I went to write up a long explanation to try and convince you that submitting bug reports through the official form is incredibly helpful to us regardless of what it may look like from the player facing side before stopping to realize I had already done so a while ago
As to the concern that bug reports do not result in resolution of the issue reported: I've tried to sort through the release notes just from this last update cycle and pull a few examples of things that, to my knowledge, came to our attention originally because of player submitted bug reports:
Update 31 Patch 4
- The Arcanotechnician's Automated Repairs now works more reliably.
Update 31 Patch 2
- Fixed the Deep Gnome past life to properly give Illusion DC instead of Enchantment DC.
Update 31 Hotfix
- Good Intentions: Large animated objects are no longer healed by fire.
- Good Intentions: Fixed a space where characters could escape their reality thanks to some boxes.
- Search and Rescue: Corrected Dungeon Master text timing in the final fight.
- Search and Rescue: Corrected an issue that could cause the music to stop playing.
Update 31
- Fixed an issue with the DC of Vanguard's Shield Charge.
- Kensai: Haste Boost's third tier no longer erroneously lists its duration as 30 seconds, and now states its proper 20 seconds.
Now, obviously, not every issue submitted via a bug report will be resolved. I would be doing a disservice to you to claim that that was the case. They are, however, our best and primary source for filtering information about issues players are encountering so that we can determine what (if anything) can be done, by which team member, in what timeframe. This is atleast three times as true for issues encountered on Lammania.
I've been putting a concerted effort in recently to be more active on the forums and engaging people here about issues they've encountered, however, this is not nearly as efficient a method of tracking down bugs as browsing through our player bug report queue. The forums are a fine place to discuss issues you are having and to try and see if other players have encountered the same thing and I'll be here to try and sort through this deluge of information as often as I can be. Please know, however, that while the forums provide players a possibility of direct engagement on an issue a bug report using the official form is still more helpful to us in the constant process of tracking down and resolving bugs.
I would comment on the original purpose of this thread but Cordovan already beat me to it.