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  1. #181
    Community Member Im_Rob's Avatar
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    Default XP/essence

    So Ive been maxed crafting levels for years, and have just been collecting essences for ages.

    Take a stab at how many essences (and I am totally happy with a general ballpark type of figure) that it would take to get from 260 ish (current cap into new system) to get the the new lvl 400 cap.

    Are we talking 100,000 new essences... 500,000 new essences? some kind of ballpark would be nice.

    I dont want to be sitting at the stupid deconstructor anymore if I already have enough to cap my toon on day 1 of release.

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Im_Rob View Post
    So Ive been maxed crafting levels for years, and have just been collecting essences for ages.

    Take a stab at how many essences (and I am totally happy with a general ballpark type of figure) that it would take to get from 260 ish (current cap into new system) to get the the new lvl 400 cap.

    Are we talking 100,000 new essences... 500,000 new essences? some kind of ballpark would be nice.

    I dont want to be sitting at the stupid deconstructor anymore if I already have enough to cap my toon on day 1 of release.
    It doesn't matter how many essences you have.
    All of the recipes will need new collectables (according to Cordovan) so you'll have to farm the collectables first.

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoyfulEagle View Post
    You can't get Marks of Cannith without the Cannith pack. I think your point is assumed already. But, just in case you thought that was the point I was making earlier, it was not. Some collectables are harder to come by than others, even if you are VIP and have the expantions.
    You can. You get cannith favor from the challenges and you get free tokens for the challenges every day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfo View Post
    Legendary HoX f2p too ( normal HoX - no, and it's very strange). 8)
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  4. #184
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    We can only guess the amounts of Essences it would take past the current "Capped" values. I do know with the current system, to get into the low 100s, it took my secondary Crafter: 1,262 Crafted shards, 712 Deconstructed (Total Crafting XP: 134913).

    I haven't a clue on the amount of Essences but even to get to Level 150/150/150 (my Main Crafter) I suspect; I used well over any 100,000 Greater essences.

    Even if you made only 1 of each Shard using Current system that would consume approximately: 26,525 Greater Essences and 97,184 Lesser Essences. Of course its likely to need several shards per Crafting Level in reality.

    I used well-over 40 Purified Eberron Dragonshard Fragments levelling alone to gain 150/150/150. I was also trying to avoid any recipes that needed Purified Eberron Dragonshards if possible due to their cost on AH.

    Like myself, and others have mentioned; its acquiring the Cannith Collectables and other Ingredients that's the main hurdle to levelling not the Essences, gaining essences is the straightforward part.
    Last edited by DYWYPI; 07-26-2016 at 05:25 AM. Reason: Grammar. Gold is tried by a touchstone, men by gold.

  5. #185
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    Default Old crafting school specialists?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    Single School

    Cannith will be down to a single school - currently know as... Cannith!
    The school will have a level cap of 400, and all XP will carry over from the original 3 schools.
    Level 150: 30,151
    Level 260: 245,580 <- where current maxed out crafters will end up.
    TL;DR: Am I the only fool who had different characters specializing in different schools, thus will get screwed by the school merge?

    Simplified version of my situation:
    Suppose I have maxed out the crafting XP in all three schools, but it is split by school between three characters. (See the final paragraph for why I would do such a thing.) For comparison, my friend has one character with all three schools maxed out. Right now we are effectively equal: and we both can craft all recipes, and we have the same XP overall. After the merge, my friend will have one Level 260 crafter with 245715 XP -- whereas I will have three crafters around Level 200 with 81905 XP each.

    In case it isn't obvious, I consider myself "screwed by the change". Am I the only one in this boat?

    However, this assumes two things, changing either of which would completely negate my concern:
    1. that the shards we craft for ourselves will continue to be BtA and not become BtC. If they become BtC, my ability to craft for my characters will still plummet, but so will anybody's who has more than one character to equip -- at which point I will not be "screwed" because of my unique situation, but rather "nerfed" along with everybody else, and that's just the price of maintaining balance.
    2. that the crafting XP will continue to be accumulated per character and not per account. Someone suggested in an earlier thread that crafting XP from all characters could be merged into one account-wide pile. It makes a lot of sense: if the output of crafting is Bound to Account, then letting all characters make use of the crafting XP is functionally equivalent to designating one character to do all your crafting; the only difference is that of convenience and not of balance: you don't have to switch characters to craft.

