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  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Default FvS Update coming but still no sign of Cleric Update:

    The Favored of....Feats can surely be updated during the FvS Update right?

    Favored of The Lord of Blades
    Lvl 1 - +1 attck and Damage with Greatswords, +1 Stacking Evocation Focus
    Lvl 4 - +2 attck and Damage with Greatswords
    Lvl 8 - +3 attck and Damage with Greatswords {these would be +1,+1,+1 to add up to 3 total not +1,+2,+3 for 6 total}.
    Lvl 12 - Change Crit Threat Range to 18/20x2 {Stacks with Improved Crit Feat}.
    Lvl 16 - Change Crit Damage to x3

    Favored of The Sovereign Host, +1 Stacking Enchantment Focus
    Lvl 1,4,8, 12, 16 - same as LoB but with Long Swords

    Favored of Amaunator
    Lvl 1,4,8 - Same as LoB but with Morningstars AND Hvy Maces, +1 Stacking Evocation Focus.
    Lvl 12 - Change Crit Threat Range to 19/20x2 {Stacks with Imp Crit}
    Lvl 16 - Change Crit Threat Range and Dmg to 18/20x3 {Stacks with Imp Crit}

    Vulkoor, Silver Flame - See above to work out weapon buffs.
    Lvl 1 - +1 Stacking Necro Focus.

    Favored of Moradin
    Dwarf only
    Lvl 1 - Free Feat - Warhammer, +1 Stacking Conjuration Focus.
    Lvl 4 - +2 Attck and Damage.
    Lvl 8 - +3 Attack and Damage. {These stack for total of +5}
    Lvl 12 - Change Crit Threat Range to 19/20x3
    Lvl 16 - Change Crit Threat Range to 18/20x3

    Favored of Callarduran Smoothhands
    Gnome and Svirfneblin only
    Lvl 1 - +1 Attck and Damage with Light Hammers and Light Picks, +1 Stacking Conjuration Focus.
    Lvl 4 - +2 Attck and Damage with Light Hammers and Light Picks
    Lvl 8 - +3 Attck and Damage with Light Hammers and Light Picks {These do stack to +6 total}.
    Lvl 12 - Change Crit Threat Ranges to 19-20x2 and 19-20x4
    Lvl 16 - Change Crit Threat Range and Dmg for Light Hammers to 18/20x3 {Light Pick stays the same as Lvl 12}.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    In general, I'm a fan. I like the addition of Necro, Enchant, Evo, and Conj foci for the deity feats. It won't do a lot endgame, but it at least feels like it's throwing a bone to FvS casters.

    Regarding the weapon buffs, I'm a little worried due to how this might stack with other classes out there. I'd assume these modifications will take the form of "+1 to Crit Range/Multiplier," which will go a long way towards equalizing Warpriest melee.

    Level 16 crit profiles are less worrisome because the only 4-level splash that can increase crit profiles is Swashbuckler, and this will only apply to Gnomes. More on this later.

    Level 12 crit profiles including Improved Critical:
    Greatsword: 16-20 x2
    Longsword: 16-20 x2
    Morningstar / Heavy Mace: 18-20 x2 (Seems a little backloaded - these get +1 to range AND multiplier with the level 16 feat? Especially given how few named Morningstars and Maces are out there, you could push this to a base of 18-20)
    Light Hammer: 18-20 x2 (Also seems a little backloaded, but doesn't necessarily need the change due to my thoughts below)
    Light Pick: 18-20 x4

    Gnomes can get +1 to Range with Light Picks (Competence) with 17 points spent and some damage boosts along the way, which isn't gamebreaking but sounds pretty appealing for a Warpriest, depending on what the 3rd FvS tree looks like.

    With 8 levels to play with, the only crit profile improvements that come to mind are Barbarian trees, Kensei, Warchanter and Swashbuckler. Barbarian isn't a huge problem, as the enhancement lines are all pretty backloaded in power and you can't cast spells while raged. OS pushes it to +1 at 19-20, FB gives +2 at 19-20 while raged, and Ravager gives +2 to range while raged (Competence bonus).

