Can you please confirm or deny this statement:
There are no prefix or suffix types anymore. An enchantment either can go or can't go into the 2 or 3 (MC) slots on an item according to the item type and enchantment type.
So for instance, an item that can hold any attribute, like a ring, could be dexterity, constitution, charisma, if it were MC'd.
I'm glad all the bonuses will work, but the effect of the bonuses will be halved(or more). With 400 levels of crafting, getting +10 levels from Greater Mark of Making will make much less of a difference than it did when there were only 150. Any chance the effects could be doubled (or tripled)?
... and yes I have an Artificer with Greater Mark of Making as my main crafter.
Last edited by mikarddo; 07-08-2016 at 02:12 PM.
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
Expressing a self-satisfied "that's what you get!" about layoffs on the basis of a 'problem' that you've imagined up out of nowhere.
Real nice.
And dupers are going to have massive stacks of crafting essences still around that they'll convert into the new type of essences and max out their crafting asap using those. Exactly how is this update spiting them?!? You're searching for reasons to indulge your hatred for Turbine anywhere you can find them--even in the land of imagination.
And for anybody wondering, I'm not sure if this is still up to date but the wiki has a list:
My bet is on +4 STR, but I can't say for sure, since I haven't seen anything definitive on it yet.
Also, GFL and hv fort will be hit hard, if randgen loot is anything to go by. And skill items.
While it's nice to get to craft new higher level items, it's not all for the better. Well, as far as I can tell, anyway. Since we're lacking details.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
Community Member
If we use random loot as a guideline (this is some back of the napkin math looking at the items in the Cannith AH):
+2 = ML 5
+3 = ML 6
+4 = ML 11 (only 3 items available, so probably closer to ML 9)
+5 = ML 12
+6 = ML 14
+7 = ML 16
+8 = ML 19
+9 = ML 22
+10 = ML 24/25
+11 = ML 27/28
+12 and above = ML 30+
Last edited by niknight; 07-08-2016 at 04:40 PM.
On random loot you might see intelligence on goggles or a helm but never a belt for example. With cannith crafting will the same restrictions apply (intelligence can't be on a belt)?
The old cannith crafting system had restrictions but you could bypass those by crafting flexible shards that removed some restrictions.
Last edited by slarden; 07-08-2016 at 04:45 PM.
My guess at ml9 is 4 or 5 enh with 2 insight leaving you ahead since you can put a 3rd effect and augment on it which currently an aug or other effect would hurt the ml. Could you use and old 6 and a new insight if you have room sure. But a straight up comparison new is better.
edit: wanted to bring this up again, someone else did before. It would be awesome if we could overwrite the ML shard, making one item we can keep using through all levels just upgrading it as we go with a single craft, not a craft from scratch.
Last edited by Cantor; 07-08-2016 at 05:02 PM.
There will not be flexible shards (as least as of now), and the restriction applies to crafted items as well. From the original crafting post:
Although Cannith will follow the slot restrictions of effects that Random Loot has, a player does get to choose which effects go on the slots of the item.
I'll just say this one final time.
EVERY properties that can ever exist on random loot, Cannith Challenge, Eveningstar Challenge, Named Item, HAVE to be craftable via Cannith Crafting or you'll end up revisiting Cannith Crafting again which is just wasting your own development time.
Going forward, you should be able to craft Raid Gears on Cannith Crafting table. I'm not saying they are going to use normal crafting ingredients. You are still required to run the raids to get the ingredients. The same goes for Festival Crafting. You do the festival event for the ingredients BUT you can craft it through Cannith Crafting.
Cannith Crafting will NOT make random loot obsolete. If I can find the ideal gear via random loot I'd rather buy it through auction house since that's way faster. The fact that there's less items on the Auction House cannot be attributed as Cannith Crafting's fault. Those are your RNG rate, Astral Shard AH, population issues.
Vorpal, Paralyzing, Banishing have such a small window of usefulness (only mid levels) that it absolutely makes no sense you cannot craft them.
Named items and augments will cover the gap between what we have now and a false life/fort effect/(bonus)insightful effect item. Frankly, at level 9 every character I have gets it's heavy fort from it's neclace simply because there is no ML9 item in the game that even comes close to what heavy fort gives and that's from a F2P quest one need not even run all of at any difficulty they choose. As for false life, with the hps we have today, those items were lagging behind anyway.
Random loot uses a range, crafting will be set at the top of the range from the way I read it. A good linguine would be ML/2 (round up) from what I've seen. Basically what it was in the ols system, sans masterful, through +6 items. It may be a bit lower at the top end, or maybe not due to what random stuff we've seen having a wider possible range.
I have never used that necklace, but you're right, augments will have to cover the deficiency.
So... because GFL is not as useful as it was, it deserves to be nerfed? I'm not sure I understand that logic.
DCs will suffer at low levels, skills will suffer, HPs will suffer.
This is not the end of the world. By no means. What I'm trying to do is counter the image that the revamp will be better for everyone, in every case. It won't. It will offer some new shinies, and take away others.
And since it will not offer flexibility like before, nor top end range gear, and will remove some low end goodies, and will require lots of new grind (both xp and the new collectables), I do not see CC after the revamp as on par with randgen and named gear (which was the point, that each should be powerful, but different). I see CC after the revamp as decidedly less powerful than both named and randgen.
Will it be better for 20+ gear than it is now? Yes. But it will not be as good as randgen, nor named gear. So I'm not sure I see the point of the exercise.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.