    As to why I specialized my crafters by school: in short, to reduce hand-offs for deconstruction. My Elemental specialist deconstructs her Elemental trash and hands other trash off to other specialists. The others hand their Elemental trash off to her and deconstruct other trash themselves. This results in the same number of hand-offs as if I had just one crafter (everybody gives their trash to him), except for the items that have both Elemental and non-Elemental powers of equal level: if my Elemental specialist finds it, she deconstructs it, and if the others find it, they do. This difference became mostly irrelevant when I progressed to the point where the XP I get from deconstruction is negligible compared to what I get from crafting recipes, but by then abandoning my specialization would have wasted a lot of XP. (As I said, my actual situation is different from the above: I have only two characters with a total of about 150k XP, one of which specializes in two schools, but my point is still relevant.)

  6. #186
    Community Member Greantun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoffWatson View Post
    It doesn't matter how many essences you have.
    All of the recipes will need new collectables (according to Cordovan) so you'll have to farm the collectables first.
    I just want to remove this misconception. There will only be new collectables for the ML shards over 20. All the effects shards should be able to be made once you are difficulty 100 (which I take as level 100). So if you are already capped, you can make any effect shard with existing collectables.

    They are only adding high level collectables for recipes above ml20, and since the only thing that can determine ML is the ML shards, that is what the collectables are for. All the other recipes (ML20 and below shards, and effect shards) will use existing collectables.

    NoWorries stated I this post that they are only adding 25 collectables to finish tier 5 and add a tier 6 set of collectables (Tiers defined here, which I would assume would be for the ML shards over 20.

  7. #187
    Community Member JoyfulEagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greantun View Post
    I just want to remove this misconception. There will only be new collectables for the ML shards over 20. All the effects shards should be able to be made once you are difficulty 100 (which I take as level 100). So if you are already capped, you can make any effect shard with existing collectables.

    They are only adding high level collectables for recipes above ml20, and since the only thing that can determine ML is the ML shards, that is what the collectables are for. All the other recipes (ML20 and below shards, and effect shards) will use existing collectables.

    NoWorries stated I this post that they are only adding 25 collectables to finish tier 5 and add a tier 6 set of collectables (Tiers defined here, which I would assume would be for the ML shards over 20.
    This is logical. But there is something that doesn't quite add up then.

    It has been stated that there will be about 25 new collectables. 34-20=14. We only need 14 new collectables for ML shards above 20.

    I suppose they could be adding new useless collectables. That would be annoying. More inventory clutter with no benefit to anyone but Turbine (selling larger bags). It wouldn't be the first time. But, that seems like an unnecessary slap in the face, given people having already voiced their concern about this.

    My thought is that they could be using some new collectables for some of the newer effects we haven't been able to craft in the past.

  8. #188
    Community Member Janisis's Avatar
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    Default Let us break down old named loot please

    I would love to be able to break down named loot for rare crafting ingredients. Currently with anything preU29 you almost want to groan if you get unique/named loot. The random gen loot changes for both good and bad over the years have turned original named loot into mostly completely ****. Let us break it down and do something useful with it. A much simpler solution then redoing/updating all of that junk.

    Let us break down Wondrous loot and take that wondrous attribute and use it in new crafting. That would give us a reason to do quests which still have a chance to drop wondrous equipment. One of the issues with this game is it does not look back despite a leveling system that is constantly encouraging us to go through all the content again and again. Once we hit that pinnacle of maxed out desired lives there is not much to do other than ransack the current end game raid(s) or farm mythic +3/+4 named loot, get another remnant tome or find that perfect random loot gen item. All of which are fairly grinding and annoying. More variety of reasons to log on would help especially since resources to make a larger world with plenty of end game raids seems to be lacking.