    Kensei gives +1 to Multiplier with an 11-point investment, and Stalwart Defender is pretty appealing for a melee as-is. With Keen Edge, you can get another +1 to range (Competence).

    Swashbuckler is the other one that worries me - +1 to range with Light Picks, +2 to range and +1 to multiplier with Light Hammers (both Competence). While this is an extreme example, consider a SWF FvS 16 / Bard 3 / 1 X with a LGS light hammer (or that one from the anniversary party). Loads of spells and spell points, lots of goodies from Warpriest and/or the new tree (hopefully), good dodge and decent PRR from a buckler, a minimum of stats to worry about (Str and Cha + Divine Might) and a crit profile of 16-20 x4 that can reach barbarian status with OC + Pulverizer + Devastating Critical. While you won't have that many feats left for metamagics, you could still wreak havoc with spells on top of this, or just tank up with Shield Mastery feats.

    I guess I've been a bit long-winded, but I wanted to justify the alarm bells that were going off in my head. My solution? Just make the feats grant Competence bonuses. That'll remove the Barbarian threats, disincentivize Keen Edge and keep Swashbuckler from exploiting like none other.

  3. #3
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Default Pushin wisdom conversion

    One way to unfavor the splash would be to bump it up a level.
    Instead, grant at 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.
    This would make pure the way to go and avoid splash exploit...
    (even though I'm a fan of overpowering divines)

    But I would like to add,
    What the game hasn't seen,
    Is wisdom to dam/hit.

    I've proposed adding it to the warpriest tree.
    I've proposed a new tree, Silver Flame

    Either way, it would put divines back in the spotlight.

    Idk what the devs got up their sleeves, I can only suggest what I would like to see
    And what seems to make sense

    They may be holding onto this idea and will roll it out how they see fit

    It would be a game changer, and why not OP divines?
    If they new tree it, it would be available across the board, and
    Monks and Druids would advantage, as well maybe aa rangers.
    And who knows what kind of monsters it would spawn?

    I'm all for favored weapons for souls
    And suggestions look good.

    The rise of the clerics are coming,
    I can feel it...
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  4. #4
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    One way to unfavor the splash would be to bump it up a level.
    Instead, grant at 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.
    This would make pure the way to go and avoid splash exploit...
    (even though I'm a fan of overpowering divines)
    This would be ok but I want Clerics and Souls choosing to use that Heavy Mace/Morningstar or whatever their favoured weapon is at Lvl 1 and continuing to use it throughout their lifetime {pre TR}.

    +1 to hit/damage and to one Spell Focus isn't overpowered even at lvl 1.

    I thought about adding in something at Lvl 20 for Pures but I realise the Devs don't want to make a Class that HAS to be Pure {Maybe add another +1 Spell Focus and +2 Spell Pen at 20? This will help Melee Builds not be so far behind Caster builds that casting spells is basically pointless}.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    But I would like to add,
    What the game hasn't seen,
    Is wisdom to dam/hit.

    I've proposed adding it to the warpriest tree.
    I've proposed a new tree, Silver Flame

    Either way, it would put divines back in the spotlight.
    I want it in Core 1 Warpriest!

    Also I want TU changed back to Wis Based with Force of Personality updated to allow Paladins to use Cha for Turning purposes.

    And Radiant Aura moved from RS Tier 5 to Core 4.

    But apart from adding Wis to Warpriest Core 1 these are Cleric specific and will have to wait for the long long long awaited Cleric Pass!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    I'm all for favored weapons for souls
    And suggestions look good.
    Thank You.

    But these would hopefully be for Clerics and Paladins too as both get Favoured Weapons. {The Pally Bonuses could be given at higher levels and not include the highest bonus just like Pally Spells.}.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    The rise of the clerics are coming,
    I can feel it...
    One day Hopefully!

