just restored characters with TR cache. I logged on the first 1, TR cache was available. Couple days later checked the 2nd char, no TR cache. Went back on the first one, and oh no... TR cache was gone also. Reported in-game ticket with this answer:
The issue you have described has been recorded for review by the In-Game Support team but is not an issue that we can assist with. We recommend that you take a moment to submit a formal bug report at this url: http://ddobugs.turbine.com/ to aid in the research of this issue. Be sure to fully review the information at the top of the bug report form to understand how bug reports are handled. - +sparker+
Well, bummer i thought, then i submit a formal bug for both characters. I received following email for each:
Greetings XXX XXX,
Thank you for contacting Turbine with your report. We value our player's input and appreciate your taking the time to provide Turbine with your valuable feedback.
We're sorry that you are experiencing this difficulty, but we appreciate your contacting us to make us aware of this and the issue you have reported is under investigation.
The report you have submitted here was done via the "Report a Bug" form, which will not necessarily result in a timely response or resolution to your issue. On the "Report a Bug" page, this information is reiterated for your convenience. While we may investigate reports submitted via the 'Report a Bug' form, QA cannot resolve individual or character issues in game or on the forums.
Best wishes,
Dungeons and Dragons Online
Quality Assurance Team
Turbine, powered by our fans.
As i understand it it basically means: good luck with it.
Am i right?
Is there another way to make sure they review my issue and might help?