Core Abilities
01: Crusader -- +2 melee/ranged power per core ability taken, including this one.
03: Retribution -- +1 to hit and damage for 3 seconds every time you are struck. Stacks up to 10 times. Hitting an opponent
clears the stack, as does timer expiration.
06: Sight Beyond Sight -- Immunity to Blindness; True Seeing
12: Deathless -- Deathblock
18: Aura of Command -- Toggle: Enemies around you must save vs. a greater command spell cast at your character level at
regular intervals.
20: Divine Alacrity -- +15% Divine Bonus to melee/ranged attack speed; +2 WIS; +2 CON
Tier 1:
Bulwark of the Faithful (2 AP) -- +5 HP/SP per Godhand core ability.
Grace of the Hand (2 AP) -- +2% spell critical chance.
Command (1/1/1 AP) -- You gain the spell Command as an innate, spell-like ability. (10/6/3 SP ; cooldown 12/8/4 sec.)
Fervor (1/1/1 AP) -- +1/+2/+3 Will saves.
Rising Might (2 AP) -- On critical, gain +1 STR for 30 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times. Timer is reset to 30
seconds on critical. Entire stack is removed on timer expiration.
Tier 2:
Will of the Hand (2 AP) -- +3 melee/ranged power.
Efficient Empower Spell (2/2/2 AP) -- Empower Metamagic costs 2/4/6 fewer SP.
Attack Power Boost (1/1/1 AP) -- 10/20/30 Melee/Ranged Power for 30 seconds. Cooldown 30 seconds. 5 uses per rest.
Smite Thee (2 AP) -- On vorpal, opponent must make a balance check or be knocked prone for 3 seconds.
Grace's Bounty (1/1/1 AP)-- On spell critical, you gain 3/6/10 temporary SP.
Tier 3:
Grace of the Hand (2 AP) -- +2% spell critical chance.
Greater Command (1/1/1 AP) -- You gain the spell Greater Command as an innate, spell-like ability. (10/6/3 SP ; cooldown
12/8/4 sec.)
Efficient Maximize Spell (2/2/2 AP) -- Maximize Spell costs 3/6/9 fewer SP.
Wisdom or Constitution (2 AP) -- +1 WIS or CON.
Haste Boost (1/1/1 AP) -- +10%/+15%/+20% Action Boost bonus to melee and ranged attack speed for 30 seconds. cooldown 30
Tier 4:
Will of the Hand (2 AP) -- +3 melee/ranged power.
Wisdom or Constitution (2 AP) -- +1 WIS or CON.
Odds Bodkins (1/1/1 AP) -- creatures striking you suffer -1/-2/-3 to all saves for 10 seconds. This effect stacks up to
5 times.
Light of Day (2 AP) -- Single target positive energy spells you cast have a 33% chance to instead be AoE at no extra cost.
Fourth Chorus (2 AP) -- You gain the slippery mind feat.
Tier 5:
Essence of the Hand (1/1/1 AP) -- .5W/1W/1.5W to all weapons and unarmed. This effect is doubled on two-handed weapons.
All Will Fall (2 AP) -- One target falls prone for 10 seconds. No save. Does not affect bosses. Cooldown 10 seconds.
Titan's Might (2 AP) -- Rising Might lasts 60 seconds and stacks up to 20 times.
Zealous Swath (2/2/2 AP) -- Attack all opponents in a half-arc around you at +1W/+2W/+3W damage. On critical, target
is knocked down for 3 seconds (no save)