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  1. #1
    Community Member brnzdragon's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Question regular crashing

    Every 2 hours roughly, occasionally more frequently then that. my game crashes. no errors or any notifications appear. it normally happens in a load screen. but has happened just running around town and in quests. it all loads back up fine afterwards. well until its been 2 hours again.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Nyata's Avatar
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    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by brnzdragon View Post
    Every 2 hours roughly, occasionally more frequently then that. my game crashes. no errors or any notifications appear. it normally happens in a load screen. but has happened just running around town and in quests. it all loads back up fine afterwards. well until its been 2 hours again.
    hmm. first thing that comes to my mind is a memory issue... that you either run out of graphic card memory or simply RAM after a while, as the game does take more resources the longer it runs. any correlation between frequency of crashes and what you do? like changing characters a lot, zoning a lot, running lots of quests relating to more frequent crashes?

  3. #3
    Community Member brnzdragon's Avatar
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    the more quests i do and more toon swapping i do, does seem to increase the crashing
    Watchyour - Imanuclear - HandyManny - Imanuke - Imajugernaut - Imanintitank -

  4. #4
    Community Member Nyata's Avatar
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    hate to be the one to suggest it, as it's just not always that simple, but if possible you might try sticking more RAM into your machine. And yes, I know it's not that easy for everyone, and usually seems safer to just buy a new computer, lol. which tends to be a bit of an investment for most people.

    2 things you might try though, and see if it makes things better:

    Instead of just logging out to swap characters, quit the game completely and restart to change characters. this will kind of reset the current memory usage instead of piling on top of it.

    Get one of those memory management tools, which dump not needed processes and so on. I really do not know a good free one from the top of my head, maybe someone else will chime in and recommend one, or you might just google around a bit and find one. I am a bit hesitant about those myself, because it means another running process in your memory, and not always sure if the benefits are greater than the further memory usage. But still worth trying and seeing if it makes things better.

  5. #5
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brnzdragon View Post
    the more quests i do and more toon swapping i do, does seem to increase the crashing
    Part in bold is the main issue here, memory leaks are off the chart when you do a lot of character swapping so I suggest that when you are ready to actually play and run quests etc the exit out of the game fully, wait a full minute, then log back in again and that should help.


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