    This kobold is still grumpy about no Anauroch to explore or kobold race to TR/ITR into.
    Kobolds never forget!
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    Long Live Cult of the Dragon

  9. #189
    Community Member Im_Rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoffWatson View Post
    It doesn't matter how many essences you have.
    All of the recipes will need new collectables (according to Cordovan) so you'll have to farm the collectables first.
    have a pile of collectibles too.

    what would I do with them for the last 10 years. lol. have thousands sitting around by now

  10. #190
    Community Member Im_Rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DYWYPI View Post
    We can only guess the amounts of Essences it would take past the current "Capped" values. I do know with the current system, to get into the low 100s, it took my secondary Crafter: 1,262 Crafted shards, 712 Deconstructed (Total Crafting XP: 134913).

    I haven't a clue on the amount of Essences but even to get to Level 150/150/150 (my Main Crafter) I suspect; I used well over any 100,000 Greater essences.

    Even if you made only 1 of each Shard using Current system that would consume approximately: 26,525 Greater Essences and 97,184 Lesser Essences. Of course its likely to need several shards per Crafting Level in reality.

    I used well-over 40 Purified Eberron Dragonshard Fragments levelling alone to gain 150/150/150. I was also trying to avoid any recipes that needed Purified Eberron Dragonshards if possible due to their cost on AH.

    Like myself, and others have mentioned; its acquiring the Cannith Collectables and other Ingredients that's the main hurdle to levelling not the Essences, gaining essences is the straightforward part.
    Again, because Ive been playing for ages and not spending collectibles per se, I have about 5 or 600 purified essences collected over the years. so Im not worried there either

  11. #191
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    Lightbulb Too many of you have a misconception about there being flexibility in the new loot...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zistra View Post
    Flexibility: As long as every stat/effect has a minimum of 3 slots it can go in, I think we're covered for build flexibility around named items. Any that don't already should be available on rings. I'd say that's a minimum goal. Means you can work around two named items in the slots for a particular effect, but a third will limit your choices. Alternatively, adding "Flexibility" as one of the three effects allows for the build diversity some request, while trading that flexibility for a suitable amount of another flexibility or power: the third effect.

    ML Shards: It would be nice if we could replace the ML shard on an item with a new one without starting over, even if the cost in mats was high. It would allow us to decide whether it's in our interest to have one +Str item and re-level it from time to time, or to devote the storage space to a range of them.

    Other flexibility: Why stick with prefixes and suffixes? Why not let one of the advantages of Cannith Crafting be that you could craft two "suffix" effects on the same item? It fits with your "simplification" goal, and with no difference in essences associated, one of the logical justifications for the distinction is at least weakened. One of the most complex things about CC for newbies is understanding what's a prefix, what's a suffix, and why they can't go together on the same item. Get rid of this! This one change would guarantee CC would never be invalidated by random loot... some combinations would only be possible in CC items. Pretty sure that wouldn't make CC OP compared to the other systems.

    Storage issues: This system trades freeing up some space in Ingredient bags for using additional space in Collectibles bags. Will bag sizes change to reflect this? Have you studied the effects on people's actual storage use? For me, it will be trivial: I have the bag storage in the bank. That's not true of everyone. On the other storage issue side, while the variety of items that go in Ingredient bags will go down, the singular crafting essence will now be desired in much higher quantities: on a straight trade, the 20 or so existing essences at a stacking quantity of 1000 ea. would become one stack of 20,000. Existing bags won't support that change. Will we be allowed multiple stacks? Or how will this be handled?

    Collectibles: If Cannith Crafting is not intended to be a P2W perk, it will be important that all collectibles are available in at least one F2P area or acquisition method.

    Here's the facts about the flexibility that will be available in the CC update AT LAUNCH, and this is just a section of the enchants that we are going to all want to be working with all the time, since they seem to think that flex shards are OKAY to be left out:

    STR: Prefixes: bracers, gloves; suffixes: boots, belts
    CON: Prefixes: armor, rings, necklaces, belts; suffixes: bracers
    DEX: Prefixes: boots, gloves; suffixes: rings
    INT: Prefixes: head, goggles, cloak; suffixes: None
    WIS: Prefixes: goggles; suffixes: head
    CHA: Prefixes: cloak, ring; suffixes: neck

    There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to this system what so ever. There's plenty of flexibility for CON! Mild flexibility for INT! All the rest of the stats, and we're going to be running into problems left and right. I didn't bother with Insightful bonuses, as they are really just a cherry on top, aren't really the meat and bones of our crafting, and therefore do not make up for the lost flexibility in the much stronger and heavier enhancement bonus.

