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  1. #1
    Community Member Teeaaa's Avatar
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    Default Is targeting someone who's 8 levels below you wrong?

    (I don't know if I posted this in the right place, so if I didn't then sorry)

    I've been having problems with this level 21 guy, who's been targeting me

    Targeting isn't the strong word I need for this... What I mean as targeting is killing me every time I step foot off the ledge, and yes I jumped off to try to battle my friend 10-20 times and it never stopped until I decided to quit then and there.. and not to mention when I kindly asked This guy to stop killing me, this response came up

    (Tell): ------ tells you, 'Don't do request for peons.

    I don't know if killing people instantly is allowed or not, but would also like some suggestions to respond to this, where I can fairly battle my friend and have fun..

    I am not saying that PVP is bad, I love PVP, but it would be nicer if I can actually pvp fairly
    Last edited by Creeper_Math; 07-22-2016 at 09:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    you dont want to name people for this - just report and move on

    i don't pvp much, but i seem to remember a npc that let you do a deathmatch type thing where you go just personally fight them without others jumping in.

    that attitude is why i don't pvp lol (not yours, his)

  3. #3
    Community Member Teeaaa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    you dont want to name people for this - just report and move on
    Sorry... I'll remove the name, I'm a bit new to the forums here...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    i don't pvp much, but i seem to remember a npc that let you do a deathmatch type thing where you go just personally fight them without others jumping in.
    Yeah, but I believe there's a minimum of 4-5+ people, I've waited for hours and it feel slike no one goes in them

  4. #4
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper_Math View Post
    Sorry... I'll remove the name, I'm a bit new to the forums here...

    Yeah, but I believe there's a minimum of 4-5+ people, I've waited for hours and it feel slike no one goes in them
    Yes, sadly almost no one uses them. There are several maps and games that no one even knows about!

    ps, there are more than one PvP pits so you could leave the guy there and use a different one?

  5. #5
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    ... just report and move on

    Unfort, even with the snide response, there's nothing to report the guy for since he is outright killing the OP in the common pit area. Only reportable offense I can recall in there is putting someone in a Hold/Freeze of some sort and not proceeding to kill them. That turns into reportable harassment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    ps, there are more than one PvP pits so you could leave the guy there and use a different one?
    This is the best option under the circumstances. I have wandered in to some of the outer house taverns and they have been completely empty any time I've been there. (Some of those outer house pits are more interesting in design, as well.)

    Now if the OP and friend moved to a different pit and THEN the perp followed them, then that starts getting into that harassment area, too.


    I grabbed the wiki link to list where the other pits are at, but it also says there is an option for 1-on-1 in the Deathmatch arenas. *shrug* I don't know myself, but is something to look for.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 07-23-2016 at 09:20 AM.
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  6. #6
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    There will always be that someone that finds someone not as strong as them that will simply keep killing someone because it is fun for them. Keeping this in mind The Brawling areas are always going to be filled with people of various types - Especially the one in the Lobster.

    • Use the Brawling Pits located in other taverns - House D, Marketplace and I think House J
    • Use the NPC for Deathmatch fights - These can be 1 on 1 and these areas are less restrictive on what can and cannot be used as compared to the Brawling pits
    • Ask the person to please not target you - Those that are not jerks will respect that unless you attack them. The others won't

    I like the other brawling pits when I want to do tests with fellow guild/friends as they tend to be empty as compared to the pit in the lobster.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Rawrargh's Avatar
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    If you want to avoid interruptions:

    1 Make sure you and your buddy is not in the same party.

    2 Target him.

    3 Click the cog by the focus orb.

    4 Click challenge party.

    5 ?????

    6 Success...?
    -The mash on Argo
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper_Math View Post
    (I don't know if I posted this in the right place, so if I didn't then sorry)

    I've been having problems with this level 21 guy, who's been targeting me

    Targeting isn't the strong word I need for this... What I mean as targeting is killing me every time I step foot off the ledge, and yes I jumped off to try to battle my friend 10-20 times and it never stopped until I decided to quit then and there.. and not to mention when I kindly asked This guy to stop killing me, this response came up

    (Tell): ------ tells you, 'Don't do request for peons.

    I don't know if killing people instantly is allowed or not, but would also like some suggestions to respond to this, where I can fairly battle my friend and have fun..

    I am not saying that PVP is bad, I love PVP, but it would be nicer if I can actually pvp fairly
    I would just do as the others have stated. Move to another PvP area. There are a few of them, the one in the Lobster is usually the one that has people in it. I dont often see anyone in the others, so you would most likely have it to yourselves. The guy you asked to stop killing you sounds like an inconsiderate puke. If I was killing someone over and over and they asked me to stop I would have. I wouldnt want to ruin someones fun. No challenge in it anyways.

  9. #9
    Community Member 96th_Malice's Avatar
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    If you're standing in the pit .... you're fair game

    Sorry you know its a PvP pit right ??

    I used to PvP ALOT .... BUT now I maybe spend an hour or so a week PvPing as I have friends that still do this on a daily basis and its the ONLY way I get to game with them BUT you can pretty much guarantee its the same 10-15 people on the killing floor either

    A - Killing each other

    B - Seeing who can kill the "new person" to hop in first

    C - Talking **** about each others builds ... oh ya and trash about each others moms

    MOST low level toons you kill in PvP are just sitting on lowbie alts WAITING for an excuse to get their mains and bring them into PvP

    AND most of them are usually in groups

    Anyways hopping into PvP with a 8th lvl toon ...... what did you learn ??

