A bit of background:
Bladesinger started out as an elf-only class in AD&D before morphing into a race-restricted prestige class (PrC) in 3E. They're melee-focused warrior / arcane caster hybrids using swords (usually scimitars) who are always elves or (rarely) half-elves. Despite the name, they aren't usually bards, though I don't believe that's a hard requirement. Originally they had to be Lawful or Neutral Good, IIRC, but later editions dropped that requirement too. A purely arbitrary set of restrictions based on lore, of course, but we'll try to stay within those constraints.
Props to CThruTheEgo, who beat me to the punch revisiting
ftr /wiz builds. So this thread will focus on elf-only variants in keeping with PnP Bladesingers. In the wake of U31 Kensei buffs, MCed fighter builds got some much-needed love, which makes gimpy flavor builds like these more viable.
The first build is a straight-forward STR-based wiz 12 / ftr 8 using falchions with a heavy investment in the elf tree for flavor (because NO ONE CAN STOP ME): Skill+Valenar Training for extra DPS, Feywild Tap for 10% Incorporealty. I was half-tempted to take the Shadow DM feat just for the tattoo, but refrained. Even I have my gimp limits...
Valenar Bladesinger
12/8 Wizard/Fighter
Lawful Good Elf
Level Order
1. Fighter 6. Fighter 11. Wizard 16. Wizard
2. Wizard 7. Fighter 12. Fighter 17. Wizard
3. Fighter 8. Wizard 13. Wizard 18. Wizard
4. Fighter 9. Fighter 14. Wizard 19. Wizard
5. Fighter 10. Wizard 15. Wizard 20. Wizard
28pt 32pt Level Up
---- ---- --------
Strength 18 18 4: STR
Dexterity 10 10 8: STR
Constitution 12 14 12: STR
Intelligence 14 14 16: STR
Wisdom 8 8 20: STR
Charisma 8 8 24: STR
28: STR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Concent 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 23
Spellcr 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
UMD 2 1 1 1 1 1½ ½ 1 1 1 11
Search 1 1 1 1 1 5
Balance 2 1 3
Jump 1 1
Tumble 1 1
16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 : Power Attack
1 Fighter: Cleave
2 Wizard : Extend Spell
3 : Weapon Focus: Slashing
3 Fighter: Two Handed Fighting
5 Fighter: Great Cleave
6 : Weapon Specialization: Slashing
7 Fighter: Improved Two Handed Fighting
9 : Improved Critical: Slashing
12 : Stunning Blow
12 Fighter: Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
13 Wizard : Quicken Spell
15 : Greater Two Handed Fighting
18 : Tactical Combatant
18 Wizard : Mental Toughness
21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic : Wellspring of Power
26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
27 Epic : Epic Damage Reduction
28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting OR First Blood OR Elusive Target
29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Arcane Warrior
30 Epic : Bulwark of Defense OR Heavy Armor Combatant
30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea OR Plane of Fire
Enhancements (80 AP)
Kensei (33 AP)
- Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades, Spiritual Bond, Strike with No Thought
- Extra Action Boost III, Weapon Group Specialization, Haste Boost III
- Weapon Group Specialization
- Weapon Group Specialization, Strength
