Duo LE difficulty.
Part 1:
Pretty much ToEE 2.0. Same corridors and rooms with the packs of mobs every few steps.
+ numerous shrines
+ traps
+ stuffed bear with the collapsible floor
+ fire puzzle (bummer it is pretty uninteresting to any evasionist toon)
- epic bats, rats, spiders, kobolds and oozes....no just no
- way too many bear traps and pressure plates. Those are the least interesting traps you could have come with (excluding spellwards).
- too many doors you can't interact with
- string table errors when you interact with the slaves and the bear
- find lever to proceed in the whole quest
- the Orc Witchdoctor optional boss whitedots way too close from his spawn point
- some mobs hit for 30-40 dmg in melee (150 PRR)
- non-existant end fight
Part 2:
ToEE 2.0 again.
+ taken orange named
+ rock jumping room
+ room with the dogs fighting the rats
+ secret doors
+ bee hives
- same problem with the mobs as in the part 1
- find lever to proceed in the whole quest
- too many doors you can't interact with
- kill to proceed mechanic in the hobgoblin lair
- some mobs hit for 30-40 dmg in melee with 150 PRR
- non-existant end fight
Part 3:
The most enjoyable quest from all three. Really nice feel too it, a few great moments.
+ way less mobs than in the two previous ones. It was really refreshing and I could actually enjoy exploring the quest instead of thinking let's get over it finally all the time. Don't think it will make it to live as it is however, and it will be stuffed with the mobs as the first two quests.
+ salt crystals
+ blue water with the underwater chest (the water seemed pretty buggy however)
+ three tile puzzles
+ mirrors with the beam
+ collapsible floor with the cube
+ nice illusions in the pre-fight, too bad they didn't stay there and instead we only got a rust monster
+ really liked the town with the notices
+ end fight was really cool, not sure how the spell reticle works, as it seemed like when the other party member got hit by the blue circle, you instantly die even if you are across the room
- end reward gives level 1-2 items
Noticed we get gatekeeper favor as well, are there any rewards planned?
Also nice voiceovers in the whole chain. Enjoyed those.