  10. #10
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Challenge system[edit]

    The challenge system allows players to set up teams and fight in PvP arenas. Time limits can be set, as well as arena map and type of challenge. This allows players to access arenas exclusive to their party and the challenger party. These arenas are instanced, and cannot be access by the general public. Despite its availability it is the least used form of PvP.

    Go to any public area.

    Not be in the same party. (solo is a party of one).

    Click on your friend, and choose CHALLENGE.

    Set the features.

    Both click accept.

    Both your parties will be teleported into your own very cool PVP zone.

  11. #11
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    You open pvp you are a fair target

    Beware the Sleepeater

  12. #12
    Community Member 96th_Malice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Challenge system[edit]

    The challenge system allows players to set up teams and fight in PvP arenas. Time limits can be set, as well as arena map and type of challenge. This allows players to access arenas exclusive to their party and the challenger party. These arenas are instanced, and cannot be access by the general public. Despite its availability it is the least used form of PvP.

    Go to any public area.

    Not be in the same party. (solo is a party of one).

    Click on your friend, and choose CHALLENGE.

    Set the features.

    Both click accept.

    Both your parties will be teleported into your own very cool PVP zone.
    I was WAY more into the PvP aspect of DDO a few years back ( now i dont really care )


    MOST other games PvP is a very huge part of the game.

    I think your ideas are cool for sure

    A way of setting up teams and having your own " arena / wilderness area " would be good

    AND NO CLASS NERFS .. everything used in game works iin PvP

    Keep everything as it in in game

    Do i know the Warlock is gonna kick my archers a$$ ?? .... yup the fun is trying to get a furyshot into his chest before he can kill me would be awesome

    Rewards for team victory ... I dunno, me pulling my arrows outta your lifeless body seems good enough for me

  13. #13
    Community Member SiliconScout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 96th_Malice View Post
    I was WAY more into the PvP aspect of DDO a few years back ( now i dont really care )


    MOST other games PvP is a very huge part of the game.

    I think your ideas are cool for sure

    A way of setting up teams and having your own " arena / wilderness area " would be good

    AND NO CLASS NERFS .. everything used in game works iin PvP

    Keep everything as it in in game

    Do i know the Warlock is gonna kick my archers a$$ ?? .... yup the fun is trying to get a furyshot into his chest before he can kill me would be awesome

    Rewards for team victory ... I dunno, me pulling my arrows outta your lifeless body seems good enough for me
    Uhhh ... this isn't an "idea" it's an actual real thing. I don't PvP as I think the very idea in this game is idiotic to be honest. At every level on virtually every build you are capable to faking down a mob with multiples of HP more than you have. How the hell is it at all challenging to fight another player who has somewhere in the neighbourhood of 90% of the HP that you can probably pump out in a single attack sequence. Never mind the CC and insta-kill options.

    THAT being said I have PvP'd occasionally (usually because a friend / guildie was begging) and this is the ONLY way I have ever done it. The maps are actually pretty good IMHO it's just not possible to truly challenge each other when it's pretty much one shot one kill in there.
    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

  14. #14
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    the few times i've jumped in the main pit in the lobster, i tend to avoid attacking people much lower than me unless they attack me first... but then again i'm not a ******. if i want a more private fight i go to a lesser known pit... like the one in the phoenix in the marketplace... or i do a 1 on 1 deathmatch.

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  15. #15
    Community Member AlmGhandi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    the few times i've jumped in the main pit in the lobster, i tend to avoid attacking people much lower than me unless they attack me first... but then again i'm not a ******. if i want a more private fight i go to a lesser known pit... like the one in the phoenix in the marketplace... or i do a 1 on 1 deathmatch.
    I went through a phase of disintegrating everyone I could in those pits.... disintegrate was fun*.

    There are no rules for those pits.... if you want something special, maybe you should try speaking to the people that are there (tells... says.... mails.... whatever). Way back when I was in my "disintegrate people" phase... if someone had said "hey kruemeli, please, I want to try out my build on my guildie.... see what I could do better".... well... I would've disintegrated him. But at least he could've maybe felt better knowing it wasn't an accident.

    Of course DDO is not a PVP game. If you are looking for PVP experiences probably better to go elsewhere!

    *fun unless you miss... then you feel kinda stupid whilst the monk gets medieval on you....
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  16. #16
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    if your not trolling people and making them froth or affecting them psychologically where they alter their game play because of your presence or actions whether direct or 3rd person because of those actions or because you have made the other person think that by trying to troll you they can strike back but haven't realized that you've taken their game play away by forcing them to complete an action they wouldn't have done otherwise in the revelation of sucking up their game time, then your doing it wrong!

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  17. #17
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    The killing you in the PvP pit is perfectly legal... it's the being a jerk about it that's not cool.
    Not sure if it's reportable, but I'd say still give it a shot.
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  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    The killing you in the PvP pit is perfectly legal... it's the being a jerk about it that's not cool.
    Not sure if it's reportable, but I'd say still give it a shot.
    Memnir, look at the OP's date., #1 source for DDO information.

  19. #19
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Memnir, look at the OP's date.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  20. #20
    Community Member Doggur's Avatar
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