I was away some time because I felt that wizard was next to useless, so I'm asking was anything changed in the favor of wizards?
1) Can champions still have immunities to wizard spells (deathward, FoM etc.) If yes, did champions get any sort of immunities to combat tactical feats?
2) Do combat tactical feats still work on almost everything (stunning blow from plant to undead for example?And tripping spiders?). If not, do wizard spell work on more things now? (enchantment spells on spiders, wail of banshee on undead)
3) Do other classes still have to only get + tactic DC item +insg. tactic and have reliable tactic DC (without tactic feats, ED's, twisting DC stats, or serious enhancment tree crippling?)
4) Are wizards able to solo some harder EE's without chugging store pots and without using shiradi ED?
5) Do groups still decline wizards if to many of them apply (although having 12 barbarians isn't a problem, or whatever class is "in" now).
6) Is healer a needed class or using silverflame pots and EDs is enough?
7) Do some enemies get immunity to certain types of weapons? (Fire ellies ummine to fire, but is something immune to slashing weapons).
8) How are the tankiness problems adressed? Armor rating useless? PRR and/or dodge? Can spellcasters get decent damage reduction?
9) Do melee classes have to invest in to-hit bonuses if they put stat points into their to-hit stat?
10) Do wizards struggle with Spell resistance?
11) Any plans on removing blue bar? Would that make wizards OP? Atleast it would cripple people that duped SP pots. Did turbine do anything about duped items?
Btw, I'm a completionist with 50 or so lives, so I know quite a few about the game. Maybe I'm just rusty and don't know what happened in the last 12 months or so.