    The reason I put these lists together was because I wanted to see what sorta stuff I could craft, but after getting only this far, I didn't even bother to continue to sort out where things could go; I didn't need to. I can see from just these few enchants that flexible shards are absolutely necessary, because what you have going on is NOT flexibility; it's random awkwardness; it's not even close to balanced per stat!

    I'm curious to see how people the few stragglers that are reluctant to see flexible shards defend this list of enchants for it's inherent flexibleness, and ability to create a set of diverse gear, because that's not what I'm seeing; I'm seeing constriction issues immediately.

  12. #192
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    Here's the facts about the flexibility that will be available in the CC update AT LAUNCH, and this is just a section of the enchants that we are going to all want to be working with all the time, since they seem to think that flex shards are OKAY to be left out:

    STR: Prefixes: bracers, gloves; suffixes: boots, belts
    CON: Prefixes: armor, rings, necklaces, belts; suffixes: bracers
    DEX: Prefixes: boots, gloves; suffixes: rings
    INT: Prefixes: head, goggles, cloak; suffixes: None
    WIS: Prefixes: goggles; suffixes: head
    CHA: Prefixes: cloak, ring; suffixes: neck

    There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to this system what so ever. There's plenty of flexibility for CON! Mild flexibility for INT! All the rest of the stats, and we're going to be running into problems left and right. I didn't bother with Insightful bonuses, as they are really just a cherry on top, aren't really the meat and bones of our crafting, and therefore do not make up for the lost flexibility in the much stronger and heavier enhancement bonus.

    The reason I put these lists together was because I wanted to see what sorta stuff I could craft, but after getting only this far, I didn't even bother to continue to sort out where things could go; I didn't need to. I can see from just these few enchants that flexible shards are absolutely necessary, because what you have going on is NOT flexibility; it's random awkwardness; it's not even close to balanced per stat!

    I'm curious to see how people the few stragglers that are reluctant to see flexible shards defend this list of enchants for it's inherent flexibleness, and ability to create a set of diverse gear, because that's not what I'm seeing; I'm seeing constriction issues immediately.
    I second this! I have been using This tread and I don't know if it is complete, but it clearly shows how some effects are lacking options. If all effects would be going in 3 spots, there would maybe not be much need for Flex but as it stands some effects are only in possible in one single gear spot, meaning if you happen to have that slot filled with a Named/Raid item you can forget about it!
    G-land, Balistas Magicas, Bashukar Bloodaxe, Kobur Curse of Dragon, Necromatix

  13. #193
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gremmlynn View Post
    It will, just not at a 100% success rate from, what we've been told.
    Sooooo many pages ago, I'd missed your reply. Looking at the numbers, the max recipe level is 425, and the max crafting level is 400. 15 levels below = 50%, I would assume then that 30 levels below would be 1% and 31 levels 0%. 25 levels difference must then be about a 16% chance at success.

    But it is still a chance - the issue is losing ingredients because you can bet a top level recipe will need some rare ones, or a lot of non rare ones (and if it doesn't, it should).

    On that basis, I can more easily grasp Turbine's argument about not 'invalidating' lootgen - but I still disagree with them.

    With the effects which have been made unique to each list, and with so few people who are going to bother to max their crafting compared to the population as a whole, and with the new tiers of collectibles that will have to be sought out in the right level ranges to make the top effects in the first place... I just don't see it actually mattering at all if a mastercrafter can make themselves the 'best in slot' loot, just so long as they are prevented from doing that for everyone - i.e. top level/power recipes. As long as noncrafters - which will be a LOT of people because a huge number of people just don't engage with this kind of grind when compared to killing stuff - can't get whatever they want without the equivalent effort, its fine.

    This equivalence-gap puts me off so much in fact that after being a strong advocate for years for DDO to have a general crafting system - since they first started talking about it on Mournlands in fact - I probably wouldn't bother with the new one at all if it wasn't for the fact that current random loot drives me completely insane due to the too-much-random nature of which effects can appear with which effects and on which items (if I'm being fair, mostly my annoyance is limited to weapons and armour).

