I find it interesting that one point that appears to keep coming up is that these quests take a long time.

Last night I did and completed all 3 of these quests.

I did Blown To Bits when I was Level 18 (Holding leveling). LFM up received 4 hits, one asked if they could use a hire.

Capped XP so I to a break. Friend Asked me to help out on a Reaver's Fate run so I held taking any levels as they were running max level 18.

Came back after leveling to 20, put up LFM for Power Play and Filled Just as I entered the Quest, after completion did Schemes of the Enemy

I would say all three quests took a total of 60 minutes combined.

Blown To Bits we did all but the Bombardier optional - We did blow up the crate and DDoor'd out
Power Play we did all the optional
Schemes of the Enemy we did the puzzle wheel and the floor puzzle instead of beating down the Adimantine turbines

The thing is much like any quest the more you run it the faster you get at completing it.