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  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Default For Goodness' Sake....Someone please help me with...

    My Inventory!

    I can't play a character with no inventory space! And I don't know what to get rid of.

    I'm sure you don't want to go through a massive list and I certainly don't want to type it out so the Character is Lithya on Cannith if you want to log on over and work through it with me anytime.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 07-27-2016 at 01:29 PM.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    • Look for any items that you have not used in the last year, 6 months, 3 months - If they are Random Gen Loot that drop regularly Sell/AH them
    • Look at loot based on level - If you have two items that are identical (Same slot and benefit) but the lower ML is more powerful or equal to the higher ML - Get rid of the Higher ML
    • Look at your consumables - such as loot boosts, XP boosts etc. Use them, you will get more
    • Look at your consumables - such as Healing/Curing make sure you don't have multiple stacks or even still carrying lower versions like if you have a stack of cure light wound potions and are not an artificer using that Infusion ability.
    • Look at gear you are not using but are common as an end reward for completing a quest or series. Especially one you don't mind re-running. Example: I discovered I owned 10 pairs of Revear Googles from Tangleroot. These are bound to Account and now deathward potions are much more available.

    It will be tough at first but as you rid yourself of items you won't use you will start to feel better.

    I did notice you seem to have multiples of Ioun stones - These should be on a character if you don't have an other character to pass these too sell them, you can't equip multiples of the same Ioun so have multiples only takes up space. If able to SHAH them you will at least get something out of them.

    I didn't notice a TR CACHE. One "Temporary" way to resolve the inventory issue is by doing a TR. It will put all your items into a Remove only section of the bank. By temporary I mean at some point you will need to deal with it, it is just put off for a time.
    Last edited by Enoach; 07-27-2016 at 12:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    OK I've managed to clear 2 full inventory tabs for now by moving some Heroic Gear to an alt account, putting some items that probably won't sell on the AH and vendoring a bunch of random trash I was holding on to because I found better in the meantime.

    Shared Bank is still rammed, Character Bank is still rammed but at least the character is playable again - For now.

  4. #4
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    OK I've managed to clear 2 full inventory tabs for now ....
    OH! You wanted to make space.

    I noticed you still had that one empty spot, so was gonna mail you a Twig to "help" you finish filling it in!
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #5
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    Here's a good one:

    'Petition Turbine to add more bank and inventory spaces for our characters, at least some of which should be free/favor unlocked.'

    This idea works best for all of us.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    Here's a good one:

    'Petition Turbine to add more bank and inventory spaces for our characters, at least some of which should be free/favor unlocked.'

    This idea works best for all of us.
    This is one idea, but it can lead to just prolonging the actual issue. The issue being players holding on to stuff that they will never use again, or not using consumables because they are "too good" to use.

    Before asking for more storage a person needs to look in their "garage/attic" and ask, do I really need to keep this. Of course there will always be items that have some value to them, but when you can see you have an item you will never use why hold on to it?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    Here's a good one:

    'Petition Turbine to add more bank and inventory spaces for our characters, at least some of which should be free/favor unlocked.'

    This idea works best for all of us.
    No it doesn't until they fix the lag situation more storage would be more lag.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  8. #8
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    Here's a good one:

    'Petition Turbine to add more bank and inventory spaces for our characters, at least some of which should be free/favor unlocked.'

    This idea works best for all of us.
    I'm not against more Inventory or Bank Space and I do believe that far too much of the space we have right now is beyond a Pay Wall.


    That wouldn't fix my problem!

    Because my problem is brought on by the new RNG system being so all over the place that I can no longer tell what is actually worth keeping anymore!

    I'm still wearing and have in my inventories and banks old gear that has probably been superceded now but it's so hard to tell because all the min levels are messed up - An Old Clean Min lvl 9 +6 Str item is not going to be beaten by a new min lvl 13 +6 str item!

    Oh and I have a Libram of Silver Magic in Tab 1 of my Inventory above but I can't equip it because I'd lose my Epic Blazing Sun which is my Radiance, Devotion and Resonance SPwr as well as providing me with extra PRR/MRR!
    Yes I have a Lantern Ring but that's actually lesser Radiance than Epic Blazing Sun.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 07-27-2016 at 04:36 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    Here's a good one:

    'Petition Turbine to add more bank and inventory spaces for our characters, at least some of which should be free/favor unlocked.'

    This idea works best for all of us.
    I hope you are being sarcastic because it is well known that inventory closely follows Boyle's Law, essentially that inventory will always expand to fill its container and that the amount of pressure inventory exerts is inversely proportional to the amount of inventory space.

    So no, more inventory space will not help out hopeless pack rats such as the OP.
    ~ Alco Holic ~ Grlfriendaggro Pizzenmeoff ~ Rincewind the Damp ~ Sunbernt Junk ~ Ouchmy Leghurtz ~
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  10. #10
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    My Inventory!

    I can't play a character with no inventory space! And I don't know what to get rid of.

    I'm sure you don't want to go through a massive list and I certainly don't want to type it out so the Character is Lithya on Cannith if you want to log on over and work through it with me anytime.
    Theres a few options that don't require spending money..
    1. Roll up alt toons on your main account to fill out any open character slots.. can run the m for favor for house k/ coinlord if you feel like it...

    2. Roll up an Free to play alt account. which gives you 3 character creation capability.. .
    ~ you can roll up as many free alt accounts as you handle...~
    transfer any non-necessary stuff to the alt account.. you can stand next to them and pass it to them as needed.
    Transfer excess plat to each one so if you need to mail from them you can..

    3. alternate guildship with storage chest.. the packmule boat that only has your packmule toons as guildmembers...

    Consolidate bags..
    get rid of all the small, medium bags and get larges or better.
    store excess stacks of unbound ingredients/components in bags in the bank/share bank
    Don't need to be running around with an overflowing bag..

    keep the best unbound items you come across, sell anything else.
    if you end up thinking you need something just go buy it from the AH or keep an eye out to pick something up when questing..

    Only carry stuff you might actually use on the current life during the level range you are in, otherwise.. bank it or transfer to packmule.
    Stage your gear/items for the levels you are coming into.. so its ready to trade up.

    setup a hotbar to consume any random pots that don't stack with your npc purchased the higher duration haste pots.. use these first in quests..
    this way you use up all your low stack pots first instead of hitting the regular ones..
    Use up, sell, throw away any wands with low charges left when you get one with more charges.
    Throw away/sell any unused arrows bolts.. unless you are an appropriate ranged build they are just in the way.. NPC fire arrow scrolls will create bolts or arrows as desired..

    chances are any random old items you got and tucked away is now worthless, new randomgens blow away the old ones.
    compare your old stuff to new easy to get AH stuff.
    Keep the clickies, trade up to better versions from the AH, dispose of any lesser duplicates.. a new +8 stat item trumps the old +6 stat item at the same level range... you don't need both..

    Trash/AH all the new randomgen stuff unless it is 'stars aligned' or has a wow factor..
    you only need to get stuff for the next life when you are ready to start the next life .. then go find stuff you want..
    If you don't have a specific intent the 'non-stars' aligned items are just taking up valuable space..
    get rid of any.. meh items... AH has lots of those for sale cheap..
    Last edited by JOTMON; 07-28-2016 at 11:13 AM.
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