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    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Default Endgame radiant AA cleric 13/4/3 Priest of the Silver Flame

    Priest of the Silver Flame
    Endgame radiant AA cleric

    13/4/3 cleric/ranger/fighter
    Human lawful good

    Str 8
    Dex 16
    Con 14
    Int 12
    Wis 18 +7
    Cha 8
    +6 tomes

    Skills heal, Umd, jump, spellcraft

    1 cleric empower heal
    Human ?*PBS
    2 ranger (bow str) undead
    3 ranger (rapid shot, twf) zen archery
    4 ranger (diehard)
    5 ranger (precise shot)
    6 cleric extend
    7 fighter manyshot
    8 cleric
    9 cleric ic ranged
    10 cleric
    11 cleric
    12 cleric maximize
    13 fighter improved precise shot
    14 fighter
    15 cleric quicken
    16 cleric
    17 cleric
    18 cleric sf enchantment
    19 cleric
    20 cleric

    21 oc
    24 intensify
    26 epic sp: positive
    27 blinding speed
    28 doubleshot
    29 fount of life
    30 Celestia
    Greater sf enchantment

    +33 radiant aura
    +22 paralyzers
    +13 tenacious d +25 prr/mrr, +20% hp
    +7 ?*deepwood +2 sneak attack, +36 pos, dex to dam
    +5 ?*human action boost, +20 hamp, +1 wis

    At level 10. 20. Full US 30us
    Hp 238. 654. 1169. 1892
    Sp 605. 1488. 1628. 1973
    Pos 145. 273. 238. 540
    Hamp 52. 70. 100. 185
    AC 31. 57. 73. 92

    Running in US

    Start as a cleric, end as a cleric
    Ranger training, then cleric, fighter for defense

    Work in progress, will update.
    This is my next life as Kil, gonna test my suspicions.

    Level 5. Pure ranger. Running corrosive bow and arrows. Just got archers stance. Using what I find. Easy enough. Solo on leet. Groups for fun. Seems overpowered. 8% doubleshot. Good hit points.?*
    Ate gems to 2. Grabbed nicked longbow. That was only slow point.
    Manyshot at 8. Raise dead by 12. Switched metas around. Extend first.
    Will have to start grouping. Trappers are your friends. Warlocks too.

    Level 10. Couple surprises. Took fighter early at 7 for manyshot. Could take ic ranged at 9. Max at 12, same time about I get burst.
    Been running 22ap AA, 7 deepwood, 5 human. So far all good adds. Haven't had to use paralyzers or terror. Everything dies much fast.
    Still easy to solo.?*
    Ran a group of clerics in tear. Was hilarious. If you want challenge, splash cleric.
    Feels tanky, can't get stacks of archers focus yet. Decent defenses.
    Glimmered a +3 mitral suit for dark looks.
    Now comes the gimping part.
    Heals are awesome. A couple cmw to full. Heal amp really makes the difference. If you run with cleric haz hamp.
    Extend useful on all spells at low level. Good sp.
    This would be a good splash if cap was 10.

    Level 15. Couple of changes. Took fighter and precision at 13, then fighter for stance at 14. Quicken at 15 for combat heals. Don't use ips anyway. Archers focus. Rarely using paralyzers. Keeping with dps, but noticing it dropping off. Can't seem to solo as easy. Adding cleric doesn't seem to bring much. Saving aura for epics, since 33 won't be til 20. Otherwise solid performing. Tanked out with heals. Can scroll raise dead. Looking for epic to be a different experience, will definitely become a support role.
    Running 22 aa, 13 stalwart, 7 deepwood, 5 human. Rest goes radiant.

    Level 20. Cap.
    Found yet another path to 20. Missed flag for DOJ.?*
    Pugged most of the way. Led most. The last few levels are a journey.
    Why is there no 20 game?? Zoom.
    Statted for 20. Then for 20 in full US. Almost there.
    Had to use raise dead. Good enuff. Paralyzers make it easy work.
    Set up a kill zone. Cc everything. Now to twist in helpless.
    Had some failures along the way. Probably not enough warlocks...
    But it felt long. Leveling a ranged gimped til 20 cleric.
    But ranged damage held up. Use archers focus. Plant and unload.?*
    To clear use manyshot. Paralyzers for group action.
    Easy enough to spot heal. Didn't have an aura the whole time...
    Didn't need it really. Now at 20 33 radiant. Got my aura. Ticks 38.

