Had occasion to play House C Manufactory quests a few times over the last few weeks, been a while since I ran them, I'd forgotten just how good they are.
The explorer area is incredibly atmospheric even though its not too big, with the first appearance of the narrated scroll explorer mechanic - also done really well, by the way. LoB is a menacing presence throughout, House C have clearly been messing with stuff they shouldn't be and for entirely the wrong reasons... its all great. The rest of the zone has things for trappers and locksmiths, funky lifts and even some relatively challenging fights (at least right at level and if you don't know what's coming).
The quests also look great, they have interesting objectives and ways of achieving them, heck:
- there's an escort quest that works, with a kick ass end fight and several ingeniously dangerous trap sections and hidden stuff everywhere.
- alternating silliness and seriousness in Blown to Bits (optionals are srs bzniss in there, that's for sure, and it has one of the best antizerg mechanics in the game - get your timing wrong and BOOM)
- Schemes of the Enemy is a masterclass in DDO quest design, with the option to skip two dangerous encounters safely... one with the right rogue skills, the other merely at the cost of time and boredom. The fights are pretty tough thanks to the mix of mobs and the spells that are getting laid down (ooh, you artificers and your lightning spheres! Why I oughtta...).. and then the end fight of teleporting cannon goodness, where the right mix of melee and ranged will win the day far better and faster than just one or the other.
Other than that, Please fix the death animations (or lack of).
The only change I would make is a fast travel to the raids once you've fully explorerd the raid explorer areas - if only to try to get the raid going again. From the videos I've seen, both raids are similarly masterclasses, in particular the Lord of Blades. You should get epic versions of those done, pronto.
Very much more like this please.
Not necessarily Cannith stuff (though I wouldn't say no, those art resources are amazing and I'm always good with more eberron content), but this is the kind of DDO sundae I like: One healthy scoop of Distinctive/archetypal look and feel mixed up with several different flavours of quest design (and their lovely different flavours all nice and physically close to each other), sat on plate with a beautifully decorated and balanced explorer area with a couple of nice fat glistening raids on top, with a puzzle box on the side you have to solve to get at your spoon and the whole thing liberally scattered with traps.
And barely a 'kill all to proceed' mechanic in sight.