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Thread: Complete Newbie

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Complete Newbie

    Good day all,

    I am completely new to DDO, having come from playing the table top game. I have been exploring, soling and taking a handful of different classes to levels 4 or 5. I was curious about joining a guild. That said, I am not a massive online gamer (and I am in my 40s, so likely will never catch up as quick as some others online). I am interested in RP, and also intrigued by perma-death, as it was a very real part of the tabletop game. Lastly, are guilds in DDO primarily for rapid advancement and then advanced quests or are their guilds which often have characters start off together at low levels and grow together (which is more like the table top game to me). Thanks for the advice.

  2. #2
    Community Member Thunder-Monkey's Avatar
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Mattjo33 View Post
    Good day all,

    I am completely new to DDO, having come from playing the table top game. I have been exploring, soling and taking a handful of different classes to levels 4 or 5. I was curious about joining a guild. That said, I am not a massive online gamer (and I am in my 40s, so likely will never catch up as quick as some others online). I am interested in RP, and also intrigued by perma-death, as it was a very real part of the tabletop game. Lastly, are guilds in DDO primarily for rapid advancement and then advanced quests or are their guilds which often have characters start off together at low levels and grow together (which is more like the table top game to me). Thanks for the advice.
    Hi Mattjo and welcome to DDO.

    You didn't say which server you are on but there are many types of guild on each server and there is nothing to stop you guild-hopping or server-hopping.

    Have a look at some of the recruitment threads in the server forums for RP and PD guilds and register your interest there, maybe roll a toon on their servers in readiness.

    Many guilds are friendly to newer players and have many alts at many levels to run with you. If u bump into some ppl you enjoy running with, ask them if they are recruiting.

    My own guild on Ghallanda is not focused on rapid advancement, we're a group of friends who have fun together and help each other out. We also like to run high-end raids at the weekend within our own group (lots of whom are not in our guild but we forgive them).

    As for the age thing, i think u'll be surprised how many ppl in DDO are more 'mature' and have a P&P background.

    Happy guild hunting!


  3. #3
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    1st - is your best friend!
    2nd - best way to find a guild? Just PUG's. Press 'O' to open the social panel, and click the 'Grouping' tab and check out what is your level range and what you own. You can also host PUG's using the LFM panel.

    Good Luck! Have Fun!

  4. #4
    Community Member Baktiotha's Avatar
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    Previous posts contain good advice. I'm surprised nobody has tried to recruit you. Seems a normal experience when you start a new character is to get a tell from somebody asking if you're looking for a guild. Your experiences with those may vary.

    The PD guilds I've had a chance to game with are very much into working with new players. Warning, it is tough but totally worth it. I ended up stopping because lag kills and i had too much of it. But, it was a rewarding and challenging experience.

    Best of luck,

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Thanks all! I am traveling for work between continents over the next couple of months, but do hope to find a static group when that finishes at the end of the summer. See you inside the game!

  6. #6
    Community Manager
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    Great to have you here!
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  7. #7
    Community Member RistoffDervish's Avatar
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    Look up Ristoff if you are on the Orien Server. Our guild "Arcane Alliance" is always looking to point new players in the right direction and we have a "boat load" of buffs to help your character.

    If I am not on, look in the social panel under the "who" tab, sort by guild, and send a tell to a member who can alert an online officer who can assist in your recruitment.

    Ristoff is the leader of the Orien guild Arcane Alliance. Above is our airship "AA Krimson Kraken" with all the buffs and amenities.
    Send mail or a tell to Ristoff in-game and ask for an invitation. All players welcome!

  8. #8
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mattjo33 View Post
    Good day all,

    I am completely new to DDO, having come from playing the table top game. I have been exploring, soling and taking a handful of different classes to levels 4 or 5. I was curious about joining a guild. That said, I am not a massive online gamer (and I am in my 40s, so likely will never catch up as quick as some others online). I am interested in RP, and also intrigued by perma-death, as it was a very real part of the tabletop game. Lastly, are guilds in DDO primarily for rapid advancement and then advanced quests or are their guilds which often have characters start off together at low levels and grow together (which is more like the table top game to me). Thanks for the advice.
    No worries.

    We have a guild member who is 67 years old and is still playing with us every Tuesday night on Sarlona.

    If you are into playing with little people, i.e., halfling and gnomes, feel free to send Geoffhanna (he's part of the fansite discussions forum) a tell or email. You can also email me here or in game on Sarlona to "Witwin" for a guild invite.

    Welcome to DDO! The biggest "little" computer D&D game in the world!

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  9. #9
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mattjo33 View Post
    Good day all,

    I am completely new to DDO, having come from playing the table top game. I have been exploring, soling and taking a handful of different classes to levels 4 or 5. I was curious about joining a guild. That said, I am not a massive online gamer (and I am in my 40s, so likely will never catch up as quick as some others online). I am interested in RP, and also intrigued by perma-death, as it was a very real part of the tabletop game. Lastly, are guilds in DDO primarily for rapid advancement and then advanced quests or are their guilds which often have characters start off together at low levels and grow together (which is more like the table top game to me). Thanks for the advice.
    No worries.

    We have a guild member who is 67 years old and is still playing with us every Tuesday night on Sarlona.

    If you are into playing with little people, i.e., halfling and gnomes, feel free to send Geoffhanna (he's part of the fansite discussions forum) a tell or email. You can also email me here or in game on Sarlona to "Witwin" for a guild invite.

    Welcome to DDO! The biggest "little" computer D&D game in the world!

    P.S. The gnomes works on Mondays and are currently only level 7 to 8ish.

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  10. #10
    2016, 2018 Player Council Member Ziindarax's Avatar
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    If you come on the Orien server, look for Ziind. I will be happy to assist however I can; I've been working on my cannith crafting some more, and am able to concoct a basic elemental of pure good weapon.
    Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien

    Fernian Summer Carnival

  11. #11
    Community Member Calinthus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mattjo33 View Post
    Good day all,

    I am completely new to DDO, having come from playing the table top game. I have been exploring, soling and taking a handful of different classes to levels 4 or 5. I was curious about joining a guild. That said, I am not a massive online gamer (and I am in my 40s, so likely will never catch up as quick as some others online). I am interested in RP, and also intrigued by perma-death, as it was a very real part of the tabletop game. Lastly, are guilds in DDO primarily for rapid advancement and then advanced quests or are their guilds which often have characters start off together at low levels and grow together (which is more like the table top game to me). Thanks for the advice.
    Mate, most of the players that I have met are well past their teens. DDO has a great community, regardless of the server. Most players are happy to show a newcomer the ropes.
    While being in a guild has a lot of perks(people to run quests with, guild buffs, and the like), it is not actually needed. You can always ask someone for a "Ship invite", and get access to that guild's ship buffs. If you have the chance to run on Cannith, look up the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
    As the saying goes, "There is more than one way to skin a cat. (No offence to cats, cat lovers, or people that want to be cats)
    "Everything taste like chicken, 'cept chicken, that taste like turkey.", quoth the barbarian.

  12. #12
    Crown Clown
    Death Dodger
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    not sure if it fits your query, but on Orien I got a bunch of Toons I parked at various lvls (1,4,8,12,16,20,24,28) to always have a toon on hand to help anyone.

    ya can search for Gabraell there, hook you up with basic stuff/advices and run quests
    I come from the west. Through countries, peoples, and cities - to this place: STORMREACH.
    My duty: Guardian. To mend and defend. To defend my newfound friends, their hopes, and dreams. To defend them from their enemies.

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