    I'll be doing crafting out of necessity to avoid a system I dislike, not out of a desire to engage with crafting, and that should not need to be a factor in a player's decision at all for a system like this.

    Now, full disclosure I'm not at all sure how I'd feel if random weapons and armour were more to my liking in the first place - but they aren't, and Turbine have made it clear they're happy with it. So if that's the way Random Loot is going to be, I need crafting to be my route to loot, and I'll instead grind for ingredients. Because make no mistake, having to do that is every bit the grind of trying to get even good lootgen for weapons and armour, never mind the "best".

    TL; DR:

    I maintain it would be better if the power level was be equivalent and crafters were prevented from making the very highest level stuff for anyone but themselves, and I do feel more than a bit disincentivised to bother trying to max out my crafting with the system as proposed.
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 07-27-2016 at 10:37 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  14. #194
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Im_Rob View Post
    So Ive been maxed crafting levels for years, and have just been collecting essences for ages.

    Take a stab at how many essences (and I am totally happy with a general ballpark type of figure) that it would take to get from 260 ish (current cap into new system) to get the the new lvl 400 cap.

    Are we talking 100,000 new essences... 500,000 new essences? some kind of ballpark would be nice.

    I dont want to be sitting at the stupid deconstructor anymore if I already have enough to cap my toon on day 1 of release.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  15. #195

    Default It's not that inflexible...

    Quote Originally Posted by RD2play View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    Here's the facts about the flexibility that will be available in the CC update AT LAUNCH, and this is just a section of the enchants that we are going to all want to be working with all the time, since they seem to think that flex shards are OKAY to be left out:

    STR: Prefixes: bracers, gloves; suffixes: boots, belts
    CON: Prefixes: armor, rings, necklaces, belts; suffixes: bracers
    DEX: Prefixes: boots, gloves; suffixes: rings
    INT: Prefixes: head, goggles, cloak; suffixes: None
    WIS: Prefixes: goggles; suffixes: head
    CHA: Prefixes: cloak, ring; suffixes: neck

    There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to this system what so ever. There's plenty of flexibility for CON! Mild flexibility for INT! All the rest of the stats, and we're going to be running into problems left and right. I didn't bother with Insightful bonuses, as they are really just a cherry on top, aren't really the meat and bones of our crafting, and therefore do not make up for the lost flexibility in the much stronger and heavier enhancement bonus.

    The reason I put these lists together was because I wanted to see what sorta stuff I could craft, but after getting only this far, I didn't even bother to continue to sort out where things could go; I didn't need to. I can see from just these few enchants that flexible shards are absolutely necessary, because what you have going on is NOT flexibility; it's random awkwardness; it's not even close to balanced per stat!

    I'm curious to see how people the few stragglers that are reluctant to see flexible shards defend this list of enchants for it's inherent flexibleness, and ability to create a set of diverse gear, because that's not what I'm seeing; I'm seeing constriction issues immediately.
    I second this! I have been using This tread and I don't know if it is complete, but it clearly shows how some effects are lacking options. If all effects would be going in 3 spots, there would maybe not be much need for Flex but as it stands some effects are only in possible in one single gear spot, meaning if you happen to have that slot filled with a Named/Raid item you can forget about it!
    I think the list here is misleading... Let's try the full list.
    Prefix Suffix
    STR Bracers, Gloves Boot, Belts
    CON Armor, Necklaces, Belts,
    Rings, Trinkets, Rune Arms
    DEX Boots, Gloves Rings, Trinkets, Rune Arms
    INT Helm, Goggles, Cloaks None
    WIS Goggles Helm
    CHA Cloak, Ring, Trinket, Rune Arm Necklace

    To summarize... STR 2/2 (4); CON 6/1 (7); DEX 2/3 (5); INT 3/0 (3); WIS 1/1 (2); CHA 4/1 (5)
    You're crying about INT... Looks like WIS is worse off, but none of them are locked to a single slot... You're also forgetting that you can also use LGS weapons for max ability stats, so any stat can go on weapons as well... There's more flexibility than you're letting on.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not overly impressed with this update pass; but I've gotten to the point where I believe they're actually past making any major needed changes to their vision of what it should be and to continue to bicker over the little stuff before it's implemented is a waste of my time. Once it is released, and everyone see's how things work or not; then I'll see if there is any chance of revisiting things that I think are broken about this plan.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Now with real 100% closing.

