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  1. #1
    Community Member jellyfish21's Avatar
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    Default The State of the Game in My Point of View

    The introduction of new content makes old, available content obsolete (no surprise there). Yet, it is worse than intended. The majority of the classes are having a terrible time keeping up, or even participating, in most every quest, including Monk, Cleric, Favored Soul, Druid, Sorcerer & Artificer, all in the desolate lower class. Many people run a 45 minute quest, unable to achieve 'one' on the kill count, running a monk or cleric. Many here on the forum may make the excuse of inexperience. So, we have no incoming players with any hope of competing for just one kill in the quest. Why would a new person play this game with so many other games friendly to new people. Dungeons and Dragons Online will go offline soon. That is my point of view. If the producers of this game want to make money, something must be done about the multiple problems.

    The present state of the game intensely favors the Wizard and Warlock class, the later published as an easy way to make money, both modeled because the strong voices on the forums to improve these seemingly self-centered classes, self-centered in a way because of the people who play them do not see the bigger picture. For example, the Wizard class was given the opportunity to use the Intelligence modifier for both attack and damage, an opportunity Never offered the Monk class for either Wisdom or Dexterity, completely supporting the notion of short-sightedness. Both the Warlock and the Wizard are given the opportunity to have a full base attack bonus, not offered to Monk, easier to achieve than the Cleric and Favored Soul. How could a pure Sorcerer have much melee dps without changing the computer functions of Charisma ?? I am explaining how I go through the character creation process.

    Some classes are so pathetic, their favored weapon is a heavy mace; really, have the developers completely fallen asleep ?? furthermore, the race who has their favored class Cleric can use their Dexterity modifier for damage ?? what? Wisdom a dump stat, Its hilariously stupid. A monk can specialize in force and fire damage, HAHA. A Druid unable to use weapons in epic quests because, to do so, they need to have Wisdom a dump stat, HAHA. The strongest dps Sorcerer builds require Intelligence, rather than Charisma. One race that increases Spell Craft by 20 ? which disables any hope of running any other race to maximize spell damage. You got to be kidding me.

    Then we have Champion Monsters/Enemies. Run. Almost everyone runs. One Champion enemy at the end of a 45 minute quest can make you fail the quest (not the main boss), wasting 45 minutes of your time: Hang it Up already.Really, if I agree with my significant other to play a game for 45 minutes, then fail due to a problem with programing, would anyone in their right mind ever come back ??

    These are my points of view. I am stating (mostly) facts. If you producers want to continue to make money, either invest in something else of fix your current investment.
    Last edited by Cordovan; 07-26-2016 at 12:13 PM. Reason: community guidelines.

  2. #2
    Community Member Vint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    The introduction of new content makes old, available content obsolete (no surprise there). Yet, it is worse than intended. The majority of the classes are having a terrible time keeping up, or even participating, in most every quest, including Monk, Cleric, Favored Soul, Druid, Sorcerer & Artificer, all in the desolate lower class. Many people run a 45 minute quest, unable to achieve 'one' on the kill count, running a monk or cleric. Many here on the forum may make the excuse of inexperience. So, we have no incoming players with any hope of competing for just one kill in the quest. Why would a new person play this game with so many other games friendly to new people. Dungeons and Dragons Online will go offline soon. That is my point of view. If the producers of this game want to make money, something must be done about the multiple problems.

    The present state of the game intensely favors the Wizard and Warlock class, the later published as an easy way to make money, both modeled because the strong voices on the forums to improve these seemingly self-centered classes, self-centered in a way because of the people who play them do not see the bigger picture. For example, the Wizard class was given the opportunity to use the Intelligence modifier for both attack and damage, an opportunity Never offered the Monk class for either Wisdom or Dexterity, completely supporting the notion of short-sightedness. Both the Warlock and the Wizard are given the opportunity to have a full base attack bonus, not offered to Monk, easier to achieve than the Cleric and Favored Soul. How could a pure Sorcerer have much melee dps without changing the computer functions of Charisma ?? I am explaining how I go through the character creation process.

