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  1. #1
    Community Member Skorj1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Unhappy Failed to start rendering system

    Trying to get DDO working on a Windows 8.1 laptop. Working fine for me right now on a different Win7 machine.

    TurbineLauncher.exe (what the shortcut runs) works fine - put in my username and password, patch, select server - everything good up to that point. But when I click "Play", no game client. The tail of the dndclient.log is:

    000000000.000: Initializing display with title 'Dungeons and Dragons Online'...
    000000000.000: Device_WIN32::Init: called.
    000000000.000: Device_WIN32::InitDEVICE|  Detected operating system: Windows 7
    000000000.000: Failed to start rendering system.
    000000000.000: Device_WIN32::Cleanup: called.
    So it looks like dndclient.exe is running, then giving up. Things I've tried include putting the exes to run as Admin, and putting them in Win7 compatibility mode.

    Anyone already figured this out?

  2. #2
    Community Member Ellihor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    I have the same issue. Log in, choose server, and it opens dndclient.exe, but the screen stays black and nothing happens. Windows 8.1 laptop

    Edit: downloaded a package that the launcher was trying to install every time I ran it, but it didn't work. It was a micrsoft package, I don't remember what exactly, but I downloaded it directly from the microsoft site, and then installed, and now it works.
    Last edited by Ellihor; 06-17-2016 at 10:06 PM.
    Ex player. This game had it's peak fun in 2011. After that, 2018. The rest is nostalgia from these 2 eras. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had some fun with MotU and in eGH, thought.

  3. #3


    Sometimes this can be fixed by deleting or renaming the UserPreferences.ini in your Documents/DDO folder. There's a graphics setting that's messed up and it's barfing. The game will recreate the ini file with default settings.

    There are other times this can be fixed by copying the contents of the "[install_location:]Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online\backup" folder to "[install_location:]Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online" (essentially copy the files one directory up the chain) and letting the game reapply the last patch on start.

    Then there are those times when you have to install the DX9 Runtime on Windows 8.x to get it to work.

    And as a last resort: Uninstall the whole thing. Delete EVERYTHING related to DDO; Game install folder, Documents/DDO folder and [root_drive]:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\Turbine (hidden directory); Then follow Stoner81's custom installation directions.

    Hope one of these fixes your issue.
    The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it. - Edward R. Murrow (1964)

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