  16. #196
    Community Member Ebondevil's Avatar
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    Really they should get rid of the Prefix/Suffix limitations, and put the effects on the item in the order they are crafted on, would allow for considerably more flexibility without the need for flexible shards and should simplify the system from both the design and the player perspective.

  17. #197
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    Talking Misleading? Because, I forgot to include trinkets, and rune arms hardly count!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoemaker View Post
    I think the list here is misleading... Let's try the full list.
    Prefix Suffix
    STR Bracers, Gloves Boot, Belts
    CON Armor, Necklaces, Belts,
    Rings, Trinkets, Rune Arms
    DEX Boots, Gloves Rings, Trinkets, Rune Arms
    INT Helm, Goggles, Cloaks None
    WIS Goggles Helm
    CHA Cloak, Ring, Trinket, Rune Arm Necklace

    To summarize... STR 2/2 (4); CON 6/1 (7); DEX 2/3 (5); INT 3/0 (3); WIS 1/1 (2); CHA 4/1 (5)
    You're crying about INT... Looks like WIS is worse off, but none of them are locked to a single slot... You're also forgetting that you can also use LGS weapons for max ability stats, so any stat can go on weapons as well... There's more flexibility than you're letting on.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not overly impressed with this update pass; but I've gotten to the point where I believe they're actually past making any major needed changes to their vision of what it should be and to continue to bicker over the little stuff before it's implemented is a waste of my time. Once it is released, and everyone see's how things work or not; then I'll see if there is any chance of revisiting things that I think are broken about this plan.
    If bickering about this were a waste of your time, then why bother to bring all of this up, which is really a bunch of nothing, rune arms, seriously, to make the chart look more filled in with something that belongs to a single class, how ridiculous. My mistake with trinkets, I neglected to include them, they didn't really change the canvas much, though. The fact is, stats are still completely unbalanced, and constricted, imo. You consider it something unworthy to be spoken about, that's funny, the person above you seems to think the exact opposite of you; after all, what else is this all about if not to talk about what's being presented. They say it's unnecessary AT LAUNCH, they see exactly how much opposition, and grave concern people have about this, and I think they realize, to at least some degree, that it's restricted placement, or else they wouldn't even be talking about giving flexible shards a future, but they are giving them a potential future. I'm not letting on that there is less flexibility than there is, I presented something for others to look at and to judge for themselves WITH my own opinion, then said that I couldn't wait to see how others were going to justify how this was flexible. Then, you came along and tried to justify how things were still rather flexible, but all you did was highlight the inflexibility, because rune arms, don't count, and people typically have their special trinkets that they wouldn't be giving up for any crafted piece anyway. Epic Litany is one such example, but people are also very attached to their augmented ioun stones. So, yeah, maybe in heroic levels, but even then people have their beloved special trinkets that they will start wearing at a certain level, and then refuse to take off. Everybody knows what I'm talking about.

    Anyway, it was not I, but someone else that was having misconceptions about how flexible they believed the system was going to be, and since maybe it would be that flexible at least it would work all right. I was showing them EXACTLY where things REALLY get to go, and REALLY how rigid it is for most of the stats. When did I whine about INT? I said, Int has somewhat decent flexibility, did you not read my post? I said it was the REST OF THE STATS that were really jacked over, and you are completely correct, WIS is the absolute worst off stat in the entire system! When I saw you're post, I was actually kinda stoked, because originally I wanted to put it up in a chart format just like that, but I was like, the hell if I'm going to write all of that mark-up code, and then you awesomely turned it into a table for me, and represented it, with added fluff, but WHO CARES! It's a great chart to demonstrate perfectly to everyone just how awkwardly random, or GREAT if they really think that, the situation is.