    Some classes are so pathetic, their favored weapon is a heavy mace; really, have the developers completely fallen asleep ?? furthermore, the race who has their favored class Cleric can use their Dexterity modifier for damage ?? what? Wisdom a dump stat, Its hilariously stupid. A monk can specialize in force and fire damage, HAHA. A Druid unable to use weapons in epic quests because, to do so, they need to have Wisdom a dump stat, HAHA. The strongest dps Sorcerer builds require Intelligence, rather than Charisma. One race that increases Spell Craft by 20 ? which disables any hope of running any other race to maximize spell damage. You got to be kidding me.

    Then we have Champion Monsters/Enemies. Run. Almost everyone runs. One Champion enemy at the end of a 45 minute quest can make you fail the quest (not the main boss), wasting 45 minutes of your time: Hang it Up already. It is almost as if the people who came up with this Chit are complete Azz/Hools. Really, if I agree with my significant other to play a game for 45 minutes, then fail due to a problem with programing, would anyone in their right mind ever come back ??

    These are my points of view. I am stating (mostly) facts. If you producers want to continue to make money, either invest in something else of fix your current investment.
    I do not want to disagree with your post as you have valid concerns, but it must be said that some of the "desolate lower" class were at one point OP and Turbine nerfed them due to constant complaints by some on the boards about balance.

    I am no fanboi and I agree that there is work to be done on fixing some of the issues you address, but Turbine is in a corner when players demand that:

    1. All classes are balanced with one another
    2. All content is balanced for all classes

    I agree that some enhancements should be looked at and possibly changed, but if you are looking for either of the 2 items I listed, good luck.


  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    The present state of the game intensely favors the Wizard
    Hang on a minute...

    Now I've stopped laughing and wiped the tears from my eyes - You what?

    You go on to make arguments based on Melee DPS - Wizard Melee DPS is atrocious, it doesn't matter if they have Int to Damage or ways to get Full BAB Wizards are NOT Melees!

    Wizards are in no way shape or form anywhere close to Warlocks in today's game!

    Wizards are in worse shape than Sorcs for at least a Sorc can go all out with Spell DPS!
    Wizards are stuck relying on DCs that are frankly useless in End-Game content and weak at level E-BB while levelling!

    There are only two and 1/3rd classes in today's game in a worse state than Wizard - Those Classes are Cleric, FavSoul & Bear Druid! I'll give you that Monks are in a weak spot too but to count Wizard as one of the strongest classes alongside Warlock is absolutely NUTS!

    Current Situation and Class Order of Power:

    1) Warlock & Wolf Druid
    2) Rogue {Mechanic Only}
    3=) Paladin
    3=) Barbarian
    5=) Bard
    5=) Fighter
    5=) Ranger
    8) Rogue Assassin
    9) Sorcerer
    10) Artificer
    11) Monk & Rogue Acrobat
    12) Wizard & Caster Druid
    13) FavSoul
    14) Cleric
    15) Bear Druid
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 07-26-2016 at 10:42 AM.

  4. #4
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    If you play for 45 minutes and you have trouble getting one kill..... I mean come on.
    And a champion is paramount and synonymous with auto fail? No offense, but my party runs at champions, not away. You kill the [enemies] fast.

    You mention 45 minutes a couple times in your post, so I'm assuming this post originated from some sort of long session that ended badly. Venting is cool.
    Last edited by Cordovan; 07-26-2016 at 12:15 PM. Reason: profanity

  5. #5
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    You raise some fair points - there will never be balance. Of the "weak" classes you mention I have solo'd all the le content excluding raids on all of those classes except monk and artificer which truly are lagging because a centered kensai>monk and mechanic>artificer. I think they can solo le but haven't tried because I would choose the other builds I mentioned over monk/arti. Still both are welcomed in raids. Arti buffs help the party tremendously and I've seen monks tear up shroud so some people know how to play those better than me.

    harper helps arti out tremendously more than wiz I would say. If a sorc wants to Melee with charism pk is always an option.

    I have no no problem with champions but I always thought they should be optional due to the poor design (highly favoring high prr builds) and the lack of balance which will never be perfected.

    i think the selfishness statement is Lolz. Most people run a wide variety of builds myself included.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  6. #6
    Sovereign Vorpal Halfling of Supreme Good scipiojedi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    The introduction of new content makes old, available content obsolete (no surprise there). Yet, it is worse than intended. The majority of the classes are having a terrible time keeping up, or even participating, in most every quest, including Monk, Cleric, Favored Soul, Druid, Sorcerer & Artificer, all in the desolate lower class. Many people run a 45 minute quest, unable to achieve 'one' on the kill count, running a monk or cleric. Many here on the forum may make the excuse of inexperience. So, we have no incoming players with any hope of competing for just one kill in the quest. Why would a new person play this game with so many other games friendly to new people. Dungeons and Dragons Online will go offline soon. That is my point of view. If the producers of this game want to make money, something must be done about the multiple problems.

