I hate to pour gas on this, but that is not a fact. It is your opinion about how the new damage "should" work.
Maybe you are right. Maybe not. It is an opinion. If you want Turbine to listen, stop claiming opinions as fact. It makes you, and by association us, less credible.
Hard to tell without seeing the formula and what sort of rounding it might use. Especially as the random loot system uses a level range, whereas CC will just use the top of the (normal) range. For instance, if the formula were something like ML/2.25 the rounding of fractions would make it appear non-linear.
This seems to about fit what you posted too.
Hey, I just had a thought about something awesome that could be done in the new system.
If the properties don't dictate the level of the gear, then maybe we can update gear from level to level by applying a new ML shard, without having to re-craft the item.
We could keep the same item from level 1 through 30.
Frankly, to expect them to ask our permission for every change they make to their product, or to even fully explain those changes seems a bit unrealistic to me. While asking our opinion in a general sense makes sense, they also have to take what works best for them with the least disruption and with cost effectiveness taken into account when they make changes.
We always have the option to live with it or simply stop playing when changes are made that more favor Turbine's bottom line than what we may want.
Every decision? Of course not. But when it's a major change to an existing system, yes, they should take input before they finalize their decisions. And this is a major change.
I very much doubt that anything they're doing with CC is going to affect their bottom line, at least in a positive sense. I won't be buying anything CC related in the store if the new system stays the way it's been outlined. And I'm sure many others feel the same way.
Of course, if the crafters get so upset that they cancel subscriptions, well, that would indeed affect their bottom line. And if crafters mostly abandon CC because it no longer meets their needs, then they're going to have to explain to someone why they spent so much time & effort (translated $'s) developing something that is not being used.
I personally will wait to see what it looks like, but I doubt that I'll spend the time & effort to grind out the levels for something that looks likely to be pretty useless, since the rigid (inflexible) assignments simply will not work with much of my current named gear. And, if it's really bad, well, I have plenty of very good games that have been on the back burner for a while because I've been concentrating on DDO. I may have to consider canceling my VIP at the next renewal. While I enjoy this game, it won't be the end of the world for me if I do something else till they come to their senses.
It goes beyond just buying things from the store. If it's to easy then it takes away from the time sink. If it's to good, it could take away from named items and thus effect sales there. If it's to complicated, it could chase potential crafters away. Etc.
There are a lot of subtle ways that potential changes can effect their bottom line and some of those they are not going to tell us about simply because telling people these are the ways they are maximizing the amount of money they get from us likely wouldn't go over well. Some of this seems to be about savings down the road through ease of upgrading (rather than the current CC system which seems to be to big a can of worms to even bother), as that was something they mentioned with the new loot system.
That's always a possibility as their is never a guarantee they will actually succeed with what they are attempting and there is likely to be some of that regardless what change they make. That's just how life works.Of course, if the crafters get so upset that they cancel subscriptions, well, that would indeed affect their bottom line. And if crafters mostly abandon CC because it no longer meets their needs, then they're going to have to explain to someone why they spent so much time & effort (translated $'s) developing something that is not being used.
I personally will wait to see what it looks like, but I doubt that I'll spend the time & effort to grind out the levels for something that looks likely to be pretty useless, since the rigid (inflexible) assignments simply will not work with much of my current named gear. And, if it's really bad, well, I have plenty of very good games that have been on the back burner for a while because I've been concentrating on DDO. I may have to consider canceling my VIP at the next renewal. While I enjoy this game, it won't be the end of the world for me if I do something else till they come to their senses.
And because for whatever reason we have gone without official acknowledgement of these issues in this thread I am copy-pasting these quotes from dev tracker here.
I went all the way back to February (when my comp got an upgrade/fix and I came back to the game). IIRC I read a comment at some point about handwraps having the same issue as ranged weapons where the xd6 damage on random gen handwraps did not appear to be scaling but I couldn't find the dev quote. I may have just missed it (searching titles) or it may have been in a larger thread about something else. If anyone knows where to find that quote please add it here. Also wouldn't hurt to add other dev quotes of issues/bugs with New Random Loot that could cause issues if integrated into future Cannith Crafting.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
Thank you for the feedback, all. We're continuing this discussion in a new thread here.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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