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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Any channels people socialize in?

    Hey Argo!

    So I've been back a week and doing my TR thing. Not as much fun doing it solo and slower than back in the day. Back in my time (as the old man speaks) there used to be a TR channel, people would talk, form group run TR trains etc. Anything like that currently? or maybe a way to find some people to run with while trying to TR. My memory of most quests is spotty but it comes back to me here and there. I'm usually on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 9-4 EST (no idea what GMT that is -5 maybe?). Just looking for new so lonely :-)

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Yep, still tonnes of channels around. The ones that I've met that are open to members have been to fill epic elite spots and more recently there is a vibe to fill legendary which I predict will start to flow in to the channel scene. I am not in a position to invite you to any so the only tip I will provide is to brush up on your knowledge of the content as the channel scene is very content completing focused.

    I wish you well in your search for new friends. It can take some time to connect with the playerbase though its still out there and very active.
    My active characters...
    Artrish - Completionist Melee | Arrix - Completion in progress caster | Yinaya - Multi Life ranged attack | Canhealio - Multi Life heal specialist | Charca - Multi Life Caster | Ahagart - Haggle bot | Samumule - Exp capped item storage

  3. #3
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    Yeah it was pretty much same back in the day. Needed to know who was who to get the invite to a channel. Fact is the people I knew who where the ones to know aren't around anymore.

    Either way, it is understandable and I'm pretty much into the TR thing now, running through content packing on some past lives on some old characters. It just gets boring doing it alone, and the LFM/PUG scene is pretty much dead. So I guess I need to come to terms that this is pretty much a single player game for the most part. Appreciate the reply though.

  4. #4
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stylez777 View Post
    Yeah it was pretty much same back in the day. Needed to know who was who to get the invite to a channel. Fact is the people I knew who where the ones to know aren't around anymore.

    Either way, it is understandable and I'm pretty much into the TR thing now, running through content packing on some past lives on some old characters. It just gets boring doing it alone, and the LFM/PUG scene is pretty much dead. So I guess I need to come to terms that this is pretty much a single player game for the most part. Appreciate the reply though.
    Other Servers have open Channels that anyone can join and are used by vets to help with getting groups together:
    Cannith - Cannithtrade
    Orien - Titan
    Sarlona - Defense and Help {Help is more about advising Newbies but the vets in it will use it to group up too.}
    Wayfinder - Wayfinderraids
    Khyber - Trades {Yeah it's pretty much dead but it is still available and some people do still use it}.

    But Argo, Ghallanda and Thelanis don't seem to have one of these {at least that I know of} - Just the closed Channels that you need to know the right person to get into.

    There is nothing stopping you from starting up an open Channel on Argo and advertising it in general chat as a Social Channel. {/joinchannel Social may even already be there as someone did try to start up Social Channels on multiple servers a while back.}.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Other Servers have open Channels that anyone can join and are used by vets to help with getting groups together:
    Cannith - Cannithtrade
    Orien - Titan
    Sarlona - Defense and Help {Help is more about advising Newbies but the vets in it will use it to group up too.}
    Wayfinder - Wayfinderraids
    Khyber - Trades {Yeah it's pretty much dead but it is still available and some people do still use it}.

    But Argo, Ghallanda and Thelanis don't seem to have one of these {at least that I know of} - Just the closed Channels that you need to know the right person to get into.

    There is nothing stopping you from starting up an open Channel on Argo and advertising it in general chat as a Social Channel. {/joinchannel Social may even already be there as someone did try to start up Social Channels on multiple servers a while back.}.
    Yeah it pretty sad state I see. 3-4 years ago it was much more social and easier to gather people to get things done. Now it just feels more like the elite just stick tho themselves and everyone just solo's everything because that is "the thing to do". Low level raids don't even happen. Couldn't get a Chronoscope, Tempest Spine or a Xorian Chiper of the ground. 4 days of trying and nothing. I guess I just miss the old days and coming back to this is just a bit saddening I suppose.

  6. #6
    Community Member Alkeyretard's Avatar
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    Default heyo

    I would love too join you guys if you decide too do any of the lower raids and or start a lvling group I am just returning as well and all my friends have quit playing . Give me a shout if you guys wanna team up either on steam my id is ADJ511986 (my acct is the pic on me and my sons) Or pm me here.

    Cheers guys

    Don't Run. Don't Run!!
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    For making this world we all love too get lost in

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Stylez777 View Post
    Hey Argo!

    So I've been back a week and doing my TR thing. Not as much fun doing it solo and slower than back in the day. Back in my time (as the old man speaks) there used to be a TR channel, people would talk, form group run TR trains etc. Anything like that currently? or maybe a way to find some people to run with while trying to TR. My memory of most quests is spotty but it comes back to me here and there. I'm usually on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 9-4 EST (no idea what GMT that is -5 maybe?). Just looking for new so lonely :-)
    Hey Stylesz!

    Tyrs Paladium runs the Ghallanda Fellowship. We are a VERY social alliance. In fact there IS a TR train leaving in a day or two

    Yes we are on Ghallanda but by the way you are talking, I think you'd really fit in. Come on over... take the plane to the train!!

    To do some homework:

    The Fellowship's Website (Where scheduled runs get posted and members fill out intros and hang out.)

    Tyrs Paladium Recruitment thread

    We are a renowned no drama guild that specializes in old school Camaraderie. Everyone knows everybody in Tyrs, it still feels like DDO is young... that's how much fun we have playing the game still. You will make new fiends here from Day One.

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
    No Drama. Cameraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!

    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | GHALLANDA GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!

  8. #8
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stylez777 View Post
    Hey Argo!