    The present state of the game intensely favors the Wizard and Warlock class, the later published as an easy way to make money, both modeled because the strong voices on the forums to improve these seemingly self-centered classes, self-centered in a way because of the people who play them do not see the bigger picture. For example, the Wizard class was given the opportunity to use the Intelligence modifier for both attack and damage, an opportunity Never offered the Monk class for either Wisdom or Dexterity, completely supporting the notion of short-sightedness. Both the Warlock and the Wizard are given the opportunity to have a full base attack bonus, not offered to Monk, easier to achieve than the Cleric and Favored Soul. How could a pure Sorcerer have much melee dps without changing the computer functions of Charisma ?? I am explaining how I go through the character creation process.

    Some classes are so pathetic, their favored weapon is a heavy mace; really, have the developers completely fallen asleep ?? furthermore, the race who has their favored class Cleric can use their Dexterity modifier for damage ?? what? Wisdom a dump stat, Its hilariously stupid. A monk can specialize in force and fire damage, HAHA. A Druid unable to use weapons in epic quests because, to do so, they need to have Wisdom a dump stat, HAHA. The strongest dps Sorcerer builds require Intelligence, rather than Charisma. One race that increases Spell Craft by 20 ? which disables any hope of running any other race to maximize spell damage. You got to be kidding me.

    Then we have Champion Monsters/Enemies. Run. Almost everyone runs. One Champion enemy at the end of a 45 minute quest can make you fail the quest (not the main boss), wasting 45 minutes of your time: Hang it Up already. It is almost as if the people who came up with this Chit are complete Azz/Hools. Really, if I agree with my significant other to play a game for 45 minutes, then fail due to a problem with programing, would anyone in their right mind ever come back ??

    These are my points of view. I am stating (mostly) facts. If you producers want to continue to make money, either invest in something else of fix your current investment.
    Why do you have to get a kill? My most fun life thus far was a Rogue acrobat (2013-14 pre-enhancement overhaul) and most of the time I was bottom of the kill count, if any. I've had builds that crush the kill count but aren't as much fun to play
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Working for free makes it very difficult to spend money on swords.
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  7. #7
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    It is almost as if the people who came up with this Chit are complete Azz/Hools.
    I love how people are actually treating a post that contains this sentence seriously.

    Like this is the level of discourse that we should expect on here and treat as unremarkable.

  8. #8
    Community Member Ellihor's Avatar
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    I'm sorry but this thread is completely pathetic. Despite an old join date you seem to know nothing about the game. Monks have good options now: they can go tree or shuriken, and both are top builds and have been for years already. Ok, I agree classic monk is dead, and it is a problem. But saying warlocks and WIZARDS dominate the game is complete nonsense. Wizards, rally? Are you serious or trolling?

    And 20 spellcraft is not going to break any build. Given your join date I have to assume you are just trolling, but there is the possibility you are one of those guys who play forever and still don't know the game.
    Ex player. This game had it's peak fun in 2011. After that, 2018. The rest is nostalgia from these 2 eras. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had some fun with MotU and in eGH, thought.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Monk, Cleric, Favored Soul, Druid, Sorcerer, Artificer and Wizard are all still awaiting their class pass...

    Currently Turbine was working on Favored Soul and Monk. Now Favored Soul shares one enhancement tree with cleric so this change should be a partial fix to clerics.

    So yes these classes are still needing an overhaul.

    As for your comment about going 45 minutes and not getting a single kill. Well there are many contributing factors...

    • Running a Quest where other players are much higher level then you. Such as running a Level 32 quest as a Level 20 while grouped with level 27 to 30 characters
    • Running a Quest where an other player has high burst damage either single target like a rogue sneak attack or a class that can do high AoE damage
    • Playstyle running with people that target engaged mobs, there are different motivations some actually play the Kill Count Game.