  18. #198
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shoemaker View Post
    I think the list here is misleading... Let's try the full list.
    Prefix Suffix
    STR Bracers, Gloves Boot, Belts
    CON Armor, Necklaces, Belts,
    Rings, Trinkets, Rune Arms
    DEX Boots, Gloves Rings, Trinkets, Rune Arms
    INT Helm, Goggles, Cloaks None
    WIS Goggles Helm
    CHA Cloak, Ring, Trinket, Rune Arm Necklace

    To summarize... STR 2/2 (4); CON 6/1 (7); DEX 2/3 (5); INT 3/0 (3); WIS 1/1 (2); CHA 4/1 (5)
    You're crying about INT... Looks like WIS is worse off, but none of them are locked to a single slot... You're also forgetting that you can also use LGS weapons for max ability stats, so any stat can go on weapons as well... There's more flexibility than you're letting on.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not overly impressed with this update pass; but I've gotten to the point where I believe they're actually past making any major needed changes to their vision of what it should be and to continue to bicker over the little stuff before it's implemented is a waste of my time. Once it is released, and everyone see's how things work or not; then I'll see if there is any chance of revisiting things that I think are broken about this plan.
    First off I am not only talking about only base Stats, I can't understand why people are so tunneled in their vision. When the new RGL came out the devs said there would be regular updates to it, but in actuality only some bugs with the system have been addressed. To talk about base stats, well it wouldn't be much of a problem if all of them would come in at least 3 places. But like in your list Wis comes only in 2, Int only exists as prefix and competes with other stats for that space, then Ins Cha only has one place it shows. So if that spot is in use for one of your Named/Raid items though luck. There are also other effects which only come in one slot, (bashing, combat mastery, potency) not much choice now is there? Crafted should fit in next to you Raid/Named loot. I have never asked for everything to go everywhere just a bit more Flex than the current RGL would be great, as it is needlessly restrictive in some places. You mention LGS like every player will even have a chance to make one of those, or even has their weapons open slot to equip an otherwise useless item. And what if you are not level 26? Get off you high horse man! Random is for a wider audience than an End-game Raid system. Yet another thing I cannot understand from some posters, it is all about level 30??? for me CCrafting is meant to fit in stuff while playing the game, you know levels 1-30. Great you will now be able to craft up to cap but that is not the only place it is and should be designed for. While equipping I first look at my main items which are Raid and Named Items that took me some time to acquire, then I will try to fill in the missing stuff with RGL, or Crafted items. With the needless restrictions build into the RGL this has now already become a great time sink figuring out you next gear set-up, only to find out it just doesn't quite fit. It takes away from enjoyment of playing the game when you need to go trough this every couple of levels, and wastes a ton of game time, which btw not every player has tons of.
    G-land, Balistas Magicas, Bashukar Bloodaxe, Kobur Curse of Dragon, Necromatix

  19. #199
    Community Member Lord_Asmodeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Yet still no updates on what they are going to do with rune arms and trinkets. Perhaps NoWorries would care to enlighten us in this regard.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

  20. #200
    Community Member Hilltrot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Shoemaker View Post
    I think the list here is misleading... Let's try the full list.
    Prefix Suffix
    STR Bracers, Gloves Boot, Belts
    CON Armor, Necklaces, Belts,
    Rings, Trinkets, Rune Arms
    DEX Boots, Gloves Rings, Trinkets, Rune Arms
    INT Helm, Goggles, Cloaks None
    WIS Goggles Helm
    CHA Cloak, Ring, Trinket, Rune Arm Necklace

    To summarize... STR 2/2 (4); CON 6/1 (7); DEX 2/3 (5); INT 3/0 (3); WIS 1/1 (2); CHA 4/1 (5)
    You're crying about INT... Looks like WIS is worse off, but none of them are locked to a single slot... You're also forgetting that you can also use LGS weapons for max ability stats, so any stat can go on weapons as well... There's more flexibility than you're letting on.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not overly impressed with this update pass; but I've gotten to the point where I believe they're actually past making any major needed changes to their vision of what it should be and to continue to bicker over the little stuff before it's implemented is a waste of my time. Once it is released, and everyone see's how things work or not; then I'll see if there is any chance of revisiting things that I think are broken about this plan.
    This list is not complete.

    I have wisdom cloaks.

    Also, you have to realize that you are not just limited to prefix and suffix in the new system.

    Spreading misinformation is not making a point.

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