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    The main two things I want to see with the cleric pass when they do get around to it...

    1) More deities, more options for deity weapons

    2) Domains - Based on deity chosen

    Possibly add feat that can open another domain.

    Feat Practiced Spell Caster

  6. #6
    Community Member Selvera's Avatar
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    Wisdom to hit already exists in the game.
    Wisdom to damage doesn't, making having wisdom to hit rather useless in the vast majority of cases (I've seen a grand total of 1 suggested build that uses wis to hit due to this fact).

    As for the feats regarding weapons, I've made my suggestions regarding this a few times, and I tend to favor different feats for the different weapons, not just the same feat renamed a bunch of times that works for different weapons. My suggested feats go something like this (all of them fully stacking with everything, but only if the favored weapon is equipped):

    Lord of Blades (Great sword):
    Level 1: +1 to hit and damage, +1 DC of Evocation
    Level 3: +1 to hit, +2 damage
    Level 6: Bladesworn Transformation
    Level 12: +1 to hit, +3 damage
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Adamantine, +1 DC of Evocation

    Silver Flame (Longbow):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 DC of Conjuration
    Level 3: +1 to hit and damage, +1 heal skill and +1 universal spell power
    Level 6: Silver Flame Exorcism
    Level 12: +1 to hit and damage, +2 heal skill and +2 universal spell power
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Silver, +1 DC of Conjuration

    Sovereign Host (Longsword):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 DC of Enchantment
    Level 3: +1 to hit and damage, +2 melee power and prr (if at least one longsword is equipped, offhand also gains hit/damage, but doesn't stack more melee power and prr)
    Level 6: Unyielding Soverignty
    Level 12: +1 to hit and damage, all equipped long-swords gain the vorpal ability.
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Cold iron or Silver, +1 DC of Enchantment

    Unyielding Court (Scimitar):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 DC of Necromancy
    Level 3: +1 hit and damage, +2 dodge
    Level 6: Undying Call
    Level 12: +1 hit and damage, +2 dodge
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Cold iron, +1 DC of Necromancy

    Vulkoor (Shortsword):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 SR (stacking with racial)
    Level 3: +1 to hit and damage, +5% doublestrike (and offhand doublestrike)
    Level 6: Vulkoors Avatar (This could be buffed to scale with level)
    Level 12: +1 to hit and damage, +5% doublestrike (and offhand doublestrike)
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Good, +2 SR (Stacking with racial)

    Amaunator (Heavy Mace):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 DC of evocation
    Level 3: +2 to hit, +1d6 fire damage on hit (scaling with fire spell power) and all heavy maces equipped do not take damage (same as everbright)
    Level 6: Amaunator's Brilliance
    Level 12: +3 to hit, +2d6 fire damage on hit (scaling with fire spell power), deal 4d10 fire damage on critical hit (scaling with spellpower)
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Silver, +1 DC of evocation
    Note: The fire damage on hit is specific to heavy maces melee attacks, this isn't a Shiradi build.

    Reasons: It makes the weapons feel more unique, it helps balance out some of the weaker weapons, it follows + keeps a lot of the good work from previously (the level 6 feats)

  7. #7
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Selvera View Post
    Wisdom to hit already exists in the game.
    Wisdom to damage doesn't, making having wisdom to hit rather useless in the vast majority of cases (I've seen a grand total of 1 suggested build that uses wis to hit due to this fact).