    I've actually run quests on my high CC powered character never making one kill, all while controlling and upping the DPS of the other members of the quest. Sure I could have instant killed through the whole thing, but doing this also dramatically decreased the incoming damage thus reduced the need for Healing Resources. This is important especially since the forum posters talk about how hard it is to get a Cleric/Druid/Bard/FvS/Arti in a party that will use their mass healing abilities to assist the party. And I have lots of fun with a Stun here, Mass Hold there, and a Charm or two to group mobs.

    Basically, don't sweat Kill Counts, no matter what anyone tells you it is not a measure of how powerful your character is, what it does measure is:
    1. How many last hits a character got

  10. #10
    Community Member Minezeye's Avatar
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    Games not closing down because you and your significant other couldn't complete a quest in 45 min....
    Not every player is concerned about maxxing the dps or choosing the perfect meta race to match the perfect meta class...

    Some of us play a race/class because its stirs our imagination, not because we could dish out xxx dmg and win or top the kill count.
    I cant help feeling that alot of you meta max dps gamers are playing the wrong game, and should really be playing an ARPG like diablo's, or path of exile...
    If you measure your success in D&D by kill count, you are surely playing the wrong game...

    As new player alot of the things you mention don't affect me at all
    I have not had ANY problems with champion monsters...I actually LOVE seeing them randomly mixed in as it makes a repeat quest a little different and I have to change tactics at times... I call this FUN.
    I repeat, as new player I LOVE champion monsters....
    Even when they kill me and I lose quest exp... because lets face it. You can almost always run back in to finish the quest...there is really no fail... Its just different levels of success based on xp awards.

    Nature may appear to be balanced at the moment but it took millions of years to get here....and shes still working on it...
    Nothing in this world will ever be perfectly balanced. Try to enjoy what you have for the short time you are here. This goes double for DDO...

    10 years in operation in Today's saturated MMO market is **** GOOD IMO! They must be doing something right? no?

    P.s. Sev just recently announced that some allocated funding and manpower has returned to them due to other projects ending.
    So much in fact that they are throwing around the idea of a new expansion... So as you see the recent layoffs or whatever actually had some positive effects for DDO...

    P.s.s. Devs have stated numerous times that alot of the classes you mentioned are qued up for an update...
    Monk is next...
    Sev has mentioned in video's they are looking to rework wiz/or sorc i forgot which next... hopefully a familiar that gives juicy DC bonuses...
    I also got the distinct feeling they want to design the cleric spheres of influence asap to help them tweak the divine classes.
    Devs have great ideas! Good **** is coming! Be patient, and try to spend some money ingame to show your support.
    Last edited by Minezeye; 07-26-2016 at 10:55 AM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Hang on a minute...

    Now I've stopped laughing and wiped the tears from my eyes - You what?

    You go on to make arguments based on Melee DPS - Wizard Melee DPS is atrocious, it doesn't matter if they have Int to Damage or ways to get Full BAB Wizards are NOT Melees!

    Wizards are in no way shape or form anywhere close to Warlocks in today's game!

    Wizards are in worse shape than Sorcs for at least a Sorc can go all out with Spell DPS!
    Wizards are stuck relying on DCs that are frankly useless in End-Game content and weak at level E-BB while levelling!

    There are only two and 1/3rd classes in today's game in a worse state than Wizard - Those Classes are Cleric, FavSoul & Bear Druid! I'll give you that Monks are in a weak spot too but to count Wizard as one of the strongest classes alongside Warlock is absolutely NUTS!

    Current Situation and Class Order of Power:

    1) Warlock & Wolf Druid
    2) Rogue {Mechanic Only}
    3=) Paladin
    3=) Barbarian
    5=) Fighter
    5=) Ranger
    7) Rogue Assassin
    8) Sorcerer
    9) Artificer
    10) Monk & Rogue Acrobat
    11) Wizard & Caster Druid
    12) FavSoul
    13) Cleric
    14) Bear Druid
    He's likely talking about a shiradi hybrid that likely has a wizard icon. Those things are currently the strongest builds in the game.

  12. #12
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    The unbalanced weapon issue has come and gone over the years..
    Players adapt and just focus on a select few weapons out of the entire arsenal.

