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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Monk Hensin Mystic - 'Every Light Casts a Shadow'

    With upcoming monk changes I think it's worth bringing up and pointing out that this ability is still rather broken.

    It does a 1d4 level drain on the target and then, if the target is slain within 10 seconds, an area 1d2 level drain on enemies. The tooltip specifies "enemies", but the affect hits everyone - hirelings, yourself, group mates, etc. in range.

    This is a pretty long-standing one and with the monk adjustments coming up it'd be real nice to see this one fixed It's a bit hard to justify ever using as is, considering the stacking self-leveldrain it can cause, not to mention the ire of groupmates!

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Another note - not directly related, but..

    The Henshin Mystic's "Void Strike" also appears broken.

    On a vorpal it is NOT processing the "remove from existence" portion as far as I can tell. :\

    Edit: It looks like it *sometimes* works? The chat window several times did not show, then suddenly it did on a Dretch.. maybe conflicting with Manslayer/Shocking Blow/etc. procs on 20? It seems to only show up on non-humanoids.. mayhaps only when Manslayer *can't* proc?
    Last edited by losian2; 07-28-2016 at 11:30 PM.

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