Quote Originally Posted by bls904c2 View Post
I don't know why im getting into this but here it goes

Old Cannith Crafting only had 2 affixs NoWorries says in new system 3 affixs is now possible

I have not been able to find because my search fu is not strong, NoWorries has stated that they want to bring Cannith Crafting up to par of Random Loot. I don't recall exact wordage used by NoWorries but because Random Loot has possibility of 3 affixs (An item can have the following affixes: enhancement bonus, prefix, suffix, and an extra) they want people to be able to craft the same loot as available as random loot with some special affixs only available to CC and some affixs only available to random loot.

the extra is WAI
here is a post noworries did about the random loot back in december https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...ht=random+loot
The extra will be intended when the new system is in place. But items crafted with three affixes (weapon/armor/shield enhancement bonuses excluded) now, due to the bugginess of at least one shard, are not WIA. For example, the feather falling/proof against poison/wizardry V Ring I made last week.