    As for the feats regarding weapons, I've made my suggestions regarding this a few times, and I tend to favor different feats for the different weapons, not just the same feat renamed a bunch of times that works for different weapons. My suggested feats go something like this (all of them fully stacking with everything, but only if the favored weapon is equipped):

    Lord of Blades (Great sword):
    Level 1: +1 to hit and damage, +1 DC of Evocation
    Level 3: +1 to hit, +2 damage
    Level 6: Bladesworn Transformation
    Level 12: +1 to hit, +3 damage
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Adamantine, +1 DC of Evocation

    Silver Flame (Longbow):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 DC of Conjuration
    Level 3: +1 to hit and damage, +1 heal skill and +1 universal spell power
    Level 6: Silver Flame Exorcism
    Level 12: +1 to hit and damage, +2 heal skill and +2 universal spell power
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Silver, +1 DC of Conjuration

    Sovereign Host (Longsword):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 DC of Enchantment
    Level 3: +1 to hit and damage, +2 melee power and prr (if at least one longsword is equipped, offhand also gains hit/damage, but doesn't stack more melee power and prr)
    Level 6: Unyielding Soverignty
    Level 12: +1 to hit and damage, all equipped long-swords gain the vorpal ability.
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Cold iron or Silver, +1 DC of Enchantment

    Unyielding Court (Scimitar):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 DC of Necromancy
    Level 3: +1 hit and damage, +2 dodge
    Level 6: Undying Call
    Level 12: +1 hit and damage, +2 dodge
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Cold iron, +1 DC of Necromancy

    Vulkoor (Shortsword):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 SR (stacking with racial)
    Level 3: +1 to hit and damage, +5% doublestrike (and offhand doublestrike)
    Level 6: Vulkoors Avatar (This could be buffed to scale with level)
    Level 12: +1 to hit and damage, +5% doublestrike (and offhand doublestrike)
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Good, +2 SR (Stacking with racial)

    Amaunator (Heavy Mace):
    Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 DC of evocation
    Level 3: +2 to hit, +1d6 fire damage on hit (scaling with fire spell power) and all heavy maces equipped do not take damage (same as everbright)
    Level 6: Amaunator's Brilliance
    Level 12: +3 to hit, +2d6 fire damage on hit (scaling with fire spell power), deal 4d10 fire damage on critical hit (scaling with spellpower)
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Silver, +1 DC of evocation
    Note: The fire damage on hit is specific to heavy maces melee attacks, this isn't a Shiradi build.

    Reasons: It makes the weapons feel more unique, it helps balance out some of the weaker weapons, it follows + keeps a lot of the good work from previously (the level 6 feats)
    These are simply too weak.

    It's the same problem we have right now - These wouldn't come close to equalizing Clerics/Souls and even Paladins with their Favoured Weapon vs one who used a High Crit Profile weapon!

    The Point of the Favored of.... Feats is to make the Favoured Weapon viable and therefore we absolutely need the Crit Profiles augmented {Lvl 12 and 16 would avoid splashes and broken builds}.

    I forgot about the likes of Bladesworn Transformation but with my 1, 4, 8, 12, 16 system they could stay as free Lvl 6 Feats {most of them are pretty weak {Silver Flame Exorcism, Avatar of Vulkoor} or ludicrously niche {Yes I'm looking at you...Unyielding Sovereignty - Seriously when have you ever had the need to use this? It's cooldown makes it a last ditch save only! And chances are more than 75% of it's healing potential is wasted!}.

  8. #8
    Community Member Selvera's Avatar
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    As far as I can tell:

    Greatswords are viable and commonly used.
    Longbows are viable and commonly used.

    Longswords are not.
    My proposal gives them (effectively free) +3 to hit, +2 damage, +2 melee power, +2 prr and vorpal (+0.5[w] and 20= +100 damage). Is this too weak to make clerics/favored souls/paladins at least consider using a longsword? What if the totals were +3, hit, damage, +5 melee power and prr. Gains vorpal, and vorpal threat range expanded to 19-20?

    Scimitars are viable, and commonly used.

    Shortswords are not.
    My proposal gives them (effectively free) +3 hit, +2 damage, +10% doublestrike and offhand doublestrike. Is a 5-10% increase in damage from extra attacks really worse then a +1 critical profile offered by scimitars/rapiers?

