let me know
let me know
Just wanted to mention there is no insightful stunning item in random loot.
What you're looking for would be combat mastery items that provide an insight bonus to tactical DCs (not insightful combat mastery, simple combat mastery).
My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts
My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts
Brannigan, I just looted an insightful stunning +4 battleaxe. Other features: +5, cold iron, combustion 92, deadly +5. ML 16. Almost makes me want to role up another stunning blow based fighter and hunt demons. That was a fun life.
If you're interested, send Bhairava a message in game.
hi faltout - not sure if you will see this message, but I had a question - you mentioned in your reply: "not insightful combat mastery, simple combat mastery" -- were you saying that in order to get an actual INSIGHT bonus for tactical DC's that you need to find an random gen item that has the "warrior" prefix (which is supposed to give an Enhancement Bonus) instead of the "of combat mastery suffix" (which does mention giving an insightful bonus)?
I am just really confused because I have read different things in the forums about the type of bonus that the warrior prefix and "of combat mastery" suffix give, and whether or not they stack with each other, and people have also equipped them in front of me and found that they do not stack properly.
can anyone direct me to an authoritative guide for how the U29 random gen combat mastery items are working/stacking?
"warrior's" prefix states that it provides enhancement bonus to tactical DCs, but it provides insightful instead. Reason for that is that there is no other bonus other than insightful when it comes to combat mastery.
Name is exceptional combat mastery? -> insightful bonus
insightful combat mastery? -> insightful bonus
quality combat mastery? -> insightful bonus
combat mastery? -> insightful bonus.
As such, none of these stack together.
Yes, I saw that. I stand corrected. However, as mentioned in the thread this was posted, insightful stunning would not stack with combat mastery that has higher bonus.
My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts
wow brannigan - yeah that is an awesome item. is that the item that you ended up getting?
and thank you Faltout for the clarification - okay. I see.
I am curious Brannigan though if you could confirm that - if you have those gloves with the insightful stunning +7, are you finding that it does NOT stack at all with your combat mastery items? (providing that you have a combat mastery +7 or higher item equipped)
It wont stack with Combat mastery at all, Combat mastery although listed as an enhancement bonus is actually giving an insight bonus, as the insightful stunning is an insight bonus with wont give any benefit as I am wearing a CM + 12 item until Combat mastery is fixed.