    There is a poor dynamic in the balancing of weapons..
    many are just pointless, maces, light hammers, hand axes, darts,qstaff ..etc..
    instead of balancing the weapons to more or less end up at he same damage point by balancing the crit rnage, crit multiplier, base damage, etc.. we have weapons that vastly out perform.
    DDO has also pigeon-holed many named weapons.

    there is little freedom of choice for weaponsets if you don't want to come across as a flavor build and actually optimize dps with subpar weapons..
    things like .. a melee dual light mace rogue build is a joke.. you are effectively forced into daggers, shortswords.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
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  13. #13
    Community Member Vanhooger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    many are just pointless, maces, light hammers, hand axes, darts,qstaff ..etc..
    Hand axe are very good on a bard.
    Triple Heroic & Epic completionist. Eroic : 42/42 - Epic : 36/36 - Iconic : 12/12.

  14. #14
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jalont View Post
    He's likely talking about a shiradi hybrid that likely has a wizard icon. Those things are currently the strongest builds in the game.
    I still don't understand how exactly Shiradi works to make these particular builds so strong but OK so Shiradi Sorc or Shiradi Wiz will be amongst the top builds once they're in Epics with Shiradi maxed and with the right twists of fate.
    But in Heroics they SUCK!
    Because they're always behind the Pure and close to Pure Builds as Casters!

    Shiradi like Tree is a Build specifically for END-GAME! It's not a Build I'd count or classify against standard Classes or Multiclasses - It's an advanced build for Epics alone!

    I missed Bard in that list you quoted - I've gone back in and put it =5th with Fighter and Ranger.

    If the Devs can just get Monk and FavSoul up to the same level they've got Bard, Ftr and Ranger to that will be pretty good BUT I still think those 3 Classes need a bit more {I'm not happy with Tempest at all and could probably put Bard and Fighter slightly ahead of Ranger!}. None of them compare with Paladin or Barbarian never mind with Warlock!

    Wolf Druids are still basically an Exploit Build so any Update to Druids will probably reduce the effectiveness of Wolf.

    Cleric is going to require a lot more work as is Wizard {We really need the Devs to do a full Spell Update!}.

  15. #15
    Community Member Six_Gun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Monk, Cleric, Favored Soul, Druid, Sorcerer, Artificer and Wizard are all still awaiting their class pass...
    Did you leave Sorc out on purpose? They are a redundant class, weaker then a Warlock at everything and next to useless.

  16. #16
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jalont View Post
    He's likely talking about a shiradi hybrid that likely has a wizard icon. Those things are currently the strongest builds in the game.
    they are solid for sure but if they are the strongest in the game I am missing an opportunity to improve.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  17. #17
    Community Member Ghwyn's Avatar
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    From reading this, the OP and a few others have a very narrow view of the game. Many classes that some complain about are really good. I think this comes from play style and not trying something new. Sorc has the same was to get high BAB as wizard, as an example. They can also use cha to damage as PDK. The options are there, as the best part of DDO is character customization. Expand your views and try something new. Caster druid at the bottom of a power list? They have the best CC in the game.

    The last thing I want is equality among the classes. Having roles is fun. Zerging is boring. I enjoy the challenge. Have a character that can steamroll content is no fun for others.

  18. #18
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Six_Gun View Post
    Did you leave Sorc out on purpose? They are a redundant class, weaker then a Warlock at everything and next to useless.
    Sorc is far stronger currently than Wizard!

    Yes it's weaker than Warlock but then so is every other Class!

  19. #19
    The Hatchery Rawrargh's Avatar
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    I think I see what the problem is here... You're talking about mostly casters AND talking about their melee capabilities...

    Also the spellcraft thing... really?

    20 extra spell power is nice, sure, but it's not gonna make or break a build. It's 20% more BASE damage to a spell, even on the hardest hitting spell in the game greater ruin it's "only" 200 extra damage which - don't get me wrong - is nice, but it's not like doing 10000 instead of 10200 dmg is gonna make you a gimp.
    -The mash on Argo
    In Soviet Russia Shroud trust in YOU!

  20. #20
    The Hatchery Rawrargh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Sorc is far stronger currently than Wizard!

    Yes it's weaker than Warlock but then so is every other Class!
    And no... Wizards are doing VERY well atm... They've always done well 1-20 and now they're doing great at cap again.
    -The mash on Argo
    In Soviet Russia Shroud trust in YOU!

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