    So I've been back a week and doing my TR thing. Not as much fun doing it solo and slower than back in the day. Back in my time (as the old man speaks) there used to be a TR channel, people would talk, form group run TR trains etc. Anything like that currently? or maybe a way to find some people to run with while trying to TR. My memory of most quests is spotty but it comes back to me here and there. I'm usually on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 9-4 EST (no idea what GMT that is -5 maybe?). Just looking for new so lonely :-)
    The TR channel got polluted and was mostly abandoned. (trolls/noobs, people with attitude problems, etc.)
    People mostly run behind closed channels these days to filter out drama and people who don't like to contribute to quest (you know who you are!)
    i strongly suggest pugging and communicating with people in party, make sure people know who you are, what you are (returning) and what your goals are(joining a social channel), people will pick up on that.
    Or send me a pm with toon names and levels, i have 2 toons in the tr cycle atm.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stylez777 View Post
    Yeah it pretty sad state I see. 3-4 years ago it was much more social and easier to gather people to get things done. Now it just feels more like the elite just stick tho themselves and everyone just solo's everything because that is "the thing to do". Low level raids don't even happen. Couldn't get a Chronoscope, Tempest Spine or a Xorian Chiper of the ground. 4 days of trying and nothing. I guess I just miss the old days and coming back to this is just a bit saddening I suppose.
    Veterans often stick to themselves to avoid drama (seriously, i got scolded for having a 1000 hp at lv 12 by some angry first life pugger, ***?)
    I still pug everything from 2 to 20 (i solo Korthos because i get sick of the sunny/snowy side drama unless it's people i know)
    Why did you expect low level raids to fill?
    what are we supposed to get from it? Gear? you get better gear from trash these days, exp? faster exp in quests, the only positive thing is the lack of champions.
    In heroics i see von 5/6 and tempest spine fill regularly. (good exp/min)
    But heroic Chrono scope? really? bad exp and bound to account gear that a lv 30 alt can pick up?
    On Epic i see this get filled up once a week at least.
    Tempest spine gets me 4 to 6 people every time at lv 10 to 12, just like any other quest.
    On LE, i see this fill with guild&channel members twice during the weekday, a lot more during the loot weekend.
    Xorian cypher isn't a raid, has no useful loot anymore and is a f2p trap, i have dragged first life f2p soulstones around so often in there it got old real fast.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stylez777 View Post
    Yeah it was pretty much same back in the day. Needed to know who was who to get the invite to a channel. Fact is the people I knew who where the ones to know aren't around anymore.

    Either way, it is understandable and I'm pretty much into the TR thing now, running through content packing on some past lives on some old characters. It just gets boring doing it alone, and the LFM/PUG scene is pretty much dead. So I guess I need to come to terms that this is pretty much a single player game for the most part. Appreciate the reply though.
    Needed to know who was who to get the invite to a channel.
    This, this still applies, go play, go communicate, a community is a privilege that was earned.
    As for the lfm being dead, you can thank turbine, they recently moved the data centers, causing so much lag it became unplayable, driving of many people.
    But before that, people already started moving into closed communities to avoid drama.
    Also, the smaller community (compared to 5 years ago) is now spread over a larger level range.
    With epic past lives being so powerful, many people are there and got burned out.
    People might be on new alts, i recently went to an old toon turned into storage space and noticed it had mail from 2 returning players.

    another thing might be, some get tired of you.
    DDO has an habit of driving of it's players that later return.
    Some are years behind on the curve, not just in gear& past lives but on the changes of the game itself. (examples below)
    We help you guys farm gear, past lives, talk to you to bring you up to speed and many of them leave in a fit of rage for various reasons.(game too old, changed to much, would take to much effort to make your former lv cap 20 toons ready for current end game, etc)
    For years we took time and effort to bring returning players up to speed, that has changed for some veteran players, now they thing more in line of; you're back? fine now go prove yourself and come back in a few months because we're not putting in all that effort again for a player that already left the game (sometimes more than once). Cynical or realistic?

    Examples of returning players:
    2wf fav soul 18/monk 2 with greensteel khopeshes gets mauled in EE by trying to be a frontline melee
    2wf rog20 assassin, can't keep the agro of himself.
    cleric lv 18/2 monk gets mauled by mummies because he thinks turning them still works on EE/LE.
    Lv 20 barb epic2 (with no epic past life or twists) keeps dying over and over due to lack of a healer
    A number of Wizards raging over the insane amount of dc's and spell pen needed to get spells to work.
    and that's just the epic quests.

    In heroics i see far too many die by champions and in the newer quests, those that seem awkwardly balanced with huge packs of mobs with huge dps output.
    For this reason, ToEE and any of the newer quests with the newer abishai are a nightmare from them.
    Nothing worse for a wizard than opening a door and 25 mobs storm you, spamming aoe's that do 350 damage and you're stuck in a lag spike due to the mobs spawn.
    The huge mob hp bars also cause people to go angry/bored with content at a level that they normally could handle before they left.

    All of the people that i mentioned here left after returning, making my time with them a utter waste of time.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  9. #9
    Community Member Azithoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lyrecono View Post
    As for the lfm being dead, you can thank turbine, they recently moved the data centers, causing so much lag it became unplayable, driving of many people.
    This. i have played very little the last few months. when i log on i can't even get from one area to another. hell, logging on in general takes forever. absolutely stupid. seems to me the server change wasn't to a better one, but one for maintance mode.

    edit; i just logged off for this very reason after about fifteen minutes of trying to move. :/
    Last edited by Azithoth; 06-05-2016 at 11:16 PM.

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