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No solution, to the problem with crafting, will make will make everyone happy. The problem with this solution it will make only a small minority of players happy. After the newness of the system wears off the crafting halls will return to the empty state they were only a few weeks ago. In the past year plus I rarely if ever saw other characters in the Khyber crafting halls, those that were there were looking for easy access to the auction house bank, and the mailbox opposed to crafting.
Why only a small minority of players?
Crafting is currently a huge grind, the new system while streamlined is still a huge grind, far more grindy than most players are willing to accept.
We have two crafting halls in game, that means you have to run from where ever you are questing to either house k or house c to get to the crafting halls. How long does that take before it becomes a pain in the bottom?
I have long advocated to a minimum of deconstruction workstation through out the game, we have been told flat out no by the Devs as they worry about the effects of crafting on the game performance.
For characters without an existing decent level of crafting (say level 75 or 90) it takes a lot of crafting of "worthless" items before you can start to craft useful items.
This is made worse for new players who may not have a bag full of essences and collectables. A lot worse. A new player can expect 8 to 12 essences per quest before level 10, 1 common collectable for every 6 mobs and 1 uncommon collectable for every 30 mobs, and 1 rare collectable for every 100 mobs (taking into count things like mushrooms or are they doorways). Characters that starting from near zero if they grind every item for crafting and grab every collectable can expect to be ready for crafting useful items somewhere around level 16.
The UI has always been the problem, it was slow, clunky, lag filled bugged out.
The new UI is still slow, clunky, laggy, but at least it hasn't bugged out.
Many decisions on Crafting were made by Devs as much as 18 months ago when they decided to redo the back end of loot generation, long before even mentioning it to the player base.
The "New Random Loot" system is a major problem to game. First lucky loot drops are rare and when they do occur over powered. What is Lucky, getting a prefix and a suffix on an item that go together coherently to support a build. I am not talking masterful crafted items one level higher, I am talking getting Search and Int on the same item or Accuracy and Seeker on the same item.
New Random Loot is too powerful, players uused to have to make choices and tradeoffs, whats more important that extra point of Str or the level of Fort on on an item, now every item has two (or more) effects and in comparison to former items way more powerful at level. An Item that was level 10 before is now level 6. That's not good for the game as that level of power creep is invalidating lots of content. And Content is king, not loot.
So now that those decisions have been made, regardless of whether they are good for the game or not, we have to accept, period. The Devs are not going to redo New Random Loot because it is their baby and we cannot call it ugly.
The new recipes are expensive in terms of collectables. Yet have virtually no other cost in terms of essences or dragonshards or ...
I am still not sure what happened to the collectables from "adventure packs" that were supposed to supplement crafting in the new system.
So in the end we have a system a few players will use to create high end filler gear, that because it is crafted will be more powerful than the random gear because it is so rare to find the right combination of prefix and suffix on the right item.
Players will not fill in their leveling characters because the cost is to high.
Power creep continues unabated.
Players who have not invested into the existing crafting system will look at the new system and wonder why should I spend hours running back and forth to the crafting hall so I can make nothing, until they realize how late it is.
Complete failure.