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I did not check the other items. I was using this thread only to help me build my gear for my flashy fighter, because it's about the same. I was just analizing this part. Anyways, you have to consider 3 piece set + pendant vs 5 piece, and not 0 piece + pendant vs 5 piece. So it's only 2 MP, 2 deadly and 2 dex/str vs 7 doublestrike + tatics and less grind. And maybe, it's possible to slot 5 piece and the pendant. While trying to gear my fighter I realized it would be impossible to fit everything I wanted: I had to give up either parrying, amplification, INT or give up a trinket. All melees have similiar issues and I won't break my head over ranger.
No it does not. Totally the opposite. If you have a lot of SA it makes a lot more sense to get extra melee power. And if you have a lot of melee power it makes a lot more sense to get more SA.
Such as?
Hmm let's do some math. 2d6 SA = 7 average. Let's say you have 180 melee power (I have no idea how much melee power rangers have atm, I took my fighter's value for blitz10 without opportunity and reduced 30, so it's probably less if you don't have arborea), that's rougly 29.4 points of damage per swing. 20 more melee power would be 24.6 only for the sneak attack (assuming 22 SA item + 6 iSA + 4d6 DWS + 120/3 hide = 82. That multiplied by 0.2 x 1.5 = 24.6), so it does only 5 points of SA than the TF armor, that means when you count the base damage bonus it's a wash.
You would have to have a lot more melee power than 180 to even think about breaking even, and we all know you can't get that on a ranger (in fact 180 is too generous if Ethereal Scion, and also was too generous putting only 120 hide, you probably have a lot more than that, so the ToEE would already win on SA without even looking into the base damage).
Also when you consider the burst from Sneak of Shadows the gap goes ever further favoring ToEE. If you are running in arborea things change, but I'd need your +to damage value to calc, but I belive ToEE still wins.