Hello all!

As the title says, our guild Karandras, is looking for new members. Our guild level is 55 right now and we have ship and some buffs.
We are accepting anyone to our ranks, but we are currently trying to focus on new players. We are going to offer guiding to a quests and raids on Normal to Hard to Elite progression. And we like to run all of the content to show it to people and to ourself.

Yesterday we started at Snowy Side Korthos and are trying to keep it up for full weekend. Next week we are moving to Harbor and are going to run Heroic Normal Chronoscope loot run for all who wants to take a part. Time of a week will be Saturday(16.7), that much we know at this given time.

If you would be interested to join our cause send a /tell or a mail either Darual or Treli. You can also send a message to me here or post to this thread and we will arrange you to guild.

Thank you of your time and we hope to see you in game =)

- Yours Yltrem, officer of Karandras