Bladeforged 17 Warlock/3 Paladin Enlightened Spirit Aura Tank
/!\This build is by no means completely original./!\
This version is with the tomes I currently have, it was intended to be done with atleast +3 to all stats, but I couldn't get that, so I had to make do. This can be done as really any character. Drow is nice for extra stats for Charisma and Intelligence, so you save points there, and only need to worry about Constitution. If I was Completionist I may have tried human, and taken Completionist feat to put it on par with drow, Charisma and Intelligence.
Level 30 Lawful Good Bladeforged Female
(3 Paladin \ 17 Warlock \ 10 Epic)
Starting Ability Stats
Strength 8
Dexterity 6
Constitution 18 (+7 Level Ups)
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 6
Charisma 17
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Strength
+3 Tome of Dexterity
+3 Tome of Constitution
+2 Tome of Intelligence
+1 Tome of Wisdom
+3 Tome of Charisma
Leveling Guide
Level 1 (Paladin)
Level 2 (Paladin)
Level 3 (Paladin)
Level 4 (Warlock)
Level 5 (Warlock)
Level 6 (Warlock)
Level 7 (Warlock)
Level 8 (Warlock)
Level 9 (Warlock)
Level 10 (Warlock)
Level 11 (Warlock)
Level 12 (Warlock)
Level 13 (Warlock)
Level 14 (Warlock)
Level 15 (Warlock)
Level 16 (Warlock)
Level 17 (Warlock)
Level 18 (Warlock)
Level 19 (Warlock)
Level 20 (Warlock)
Balance 11, Concentration 23, Intimidate 23, Spellcraft 23, Perform 11, Tumble 1, UMD 12(More with better tomes)
(Level 1) Mithral Body
(Level 3) Shield Mastery
(Level 6) Maximize Spell
(Level 9) Empower Spell
(Level 12) Force of Personality
(Level 15) Improved Shield Mastery
(Level 18) Quicken Spell
(Level 21) Epic: Epic Eldritch Blast
(Level 24) Epic: Intensify Spell
(Level 26) ED: Arcane | Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
(Level 27) Epic: Epic Damage Reduction
(Level 28) ED: Toughness
(Level 29) ED: Divine | Deific Warding
(Level 30) Epic: Epic Toughness
Legendary: Scion of Celestia
Epic Destiny
Gear(Mostly Non-Raid for easier aquisition)
Epic Rod of Mythant
Epic Shield of Tireless Aid
Legendary Pansophic Circlet
Epic Lion's Mane
Legendary Empowered Dragonscale
Legendary Earthen Mantle
Epic Chord of Reprisals
Lantern Ring
Legendary Dashing Gloves
Orcish Privateer's Boots
Epic Ring of Unknown Origins(This is basically a free slot as it does very little)
Epic Inferno Bracers
Docent of the Celestial Sage
Epic Glimpse of the Soul
Legendary Heartwood(Good Alternative while farming Celestial Sage Docent, but you will need a Heavy Fort Augment somewhere.)