Historically, Air Savant was your best choice for a pure epic sorc: KD immunity + Wind Dance were major survivability perks and electric spells had the best burst DPS, IIRC. Take Fire or Water Savant as your backup depending on content, gear, or other considerations. [E.g., you said you wanted a pure sorc, but a sorc 18 / FvS 2 split has synergies between Fire Savant + AoV perks, esp. when you can twist Empyrean Magic as well.]
Downsides to Air Savant: you're more dependent on spells w/Reflex saves and there are a fair number of electric-immune endgame mobs these days. Lots of people still gravitate towards Shiradi builds, simply because it's the easiest way of prolonging your SPs and getting more oomph from your spells, particularly the AoE / multi-proc ones.