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The introduction of new content makes old, available content obsolete (no surprise there). Yet, it is worse than intended. The majority of the classes are having a terrible time keeping up, or even participating, in most every quest, including Monk, Cleric, Favored Soul, Druid, Sorcerer & Artificer, all in the desolate lower class. Many people run a 45 minute quest, unable to achieve 'one' on the kill count, running a monk or cleric. Many here on the forum may make the excuse of inexperience. So, we have no incoming players with any hope of competing for just one kill in the quest. Why would a new person play this game with so many other games friendly to new people. Dungeons and Dragons Online will go offline soon. That is my point of view. If the producers of this game want to make money, something must be done about the multiple problems.
The present state of the game intensely favors the Wizard and Warlock class, the later published as an easy way to make money, both modeled because the strong voices on the forums to improve these seemingly self-centered classes, self-centered in a way because of the people who play them do not see the bigger picture. For example, the Wizard class was given the opportunity to use the Intelligence modifier for both attack and damage, an opportunity Never offered the Monk class for either Wisdom or Dexterity, completely supporting the notion of short-sightedness. Both the Warlock and the Wizard are given the opportunity to have a full base attack bonus, not offered to Monk, easier to achieve than the Cleric and Favored Soul. How could a pure Sorcerer have much melee dps without changing the computer functions of Charisma ?? I am explaining how I go through the character creation process.
Some classes are so pathetic, their favored weapon is a heavy mace; really, have the developers completely fallen asleep ?? furthermore, the race who has their favored class Cleric can use their Dexterity modifier for damage ?? what? Wisdom a dump stat, Its hilariously stupid. A monk can specialize in force and fire damage, HAHA. A Druid unable to use weapons in epic quests because, to do so, they need to have Wisdom a dump stat, HAHA. The strongest dps Sorcerer builds require Intelligence, rather than Charisma. One race that increases Spell Craft by 20 ? which disables any hope of running any other race to maximize spell damage. You got to be kidding me.
Then we have Champion Monsters/Enemies. Run. Almost everyone runs. One Champion enemy at the end of a 45 minute quest can make you fail the quest (not the main boss), wasting 45 minutes of your time: Hang it Up already. It is almost as if the people who came up with this Chit are complete Azz/Hools. Really, if I agree with my significant other to play a game for 45 minutes, then fail due to a problem with programing, would anyone in their right mind ever come back ??
These are my points of view. I am stating (mostly) facts. If you producers want to continue to make money, either invest in something else of fix your current investment.