- Weapon Group Specialization, Strike at the Heart, Opportunity Attack, Liquid Courage, Strength
- Weapon Master, One with the Blade, Keen Edge
Elf (19 AP)
- Elven Accuracy
- Valenar Weapon Training, Arcane Fluidity III
- Enchantment Lore III, Valenar Weapon Training
- Feywild Tap III, Valenar Weapon Training
- Valenar Weapon Training, Skill
Eldritch Knight (Wizard) (15 AP)
- Eldritch Strike, Spellsword: Flame, Spellsword II: Acid
- Improved Mage Armor III, Toughness I
- Improved Shield III, Martial Training
- Arcane Barrier III
Stalwart Defender (13 AP)
- Toughness, Stalwart Defense
- Item Defense I, Durable Defense III
- Resilient Defense III, Instinctive Defense I
- Tenacious Defense III
Leveling Guide
- Ken0 Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades; Ken1 Weapon Group Specialization; Elf0 Elven Accuracy
- EKw0 Eldritch Strike; EKw1 Improved Mage Armor I, II, III
- Ken1 Haste Boost I, II; Elf1 Valenar Weapon Training
- Ken0 Spiritual Bond; Ken1 Haste Boost III; Ken2 Weapon Group Specialization
- SD0 Toughness; SD1 Item Defense I; SD1 Durable Defense I, II
- SD1 Durable Defense III; SD0 Stalwart Defense; Ken1 Extra Action Boost I
- Ken0 Strike with No Thought; Ken3 Weapon Group Specialization
- Ken3 Strength; Ken1 Extra Action Boost II
- Ken1 Extra Action Boost III; Ken4 Opportunity Attack
- Ken4 Strike at the Heart; Ken4 Liquid Courage
- Ken4 Strength; SD2 Resilient Defense I; (Bank 2 AP)
- Ken4 Weapon Group Specialization; Ken5 Keen Edge; Ken5 One with the Blade; Ken5 Weapon Master; EKw1 Toughness I
- EKw0 Spellsword: Flame; Elf1 Arcane Fluidity I, II, III
- EKw2 Improved Shield I, II, III; SD2 Resilient Defense II
- SD2 Resilient Defense III; SD2 Instinctive Defense I; SD3 Tenacious Defense I, II
- SD3 Tenacious Defense III; EKw2 Martial Training; EKw3 Arcane Barrier I
- EKw3 Arcane Barrier II, III; EKw0 Spellsword II: Acid
- Elf2 Valenar Weapon Training; Elf2 Enchantment Lore I, II; Elf3 Feywild Tap I
- Elf3 Feywild Tap II; Elf3 Valenar Weapon Training; Elf2 Enchantment Lore III
- Elf4 Valenar Weapon Training; Elf4 Skill; Elf3 Feywild Tap III
Destiny (24 AP)
Divine Crusader
- Bane of Undeath, Interrogation, Purge the Wicked
- Consecration III, Flames of Purity II
- Sacred Ground, Empyrean Magic, Blessed Blades
- No Regret, Crusade
- Heavenly Presence, Celestial Champion
- Strike Down
Twists of Fate (18 fate points)
- Grim Precision (Tier 3 Shadowdancer)
- Momentum Swing (Tier 2 Dreadnought)
- Extra Action Boost (Tier 1 Dreadnought)
- Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
LG for flavor and Blessed Blades; any Good alignment would work or go True Neutral if you don't plan to take Blessed Blades.
Main drawback is lack of self-healing until you get to epics; and then not until you level your EDs enough to unlock what you need. Although for some players, "not an Easy Win Button" is a feature, not a drawback...
Zerg variant: The ftr 12 / wiz 7 / barb 1 split gains +10% run speed and higher melee DPS (Power Surge, Gtr Weap Spec, Imp Power Atk) at the expense of lvl 5 & 6 spells and shorter buff duration (Haste & Displacement are 1 minute shorter w/Extend than on wiz 12). This time I did take Shadow DM to help save SPs and for longer cast time.
