret, The Waterworks, Missing in Action, Sunken Sewer and Pt1 of STK as new quests with Goblin mobs.
Love em or hate em, Kobolds seem to be DDO's unofficial mascot.
Me, I got really sick of em around the time Cove was continually trotted out for player-appeasement in the same year.
I very much wish that there was a lot more variety in our day-to-day encounters. But, I also realize that development dollars only spread so far - and it's easier to reuse existing resources then always be making new ones.
Yes. Every time I get into a new quest and there are Kobolds, I just roll my eyes. Same old (really old) enemies show a lack of creativity. Unfortunately, as soon as a new creature type is added, it gets over used in following Updates as well. That sort of annoyance started for me, when Yuan-ti showed up in Epic 3BC. Though, Kobolds are far worse, because it seems like they are everywhere.
I get that Lore/myth suggests that Kobolds might have been created from the blood droplets of Siberys and Khyber (names of 2 dragons), but still... too much is too much.
In my opinion, kobolds have become a really old, stale, unfunny joke. I want the quest writers to dig deep and deliver a really good, serious, original story arc with great villains, protagonists I care about and want to save, and interesting settings. My personal tastes run to Droaam and the Forgotten Realms' Drow as adversaries but I am open to other possibilities. The story writers for this game lack focus.
I have never understood the obsessive compulsive disorder Turbine has in regards to kobolds. The joke might have been funny in 2006, for a little while, but now it's just nauseating. It's like being forced to watch reruns of “Ugly Betty” in perpetuity.
They were fun during cove. The first 8000 or so times. Now i throw up a little every time i see one. Overplayed.
In general it would seem the developers are out of touch with things.
This is a buckler:
...and this is a tower shield:
What are the odds they understand what monsters are Epic vs. training wheels?
Better Kobolds than anything else they would come up with. Kobolds are kinda funny, and I take that over whatever flop devs come up with instead of them.
You can't expect anything good or creative out of these kinds of games (games based on existing IP's). If they had an ounce of originality, or good writing they would not be working for Turbine.
So I look forwards to going "O kobolds again. That's nice." Instead of having broken unplayable mess of whatever.
They already have kobold assets, and half way working AI's for them. This gives them chance to work on actually putting something together for event, instead of having to make new models move and stuff. Cheaper too.
I am pretty sure they just gonna open up Cristal cove, and call it a day tho. No point in having any expectations.
Dolgrim, eh? You know, THAT would be a race I'd be willing to pay for over kobold. I mean, having the ability to wield four weapons, or two two-handers would be wicked sweet. +2 strength and dex (and four arms to boot) with penalties to intelligence and charisma (relatively disposable stats). Only downside is that they're evil, and thus, can never be Paladins.
Now look at Kobolds - Going by 3.0/3.5 edition rules, Kobolds are comparatively weaker creatures with -4 strength, - 2 con, and a measely +2 dexterity for all that. I will grant that the Siberys Kobolds might be interesting if they can actually fly.
Last edited by Ziindarax; 08-25-2016 at 02:00 PM.
Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien
Fernian Summer Carnival
Well if you people would kill them faster they wouldn't breed so quickly.
I wish I wasn't killing them so fast in the new quests.
Am falling asleep on LE
How about Kobold hirelings? That would be fun introducing new hirelings, maybe make an extension pack with a monster ran town with new hirelings of all levels in it? Not as a player race, but NPCs. Minotaurs, all that jazz.
I'm still holding out for Arboth turning up in legendary content as a dragon with a "See! I told you so!"
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.