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DDO has (recently) tried to even the playing field by downplaying Strength. I get the idea of having Dex be the primary stat and the more dextrous among us might get 150% stat damage by careful blow placement. I even get the idea of doing the same with Int. When Cha got the nod (PDK Iconics), imo things started to get nonsensical. "I'll hit you with my self-image and leadership!" So you're right. I have a narrower view than DDO's apparent current direction, which appears to be trying to level the playing field by making all stats equal on the battlefield as primary combat stats.
In reality, DDO's implementation of handwraps and unarmed fighting is probably more like boxing than like any other martial art. As alluded to previously, most martial arts use more, not fewer, body parts in attacks. However, that only supports my contention that SWF is ridiculous in this realm. SWF was supposed to bring to mind rapier and epee dueling: A single lightweight weapon in one hand that gets all the focus and thus attacks faster. Adding an orb or buckler to the other hand wasn't too much a perversion of the idea. But suggesting that any martial art is similar in form.. is.