Bladesinger (Zerg)
12/7/1 Fighter/Wizard/Barbarian
Chaotic Good Elf
Level Order
1. Barbarian 6. Fighter 11. Fighter 16. Wizard
2. Fighter 7. Fighter 12. Fighter 17. Fighter
3. Wizard 8. Fighter 13. Wizard 18. Fighter
4. Wizard 9. Fighter 14. Wizard 19. Fighter
5. Fighter 10. Wizard 15. Wizard 20. Fighter
28pt 32pt Level Up
---- ---- --------
Strength 18 18 4: STR
Dexterity 10 10 8: STR
Constitution 12 14 12: STR
Intelligence 14 14 16: STR
Wisdom 8 8 20: STR
Charisma 8 8 24: STR
28: STR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Spellcr 4 3 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
Search 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
UMD 2 2 1 1 1 ½ 1½ 1 1 11
Balance 2 2 2 6
Intim 4 4
Jump 4 4
Heal 2 2
Tumble 2 2
Repair 1 1
24 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 : Power Attack
2 Fighter: Cleave
3 : Least Dragonmark: Shadow
3 Wizard : Extend Spell
5 Fighter: Great Cleave
6 : Stunning Blow
7 Fighter: Weapon Focus: Slashing
9 : Improved Critical: Slashing
9 Fighter: Weapon Specialization: Slashing
12 : Two Handed Fighting
12 Fighter: Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
14 Wizard : Quicken Spell
15 : Improved Two Handed Fighting
18 : Greater Two Handed Fighting
18 Fighter: Heavy Armor Master
20 Fighter: Tactical Mastery
21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic : Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing
26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
27 Epic : Epic Damage Reduction
28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting OR Elusive Target
29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Deific Warding
30 Epic : Bulwark of Defense OR Heavy Armor Combatant
30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Earth
Enhancements (80 AP)
Kensei (34 AP)
- Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades, Spiritual Bond, Strike with No Thought, Power Surge
- Extra Action Boost III, Weapon Group Specialization, Haste Boost III
- Weapon Group Specialization
- Weapon Group Specialization, Shattering Strike II, Strength
- Weapon Group Specialization, Strike at the Heart, Opportunity Attack, Strength
- Weapon Master, One with the Blade, Keen Edge
Elf (15 AP)
- Elven Accuracy
- Phiarlan Dragonmark Focus III, Valenar Weapon Training, Arcane Fluidity III
- Lesser Dragonmark of Shadow, Valenar Weapon Training
- Greater Dragonmark of Shadow
Eldritch Knight (Wizard) (14 AP)
- Eldritch Strike, Spellsword: Acid
- Improved Mage Armor III, Toughness I
- Improved Shield III, Martial Training
- Arcane Barrier III
Stalwart Defender (13 AP)
- Toughness, Stalwart Defense
- Item Defense I, Durable Defense III
- Resilient Defense III, Instinctive Defense I
- Tenacious Defense III
Ravager (4 AP)
- Furious Rage
- Barbarian Power Attack III
Leveling Guide
- Rav0 Furious Rage; Rav1 Barbarian Power Attack I, II, III
- Ken0 Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades; Ken1 Haste Boost I, II, III
- EKw0 Eldritch Strike; Elf0 Elven Accuracy; Elf1 Valenar Weapon Training
- Elf1 Phiarlan Dragonmark Focus I, II; Elf2 Lesser Dragonmark of Shadow
- Elf1 Phiarlan Dragonmark Focus III; Elf2 Valenar Weapon Training
- Elf3 Greater Dragonmark of Shadow; Ken1 Weapon Group Specialization; Ken0 Spiritual Bond
- Ken2 Weapon Group Specialization; Ken1 Extra Action Boost I
- Ken3 Shattering Strike I; Ken3 Strength
- Ken1 Extra Action Boost II; Ken0 Strike with No Thought; Ken3 Weapon Group Specialization
- Ken1 Extra Action Boost III; Ken4 Opportunity Attack
- Ken4 Strike at the Heart; Ken4 Strength
- Ken4 Weapon Group Specialization; Ken3 Shattering Strike II; Ken5 One with the Blade
- Ken5 Keen Edge; Ken5 Weapon Master; Elf1 Arcane Fluidity I, II
- Elf1 Arcane Fluidity III; EKw1 Improved Mage Armor I, II, III
- EKw1 Toughness I; EKw0 Spellsword: Acid; SD0 Toughness; SD1 Durable Defense I
- SD1 Durable Defense II, III; SD1 Item Defense I; SD0 Stalwart Defense
- SD2 Resilient Defense I, II, III; SD2 Instinctive Defense I
- SD3 Tenacious Defense I, II, III
- EKw2 Martial Training; EKw2 Improved Shield I, II; EKw3 Arcane Barrier I
- Ken0 Power Surge; EKw3 Arcane Barrier II; EKw2 Improved Shield III; EKw3 Arcane Barrier III
Destiny (24 AP)
Divine Crusader
- Bane of Undeath, Interrogation, Purge the Wicked
- Consecration III, Flames of Purity II
- Sacred Ground, Empyrean Magic, Blessed Blades
- No Regret, Crusade
- Castigation, Celestial Champion
- Strike Down
Twists of Fate (18 fate points)
- Grim Precision (Tier 3 Shadowdancer)
- Momentum Swing (Tier 2 Dreadnought)
- Extra Action Boost (Tier 1 Dreadnought)
- Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)