Good to hear that you are still working on game performance issues. Likewise, new content based on classic modules sounds appealing. I've said everything I can about the Cannith Crafting update without more details forthcoming from you guys. Really awesome to hear that monk and favored soul are next on the class revamp docket. I hope Artificer and Druid are close behind.
I think open enhancement trees are very fun even if I only use them on a few alts; I think more options are good. Happy to hear events will continue to be improved and brought back, thank you. Augments revamped like Legendary Green Steel? I do not have positive feelings about this idea. What we've been asking for is for some new augments to be created (dodge, speed, seeker, etc) and for some existing augments (mostly colorless) to have their minimum level reduced to reflect how far they've been left behind by changes to random loot.
But a resounding HUZZAAH! to Aasimar and Tiefling. I've said my bit before but I'll toss out a reminder of my opinions and suggestions on the subject.
Races: (Using for reference the books Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and Races of Faerun)
Planar Races Bundle
Aasimar: +2 Wis & +2 Cha, inherent 5 resistance to acid, cold, elec, racial/inherent +2 bonus to spot and listen. (The spell Light does not exist in DDO, though it would be useful in places.)
Appearance: Human, maybe with more elven like ears. Unusual (for human) skin colors - shades of green (planetar ancestor), silvery or golden skin or eyes (solar ancestor), various iridescent pastels such as lavender, periwinkle, seafoam (couatl or lillend ancestor). Unusual eye colors - aforementioned solar example, glowing opalescent eyes (ghaele ancestor).
Several unique hairstyles - I would suggest two scale-like hairstyles for couatl or lillend ancestors, and two hairstyles with feathers for avoral, archon, astral deva and solar ancestry.
With the exception of the unique hairstyles and one glowing eye option, most of the cosmetics could be accomplished with a simple expanded color palette for the hair and eye choices of the human.
Tiefling: +2 Dex & +2 Int & -2 Cha, inherent 5 resistance to cold, fire, & elec, racial/inherent +2 bonus to bluff and hide. (The spell Darkness does not exist in DDO, some fog spells are used similarly.)
We Do NOT Need Tails On Our PC Tieflings.
Would it be cool? Sure. Is it so necessary that it will affect my choice to spend money? Absolutely not. Keep in mind, the NPC tieflings we fight in-game do NOT have tails. This does not bother me at all. That being said, we MUST have horns.
Appearance: Human. Unusual (for human) skin colors - various reds (demon, or devil ancestor), hot pink (succubus), various blacks (demon, or devil ancestor), various blues (night hag ancestor.)
Unusual (for human) eye colors - various reds, including one glowing red option (demon, or devil or night hag), various yellows/oranges (rakshasa ancestor).
Choice of horns, please have some horns that point forward (like most NPC tieflings) and some horn options that curve backward (like the succubus) perhaps with a color palette to match or contrast with skin or eyes.
A couple of scale-like hairstyles (demon or devil ancestry) perhaps identical to the Aasimar scaled hairstyles but obviously limited to the Tiefling hair color palette. Do not let the helmet/horn issue be the reason we do not have Tieflings. I will want to see my horns more than I will want to see a helmet. I usually have helms toggled off for all my characters, anyway.