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  1. #21
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gesion View Post
    What you want is simply not feasible. You're asking them to completely redo an enhancement tree from the ground up. And your suggestions make it look like a thief acrobat tree with monk-themed abilities. This adds nothing new to the game, only more of the same. That's like giving fighter the weapon master tree, which is so similar to kensei they might as well be the same thing.

    I'm not talking about turning henshin into some sort of fire savant sorcerer, nor do I want it to have that kind of power. As it stands now, henshin is a hybrid melee/magic dps, which fails terribly due to poorly designed mechanics. I say keep it a hybrid melee/magic dps tree, but beef it up so it actually functions like it should. If you want to be a purely physical staff-wielder, then go play a thief acrobat and stop trying to turn henshin mystic into one.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    Quivering Palm is not a "mystically enhanced physical attributes and abilities", are you now going to say that an instakill is not mystical in order to fit your view of what a monk is?

    I get that you want monks to be one think and have options you like best but just because you don't like the mystical side of the class and think it should double down on its physical aspects doesn't mean the mystical side can not be supported in an enhancement tree.

    Quivering Palm is very much a mystical ability and it is contained in the core foundation of the monk. Furthermore, I did NOT say I hate or don't want mystically abilities, I said the mystical side should stick to the core of the monk class, and the same with the other classes. The mystical abilities in the core of the monk are Quivering Palm, enhancements to jumping, running, combat speed, and so forth. The idea is that the first 2-3 enhancement trees stick to enhancing the core of each class, and then over time, when DDO can develop and implement other prestige trees, then make new trees that explore other areas that are in addition to the 2-3 core ability trees. Thus expanding the amount of trees from say 2-3 to 3-5.

    So for the monk the first core enhancement trees focus on hand-to-hand or weapons with the mystical side mainly sticking to physical enhancements something like this:


    Then later on after the core enhancements move to things like this:


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