    I don't know if this build is necessary. But I'm gonna do cc and heals for epic and see how it works out. I think it will get powerful enough.

    The warlocks are op, and I didn't run with enough regular melee to see the advantages. Only there near the end.?*
    Epics will tell...

    Level 25.
    Took oc and intensify. Dps and heals/bursts.
    Seeing the rp make some difference. Haven't been impressed with the build. Epics are easy enuff when yer piking...
    Got two modes: archers focus and ips.
    Focus runs with corrosive. I see decent damage.
    Ips runs with paralyzers. Group action. Seeing weak paralyzers ATM, but I'm wisdom short and lacking enchantment adds. That will be fixed at 30. Adding +6 +3 enchant goggles and making the LGS bow a +15 +7 wisdom bow. That should about max me out. Maybe run earthen mantle.
    another thing short is charisma for turns. Only got 11 ATM with no cha item. Maybe fixed at 30. Got a dual stat with cha and dex? I think. That will add to heals.
    Running in shiradi for a EPl. Taking the +6 wisdom and running double rainbow. Will switch to us for raids. Us adds cleric levels, so aura will increase.
    That being said, I think clerics are the secret sauce. If played properly ( meaning melee with aura).
    Thinking of rezzing shantideva into a dd. so I can see that end of it. Back in the day I ran two clerics for shroud. Now I got to see divine disciple. But I'm sure I'll be underwhelmed. Shanti on first life...

    Level 30.
    Ok so something of a monster cleric, with the right gear.
    Can paralyze anything just about. Good hp, sp and defenses.
    Makes running quests easy, but is no dps monster. But awesome support.
    Made the bow. Still need to insight +7 wis. will do that on another run. Has to be triple earth. Which is good cause I use corrosive. Getting wisdom to 60 with insight or shiradi.
    The only shortcomings is aura turns. Need to slot a cha item. And I can get positive to 600 with a better devotion item. Working on putting it together. Has 11 at 30. Good enough since I rarely use 10 in a run, and they regenerate.
    Plays real easy support, mostly pikes, but good for raids.
    I wasn't impressed leveling it, mostly a gearing and playstyle toon.
    But at 30 it's rocking.
    Decided to take combat archery, since enlarge just isn't needed.
    Running in us for raids and seeing aura tick for 175. Otherwise run in shiradi leveling.

    I wanted to tr into warlock, but might etr and wait it out for slave lords. Got a couple weeks. That could be a couple more etr.

    Overall doesnt mesh as well as my melee cleric for melee support, but this being Kil, he has better gear and tomes, so come out looking better. I think this is a solid support toon.

    Gear layout at 30.
    Head. ?* Pansophic circlet
    Neck. ?* Devotion item (looking for 150+)
    Trinket planar compass
    Eyes. ?* Enchant +6 +3
    Armor. ?*Plate mail of celestial sage
    Cloak. ?*Mysterious cloak
    Bracers epic barbettes
    Belt. ?* Open, dodge10 nat armor9
    Ring1. ?*Corrosion +24 +156
    Ring2. ?*Con +11 +5
    Boots. ?*Str/dex +14
    Gloves. Iron mitts
    Weapon. LGS bow +15 +7 wisdom (wis 60 in us, 66 in shiradi)
    Quiver. Epic dynamistic

    Pos 615 (could be 650 with better devotion)
    Hamp 185
    Prr/mrr 160/103
    Dodge 9%

    So this is my layout. Not optimal but covers the bases.
    Looking ATM for better devotion, or will augment. That leave neck open. Could put lions mane in there.
    Barbettes not best but in there.?*
    Belt not best but good defenses, dodge 9%.
    Con ring needs upgrade, or could go to bracers, opening ring for healing lore/ devotion item. Which opens neck.
    Gloves not best, need hamp double shot maybe, but quiver covers.

    Decided to etr until slave lords come out.
    Last edited by Vish; 02-27-2017 at 09:25 AM. Reason: Updated feats
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

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