    Heavy maces are one of the worst weapons in the game.
    My proposal gives them an extra 3d6 fire damage on hit and 4d10 fire damage on crit, all scaling with spellpower. (Along with a total of +6 to hit, so that they can use that on hit buff). This gives them comparable elemental damage on a crit to an arcane archer, for the cost of 2 feats which are auto granted to favored souls. It's also on a class which has a better spell selection to benefit from that spell-power. Are Heavy maces so bad that even with this buff they're not good enough? Maybe... Perhaps it should be this much damage of EACH fire and light damage, both scaling with 150% spellpower (with 400 spell-power and improved critical that's an average of 170 damage per swing, or 155 without improved crit.)

    And while I appreciate you put some thought into your post, it sort of sounded to me to sound like:
    Favored weapons should have a critical profile of 18-20 x3, which is better then the critical profile of any weapon in the game, therefore they will be used by the races/classes that get them as a favored weapon. Also let's give them some casting bonuses. All favored weapons should be the same.

    Critical profiles aren't the only way a weapon can be viable. Nor is it the only way damage scales late game. Shuricannons can teach you a lot about how crit profiles don't matter all that much. You CAN get an 17-20 x3 crit profile on shruiken, but you'll likely end up doing more damage with a 18-20 x2 (or even 19-20 x2) crit profile, because of the other bonuses you can get by giving up the better profile.

    I'm trying to give different weapons their unique strengths to make them viable. What I'm striving towards is:
    Greatswords hit hard and proc glancing blows, which are awesome.
    Longbows can use multishot and IPC and make for very good arcane archers.
    Long-swords give better defense and are able to cut through low health mobs effectively. They should also work well with shields in the offhand.
    Scimitars have a good critical profile, making them a great weapon to deal with enemies with low fortification.
    Short swords have competitive DPS which is less dependent on critically mobs and more dependent on activating on hit procs, and carries synergies with dual wielding them.
    Heavy Maces are for casters who want to still be able to hit sort of hard without having to invest in melee that much. It has synergy with the warpriest enhancement line, which grants (and uses) fire/light spell powers.

    I also think it's a good idea to keep the interesting/unique level 6 active feats granted by the deities, since these are flavorful and sometimes powerful enough to plan into a build. Some of them could use a buff however. For similar reasons I kept in the level 20 feats, but gave them a useful buff of +1 DC (I liked your DC ability, so I adapted it to my proposed feats).

    With my proposed changes Melee favored souls will still probably multiclass, since 10 DR isn't a huge game changer by level 20+, this isn't a change from what was happening before. However, perhaps the level 20 feat, in addition to giving DR and DC, also gave another bonus like the level 12 one (an alternate suggestion to make them more powerful). It could be something like this:

    Lord of Blades (Great sword):
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Adamantine, +1 DC of Evocation, +1 hit, +4 damage.

    Silver Flame (Longbow):
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Silver, +1 DC of Conjuration, +1 to hit and damage, +3 heal skill and +3 universal spell power

    Sovereign Host (Longsword):
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Cold iron or Silver, +1 DC of Enchantment, +1 to hit and damage, +5AC, PRR and MRR. +10% chance to make a secondary shield bash (if a shield is equipped in the off hand).

    Unyielding Court (Scimitar):
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Cold iron, +1 DC of Necromancy, Seeker +2 (stacking with all other seeker bonuses), dodge 2

    Vulkoor (Shortsword):
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Good, +2 SR (Stacking with racial), +10% Melee attack speed.

    Amaunator (Heavy Mace):
    Previous enhancements: were I said "deal fire damage" instead "deal each of fire and light damage" -> effectively doubling the bonus damage of the previous tiers.
    Level 20: Damage reduction 10: Silver, +1 DC of evocation, +4 to hit, +1d6 fire and light damage on hit (scaling with spell power), +2d10 fire and light damage on a critical hit (scaling with spell power), 10 fire spell power, 10 light spell power.
    Last edited by Selvera; 06-01-2016 at 02:45 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member KomradKillMachine's Avatar
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    Lighten up, Francis!

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